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Who is a schooling GEEK?

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I swear, I am such a geek. I am SO excited for school to start! Anyone else with me?


I do let my kids have a summer vacation. Mostly, I like to try to experience as many camps as possible. I think summer is a great opportunity as homeschoolers to attend camps and get a daily social experience more similar to school while enjoying the outdoors. I barter my services as a counselor for free camp! We did 4 weeks of all-day camp (2 of religious camp, 2 of secular camp), 1 week visit from Grandma, 1 week of vacation. I've agreed to let my kids have the remaining 3 weeks of down time and resume a normal schooling routine on August 8th when area public schools start.


But, I can't WAIT! I just love educating my kids. :) Someone's gotta stop me before I spend another $100 on books or materials.

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I have kept up some school during summer too, even though we are "officially" on break. We have had 2 VBSs, 1 Dance Camp, 1 short day trip w/family to a historical site, 1 short mini vacation to an amusement park with another hs family, gardening and swimming and all of that. But mostly I have been mentally preparing and shopping for the new year. Now I have a room full of materials and supplies to organize. That is not the fun part. In between, when we have several days at home we have done a couple hrs of school a day.


I am even excited for co-op to start now, as I have a plan for teachiing my own class for the first time. I have been a co-teacher and helper before and now I can't wait to plan my own.

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I educate myself in the summer. :-)


I read like crazy and look up all kinds of interesting things and just generally collect knowledge. One thing I learned this summer: "Geek" originally meant a circus freak who bit the heads off chickens.


Know you know.


I'm also teachng myself how to make jewelry. I like having the summer off from regular teaching.

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I am really looking forward to fall. We haven't stopped school completely over the summer but we don't get as much done. Summer has been a good time to take advantage of opportunities that are not available during the school year...but I am ready to get back into our fall routine and looking forward to getting more academic work done. I have ordered everything and it is sitting and waiting for us to have time for it.

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Me! Me! Me!


I'm a total homeschool geek. Today I went to Lowe's and found wall board to make a 4' x 8' dry erase board. We moved our school room around this summer and now have the perfect place for this. I was so excited! I called dh to tell him I found just what I wanted and what I wanted to do with it and he said, "Ok, was there anything else you needed, I'm kind of busy.":svengo:


I have to come here to find other geeks like me so I don't feel totally weird.

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