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News from Imp?

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Joshua (yup, right name) looks perfect.


I'm just hating this. I should be enjoying my pregnancy, planning, excited...but now I'm dealing with health issues for me, and its just robbing me of all joy.


Coming from a 'stick your head in the sand' kind of family and most definitely marrying into one, is it possible to just forget about it for a while and worry when all the tests are done?


Or again, we could start a thread destined for the dumpster? How about if we PQR, Spy Car, and Barry Goldwater to get into a fig . . er discussion? That might be diverting?


I wish I were with you irl, I would regale you with all my woes. [dh and I have a gift of being so self-absorbed, our friends with real problems forget about them for a while.]:D


I am not trying to make light of your problems, just your heart. You know laughter doth good kind of thing. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Please tell us how we can help. It is hard sitting here miles and miles away and not being able to do anything. :grouphug:

Edited by newlifemom
needed to adjust wording
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