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My husband deserves a medal

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for putting up with me changing my mind all the time. For looking at and reviewing piles and piles of curriculum with me. For smiling and shrugging and going with the flow when I panic. For reassuring me I can do this. For having patience and understanding when I sold everything because it didn't fit. For giving me other ideas and options that DO work for us. Convincing me it's okay to just do 3 subject for the whole year and worry about the rest later. Most of all for being 100% supportive.

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My dh is the same way! He doesn't look through all the curriculum with me, but he listens to me when i want to talk about it, gives his thoughts and is very encouraging. One day, we did not get to our school work before I headed to the studio, I came home and we were doing school at 10 PM. He told me he would have done his work with him if he had know what to do :)


This year, I am using a computer program and planning the year out, I will print out a weekly lesson plan and check off what we finish. That way Dad can help out :)

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