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I just found out I am sorta related to...

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Joseph Smith. My 12th great grandfather, Edward Fuller, was his 5th great grandfather, or something like that.


Anyway, I am not LDS, but I thought it was interesting, especially considering the importance I have heard that LDS folks place on genealogy.


Also, IIRC, I am also related to Richard Gere through the same ancestor.

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Joseph Smith. My 12th great grandfather, Edward Fuller, was his 5th great grandfather, or something like that.


Anyway, I am not LDS, but I thought it was interesting, especially considering the importance I have heard that LDS folks place on genealogy.


Also, IIRC, I am also related to Richard Gere through the same ancestor.



Very cool!

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It is rumored that I have ancestry linked to Shakespeare. While I am LDS (cool that you are related to J.S., O.P.!) I have yet to really get into family history...




or, I shouldn't admit this on this board, into Shakespeare, either. But I'm going to work on that.

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My sister and I just always thought that we were related to a bunch of carpet baggers and hobos, but, in doing our genealogy this year, we found out that we are direct descendants of the Howards, sad that Henry the VIII beheaded so many of my relatives. Through that line, I also am directly related to Benjamin Harrison, Jamestown, and president. We had no idea, our grandmother never told us any of this, she never liked that side of the family, she said they were mean.


My dad never had relatives, ever, come to find out, it's because the majority of them died in the holocaust. Found the links, found ship records, found everything. His grandparents came over in he late 1890's, left the rest of their family in Germany, and became Christian to hide their identity. a small part of his family escaped to South Africa, then to Israel. Here's the kicker, I'm Orthodox Christian, my Name Saint is Saint Maria Skobstova, she died in Ravensbruck concentration camp, was arrested for helping Jews escape the Nazis in France. She was in the camp with many of the female women of my family. Freaked me out when I realized that.


I'm now obsessed with Genealogy!

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