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How do I get my kids out of this crazy sleep cycle?

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My 3 and 5 year olds are overtired a lot lately. They're finding it hard to get to sleep in the hot summer nights when it's bright until much later. Problem is, unlike my older kids (and baby) they still wake at 7am instead of sleeping in. Usually by noon they really need a short rest but if they rest too long they stay up late and the whole cycle continues.


Now, I'm left with a cranky, aggressive 3yo and a 5yo who is not much fun to be around. :(


How do I fix this? I want to have an relaxing summer and focus on the kids enjoying each other but they can't seem to do this when everyone is so tired.


I know I'm not the only one who's gone through this and there must be some of you wonderful ladies who have some good advice to share. What do I do?

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Blackout curtains. We're having the same issue and I'm really tempted to buy some.


One of the six year olds came downstairs an hour after I sent them to bed the other night with a lobbying stance that went:


H: yeah, uh, I can't sleep. It's still light outside. I think I'll just stay down here.

Me: I'm sorry. You may look at a book until it gets darker, but you have to stay in bed.

H: I think maybe I should just stay down here...

Me: go to bed

H: ...and watch some Jeopardy!


It was 9:00. And, also, they might have seen Jeopardy all of three times. Weirdo.

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Will they have a siesta in the afternoon. When mine were little they stayed up much later in the summer and still got up early. We took advantage of the early mornings to go to the park and ride bikes before it got too hot. In the afternoons we all had quiet time for two hours. Somedays they would sleep others just rest. We would go to the pool or have water play after siesta and after the worst of the sun around 4:00.

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I feel your pain. All three of mine do that. We live really close to a time zone change and it starts getting light here about 5:00 am. Guess what time they wake up? :rolleyes:


If we have been out late, they might sleep until 6:30 or so. And a nap really messes the older two up -- they will be up until 10 and still awake the next morning. Also, I hate laying the bigger ones down at 6:30 to go to sleep. They will go to sleep at that time if they have been up since early and going all day. I just want them to sleep in a bit, do the day, and then be able to stay up until 7:30 or 8 and we can enjoy the evening sometimes.


Thanks for the shade idea. It is worth a shot.



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My DS has been "too old" for a nap for a while now, yet he is a monster if he doesn't get a midday rest of some sort. I usually let him watch a show or two on pbs or color/build with blocks while I play an audiobook. I find that an hour or so of that helps him make it through the evening.

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Can you give them a cool bath, and a fan, and put a blanket over the window? I also turn down the air conditioning to about 68 around 2 hours before bed (and set it so it stays there until about midnight).


I used to give my dd a banana to eat in the early am, also--it kept her in bed an extra 20 mins or so! I would put it in before I went to bed, so she didn't eat it too soon.:001_smile:

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do you have a "waterplay" option? a wading pool, a bathtub, a sprinkler? if they get their hair wet, and their bodies cool, then sleeping is just easier.


the other thing would be to move to a summer schedule, that gives them the sleep they need, but at different times....


what would happen if they had a long siesta and then stayed up later when it was cool?


good luck - cranky is no fun!


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