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What do you do for your K'er for music and art?


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For music we learned songs. I used children's C.Ds like the Wee Sings and preschool ones. We would sing and play children's instruments. I aimed to learn one new song a week.


For art, we did lots of crafts. I usually just found crafty ideas online to go with what we were learning about. We didn't start studying either seriously until 1st. We just had fun for K.

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I'm not sure what I'm going to do about music yet. I know for certain we are going to be listening to some songs from around the world as part of our social studies. I purchased Wee Sing Around the World.


As for art, I purchased The Usborne's Very First Art Book. I love it! The reviewer at Amazon summarizes it well. But basically there is a work of art on the left to study. Then on the right side there is an activity to do. We have found the activities very do-able and they turn out nice. Plus I love having a little art appreciation each session.

Edited by lorisuewho
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For music we will be doing a very relaxed composer study along with learning some fun age appropriate songs. Youtube is a great resource, and I can usually find fun videos with lyrics.

For art I just ordered some favorite supplies ie;watercolors, tempra paint, sketch pencils, scrapbooking scissors for fun designs and a couple different types of paper from Miller Pad and Paper. My kindy girl loves to just do her own projects a couple times per week.

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:lurk5: I have the same question.


I need to find something more for music. I have quite a few Kindermusik instruments that we play along with CDs, but I am so not musically inclined! LOL


We do tons of arts and crafts. We also visit the children's art studio for open art on a regular basis. My kids love doing crafts. For right now we are keeping it light and fun. Watercolor crayons are their favorite medium right now.

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For Art, we are using the freebie from Confessions of a Homeschooler called World's Greatest Artists...Amazon has the artist books as a 4 for 3 promotion right now, so that was an added bonus (they are available at the library too though...they are shown in the post linked above). I also found out that the National Gallery of Art will send you videos and lesson materials for FREE as part of their loan program, so we will be using some of that when it matches up with our WGA lessons. http://www.nga.gov/education/classroom/loanfinder/


For Music, right now we are just following along the Classics for Kids website and learning about the Composer of the Month. I also found this on Librovox - Stories of Great Composers, so we will use it off and on as well.

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Can't remember where I bought them (maybe ebay?), but we had a set of the Calvert Discovering Music videos--aka "Melody Lane." We never watched the whole thing, but they saw us thru a few months, anyway.


I did some standard art projects using lots of free choice, as well as some that were included in our bible program. We also memorized some works by artists that I found calendars for--we used those calendars for YEARS.

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We are using Artistic Pursuits (but we are only doing it once every other week) and doing LOTS of painting, drawing, coloring, tracing and other art projects. For music, we are doing Making Music Praying Twice. It is a great program. It is Catholic, but there are really very few Catholic only songs. The kids love it because there are certain songs where you play shake eggs, instruments or dance with scarves.

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Music: We listen to Wee Sing songs and do the fingerplays, we have a bin full of simple musical instruments- some store-bought, some homemade- that the kids can play with at their leisure, we have different CD's of kids songs my 5 y/o listens to (he often listens to one while he's falling asleep at night), and sometimes we go to live musical performances- maybe a kids musical production or some such.


Art: Simple age appropriate crafts that we do together, and access to all sorts of different arts and crafts material that the kids can use when they feel so inclined.


I really don't think it needs to be anything formal or structured at that age!

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