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I should do a lot of gratuitous posting...

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I'm not a big Disney fan. I think my all time favorite Disney movie was Lady and the Tramp.


My favorite is Up. I was mad it didn't win best picture at the Oscars. I truly felt it deserved it.


Sometimes when DH messes up something of mine I'll tell him "You own me another acorn."



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Is your time zone set incorrectly? Or do you have daylight saving time turned off?


I have no idea. dh does stuff like that. He fixed it once and it went right back. Then he showed me how to fix it and fixed it again. And now I think it's messed up again because I'm pretty sure it's tomorrow already LOL.

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I see I missed out on a lot of gratuitous posting. :(


But it's late and time for me to go to bed. :( :(


Don't worry!


Tomorrow is another day!


Or, wait, my clock's messed up...it might be - Today is another day!

Edited by cathmom
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I've made a deal with my husband. He will take our 2 youngest to see Cars 2, while I take our oldest to see Harry Potter. I was so afraid that I was going to have to sit through Cars. I swear Pixar reached its pinnacle with Finding Nemo. Don't get me wrong, I liked Up and The Incredibles.



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That was really good! Did you see somebody built a real Up house?




I did!! Dh did not seem nearly as impressed as I was.


Ahh, you quoted my typo! :tongue_smilie:


Sorry! I understood it, and I am posting from my phone. That makes typos sort of status quo. :P


Oh wow, I'm not posting fast enough! Yes, I liked Up. But it soooo made me cry. Who am I fooling? I cried during Napoleon Dynamite. I'm a big crybaby!




I cried too!

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I've made a deal with my husband. He will take our 2 youngest to see Cars 2, while I take our oldest to see Harry Potter. I was so afraid that I was going to have to sit through Cars. I swear Pixar reached its pinnacle with Finding Nemo. Don't get me wrong, I liked Up and The Incredibles.




Good teamwork! We never actually go to the movies. I think the last one I saw in the theater was Mamma Mia! (but I didn't take my kids... well, actually, I went to see it with the oldest, but he was already over 18, and the youngest was with me too, still inside! Actually that was almost exactly 3 years ago! The baby was moving around during the entire movie - guess he liked the music!)

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I did!! Dh did not seem nearly as impressed as I was.




Sorry! I understood it, and I am posting from my phone. That makes typos sort of status quo. :P




I cried too!


Multiquoting doesn't up your post count nearly as much, you know. Oh wait...you've got 13,000...you don't need any help. In fact, you're probably just taking pity on poor me with less than 5000...

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Good teamwork! We never actually go to the movies. I think the last one I saw in the theater was Mamma Mia!


I saw Mamma Mia as a stage production many years ago... So much fun! I actually heard some ABBA playing on the sound system at the health food store the other day - the cashier and I both started bopping to it while she rang me up... :tongue_smilie:

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I saw Mamma Mia as a stage production many years ago... So much fun! I actually heard some ABBA playing on the sound system at the health food store the other day - the cashier and I both started bopping to it while she rang me up... :tongue_smilie:


My oldest and I saw it as a play too LOL!

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I have worried that someone may read that wrong. Maybe I should say Texas Gulf Coast.


I always read "thescrappyhomeschooler" wrong. I always think to myself "Aw, you can't be so bad."




:lol: I do that too, but never wanted to sat so.

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I've been trying to read The Railway Children and I just can't get into it. It's so odd. But I want to know exactly what happened to the father and have never skipped to the end of a book in my life!


Really? I have never in my life started a book at the front. Drives everyone I know bonkers. I pick up a magazine, and flip from back to front. I pick up a book and promptly turn it over and read the last paragraph. I also tend to flip forward and and backwards repeatedly before I'm done reading it.

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I tried to look it up? All I could find was a band. What's it about?


It's about 3 children whose father mysteriously has to go away and then their mother writes stories to make money and they are now poor and move near a railway station where they live to hang out and have supposedly interesting adventures. SWB used a passage from it in WWE and I had never read it and my son was curious so I wanted to read it first and see if he could read it (if he could even make it through the book...:tongue_smilie:)

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