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White Acrylic Kitchen Sink Stains... Please help...

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Our white acrylic sink has deep scars along the bottom, cutting through the enamel. Previous owners did not treat it well. The dark stains are disgusting, nothing I have works, and my OCD in-laws will be here (for the first time ever) next week! HAAALP!!!!

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Thank you Susan. I've tried all of those things, except for the refinishing. Yikes.


Cheap solution: sink mats


More expensive solution: reglaze/paint


Jules, that last solution is what I was afraid of hearing. Ugh. No time nor funds for that.


The thing that irks me is that we had a house sitter last summer. Her dad came over and used "some chemical" and got my sink sparkling clean. I've asked the dd and the wife if they would find out the name of it, and they get back with "he won't tell his secret." :glare: Gee, thanks. :banghead: I'm hoping someone here knows that secret! :D

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*sigh* Just looked on their website and they don't sell it in Canada. :crying:


ETA: I spoke too soon!!!! I didn't see the little CANADA link at the bottom of their page! YAHOO! I will try to track this stuff down. Thank you!!!!

I :001_wub: Barkeeper's Friend. If the stains still don't come clean with that, try leaving a paste of it to sit overnight.


Also, if you can't find it in your area, Zud is another cleanser with oxalic acid (which is what makes BF so awesome).

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Ugh. I have a sink like that, too. After trying dozens of things, the thing that works the best for me is to pour bleach into a sink full of warm water and let it sit for about an hour. I hate it, but that's what I have to do.


ETA - Wait - my sink has that ceramic or enamel coating (that's not the same as acrylic, is it? :leaving:)

Edited by LauraGB
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there is a product that you can use to sort of reseal the gouges (I used on a bathroom sick) and it works alright. It comes in a bottle with a brush (like nail polish) and dries the color you choose and hard.


This is close to what I used





Here are other suggestions







Hope this helps


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