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Life science (Animals, Human Beings, Plants)


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Not sure if this meets your views, but you can't beat free--Mr. Q gives away his life science curriculum free to help people know if they want to try his other years. It looks really neat. Not sure if it's okay for first grade, but you might be able to adapt. I don't have the link with me, but you could google it. Also, we're going to use the scientist stories done by the author of Elemental Science. They go in chronological order, so not all would be with life sciences, but some would work.



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Why not use the Apologia series. It fits your religious views. It's wonderfully thorough. And it will give you plenty for years. Astronomy is the easiest and shortest book. There are three years of animals: land, flying, and swimming. There's botany. And the most advanced elementary book is human anatomy.

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For first grade, we really enjoyed Pandia Press' REAL Science Odyssey. It's a perfect introduction for that age and everything is contained in one binder. You can do extra readings if you choose, but they are not necessary (although my kids enjoyed them).


If you follow the link above, on the right side of the screen is a TRY BEFORE YOU BUY box. If you click that and scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll get a very generous preview of the Life curriculum to see if it would work for you or not.

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Apologia would probably be a bit much for most first graders. Mine understood it, but he could only take a very short section at a time. It's so wordy.


Elemental Science is neutral. R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey doesn't touch the topic in level 1. God's Design for Science would probably work well (published by Answers in Genesis).

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For first grade, we really enjoyed Pandia Press' REAL Science Odyssey. It's a perfect introduction for that age and everything is contained in one binder. You can do extra readings if you choose, but they are not necessary (although my kids enjoyed them).


If you follow the link above, on the right side of the screen is a TRY BEFORE YOU BUY box. If you click that and scroll to the bottom of the page, you'll get a very generous preview of the Life curriculum to see if it would work for you or not.



OOH. I really like this - except for one thing... the illustrations. I would prefer they were photographs.


And it looks like they teach evolution in the higher levels, which is fine. We don't believe in macroevolution, but want our kids to be knowledgeable about it.

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We love RSO. It is easy to implement, fun, and fits well with WTM. We add a lot of extra research - books, Internet, field trips to zoos and aquariums - and until you mentioned it, I had not noticed the illustrations! We do cut out pictures to add to our notebook, so maybe I was feeling the lack of pictures without quite realizing it!


We just wrapped up Life Science - and enjoyed it thoroughly.

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No, no evolution that I have found. What do you mean "higher levels"?

I don't hide secular science from my kids either, but I don't see what you mean.




OOH. I really like this - except for one thing... the illustrations. I would prefer they were photographs.


And it looks like they teach evolution in the higher levels, which is fine. We don't believe in macroevolution, but want our kids to be knowledgeable about it.

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And it looks like they teach evolution in the higher levels, which is fine. We don't believe in macroevolution, but want our kids to be knowledgeable about it.


There are no higher levels. Only level 1 for bio, then earth/astro, then chem. No level one physics, and no level two at all.


No evolution in any of them.

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OP, you're not confusing something else - you were reading the FAQ page.

There will be mention of evolution in level two and three courses (when available) as it pertains to science. There is no mention of evolution in the level one books.

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OP, you're not confusing something else - you were reading the FAQ page.


There currently aren't any level 2's for RSO but they plan to cover evolution in the higher levels when they are available.



To be honest, I'm beginning to wonder if the level 2 books are ever going to come out. :toetap05: I've given up waiting for their level 1 physics. :glare: Too bad, I thought it was a good program for the ages it's designed for.

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We bought Answers in Genesis: God's Design for Life for this upcoming year in our house (1st grade). Unabashedly Christian and young earth. The Life series covers Plants, Animals, and the Human Body.


I know you visit the General board and so I'm assuming you've read the debate about Ken Ham. I personally love this curriculum and we are thrilled to be using it. That's my suggestion, for what it's worth.

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Is it more worldview centric, or more science centric?


Are you asking me? *I* think that it is more science. (I'll be curious to see the Heaven & Earth series next year...) I have heard people say that there is too much "God" in it, but it doesn't bother me. For example, I opened to a chapter on birds -


It does state that God designed birds so that they are great flyers and that He gave them special beaks and feet so that they can survive well where they live. But, it also states that they are warm-blooded, they have feathers, lay eggs, breathe air with lungs, why eagles have sharp beaks, why birds that live in water have wide beaks/bills and webbed feet...etc. And that is just the beginning paragraph. So, yeah, it throws in that God made things a certain way, but I find tons of facts. (Unlike a textbook that I had considered that simply told how great everything was because God made it.)

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