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REAL Science- 4- Kids Level 1 Chemistry users


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Sorry if this is a repeat post, but I would love to hear pros and cons on this curriculum.

Also, if you used this program did you use any supplements? If so what?

Please let me know if you feel I should not use this program and if so what to use? Our ds 8 is very science orientated, but we yet to use a chemistry curriculum.

Thank you ;)

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We are just starting chemistry this year. However, I am adding Elemental Chemistry. Periodic Table by Basher and Mastering the Periodic Table by Trombley. My 8 yr old dd loves science too. R.E.A.L. will not be enough as a stand alone. I have all these books in my possession if you have any other questions. I just finished filing chemistry for the year :001_smile:

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I'm planning on using RS4K chemistry for my 11 yr olds this fall followed by physics the next semester. My DH (who rarely gives curriculum advice) is an engineer, and he thought they looked engaging and straight-forward for an introduction to chemistry/physics. I am adding John Tiner's The World of Chemistry and The World of Physics with them as well as choosing some extra experiments from VanCleave's Chemistry/Physics for Every Kid. I'm also planning on buying some chemistry kits and physics kits, although I haven't decided which ones yet. I'll probably let the hubby do that for me! All in all, after bugging people on this forum and looking endlessly online, I thought these looked like a good match for me (a non-sciency person with NO chemistry or physics) and my boys. Some posters thought they might be a bit easy for my 6th graders, and that may be, but I'd rather they "get it" and not "hate it" at this stage. If we find it too easy, we can always add more to it. But your DS is younger than mine are, so this shouldn't be an issue for you.


I hope we both like it!




Holly in KY

Mama to 11yo twin boys :cool::cool:


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I have not used this yet, so take this with a grain of salt. There's not much to the curriculum. There are ten chapters and each chapter has an experiment. The experiments seem interesting but don't ask for anything that seems too terribly expensive or difficult to get. What I did is I bought several books that Noeo science uses for their chemistry and I spread out the RS4K chapters throughout the year. I bought the Usborne Science Encyclopedia and the Usborne Mysteries and Marvels of Science book. I recommend both of these. They are very cool, and they have chapters (especially the first book) that correspond directly with RS4K. We will be reading The Mystery of the Periodic Table and I have pulled experiments out of Super Science Concoctions to add in.


I do not recommend the 21 Super Simple Chemistry Experiments by the same author of RS4K. It's a very very thin book and many of the experiments are pretty lame and/or very similar to what is in the main curriculum. For instance, in RS4K, you will build molecule models with marshmallows and toothpicks. Fine, that sounds fun. But at least four of the experiments in the 21 Experiments book are building models of things with marshmallows and toothpicks. Several of the other experiments are simply looking up information about a particular thing (such as lead) and writing down what you find. That's an experiment? Compared to RS4K, the book was disappointing and not worth $10.


I also got Fizz, Bubble and Flash! and that one is mixed for me. It's very focused on the periodic table and introducing you to the elements, but I'm having a hard time knowing where to plug things in logically.


Anyway, I spent a bunch of time planning this out, spreading out hands on projects and readings that correspond to RS4K and I think it'll work out pretty well for us. :) The Usborne Science Encyclopedia is a beautiful book and my kids already love looking at it.

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As someone who nearly failed chemistry twice, I loved it. As someone for whom my science "experiments" don't produce the expected results, I was thrilled that all but one of the experiments worked for us.


My son, who begged for chemistry, was disappointed at how easy it was.

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We used RS4K chemistry level 1 last year, and I wasn't that impressed. It's okay... We read it chapter-by-chapter and tried to do the activities, but it didn't ignite any passion for chemistry or anything.


I wasn't impressed, and it was expensive. There are only 10 experiments in it. Adventures in Atoms and Molecules is cheap (about $10) and has 30 experiments. We switched and did chemistry the way Susan said to in The Well Trained Mind, it is great. Love it.

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We are just starting chemistry this year. However, I am adding Elemental Chemistry. Periodic Table by Basher and Mastering the Periodic Table by Trombley. My 8 yr old dd loves science too. R.E.A.L. will not be enough as a stand alone. I have all these books in my possession if you have any other questions. I just finished filing chemistry for the year :001_smile:


Thank you - checked out Periodic Table and love it - we will def. be reading it. Do not know about Elemental Chemistry and Mastering the Periodic Table our ds does not like to write :glare:

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I'm planning on using RS4K chemistry for my 11 yr olds this fall followed by physics the next semester. My DH (who rarely gives curriculum advice) is an engineer, and he thought they looked engaging and straight-forward for an introduction to chemistry/physics. I am adding John Tiner's The World of Chemistry and The World of Physics with them as well as choosing some extra experiments from VanCleave's Chemistry/Physics for Every Kid. I'm also planning on buying some chemistry kits and physics kits, although I haven't decided which ones yet. I'll probably let the hubby do that for me! All in all, after bugging people on this forum and looking endlessly online, I thought these looked like a good match for me (a non-sciency person with NO chemistry or physics) and my boys. Some posters thought they might be a bit easy for my 6th graders, and that may be, but I'd rather they "get it" and not "hate it" at this stage. If we find it too easy, we can always add more to it. But your DS is younger than mine are, so this shouldn't be an issue for you.


I hope we both like it!




Holly in KY

Mama to 11yo twin boys :cool::cool:




I checked out John Tiner's The World of Chemistry and it looks great; forgot I have VanCleave's science project workbook I will have to look to see if it has anything we can use :D

Thank you

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