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Does Goodwill want baby clothes that are 17 years old?

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I have a big box of my kids' baby clothes that I've been holding on to, thinking that I might someday make a quilt out of them.


I've finally realized that the quilt isn't going to happen.


The clothes are in good shape, and are mostly from Gap, Old Navy, Gymboree, with a few things from Target. Do baby fashions change and go out of style? Would it be obvious that these are 17 years old?

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As long as they're not decaying, why not? My elderly relative gave me some used clothing that was ancient. I took a photo of them because they made me laugh and got rid of them. Sorry, but I can't handle buttons. I need snaps! My point is, some thrift store had that stuff, so why not yours?

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You know, Perry. . . . there are people who will make you a baby quilt, if you send the outfits to them.


pm me if you want a website - I can probably dig it up

Great idea! I did some searching and found a bunch of websites. After looking at the pictures I think I might do it myself after all. So much for decluttering the basement. :D

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