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House, oh House!!!(SPOILERS)

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((sigh)) I'm such a cynic. I have issues with how they handled Amber as a character. Mean, mean, controlling, mean, mean, obsessive and angry, mean, mean and then just because she's going to die she's suddenly a nice girl. **shrug**


AND I'm always annoyed with continuity issues. Last week during the bus crash she was sitting with her back to the side of the bus. This week she was sitting with her side to the side of the bus. (No, you probably don't want to watch movies with me!! :lol:)


Okay, so I still actually love this show no matter what though... even though I know that it's completely unrealistic and totally unbelievable. :lol:

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((sigh)) I'm such a cynic. I have issues with how they handled Amber as a character. Mean, mean, controlling, mean, mean, obsessive and angry, mean, mean and then just because she's going to die she's suddenly a nice girl. **shrug**


AND I'm always annoyed with continuity issues. Last week during the bus crash she was sitting with her back to the side of the bus. This week she was sitting with her side to the side of the bus. (No, you probably don't want to watch movies with me!! :lol:)


Okay, so I still actually love this show no matter what though... even though I know that it's completely unrealistic and totally unbelievable. :lol:



They had been making her nicer and more sympathetic since she was with Wilson, though. So it wasn't *quite* that sudden. I know what you mean, but they did a good enough job that I really did like her, by the time of the whole bed-buying bit.


And actually, in this episode, she had *both* her back and her side to the bus ;-)


That's okay. Just the other night, as I was nearly asleep, I caught a mistake in a season 3 episode. No, I wasn't watching the episode at the time. LOL

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what a sad season finale! Poor Wilson! Waaahhh!!!:crying:


I *just* started watching this when BabyJason was born, back in March - stuck in my room w/ books I'd already read and the clicker. I got hooked in just two episodes, and now... it's OVER! :(


Add to it a stoopid, stoopid game last night that had us out of the house from SIX until TEN, and I MISSED IT!!! Wahhhhhhh. (I'm good w/ spoilers, though - love 'em, and don't feel I'm missing anything if I hear about 'em. So spill it, please! How'd it go?)


Dy, who is now going to have to find the first season and start from the beginning, now.

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I said to dh, "I guess no one is allowed to be happy on that show." He said, "It's not a sitcom."


Sigh. I didn't cry. I was sort of disappointed in this last episode, Amber's assessment on the bus of House was great though. I did notice how they made her very beautiful though, not so ordinary as she had been before. I think Wilson is in for some change and so is House. I couldn't believe they made him so vulnerable on the bus with Amber. The Wilson/Amber goodbye was wonderfully done, esp. her line about her last emotion.


The new diagnostic team is still very shadowed by the vets, the Huntington's disease will be a new storyline but they are still not in forefront as Chase, Foreman and Cameron are. The new people are just not very interesting yet, they blend in the background.


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I said to dh, "I guess no one is allowed to be happy on that show." He said, "It's not a sitcom."


Sigh. I didn't cry. I was sort of disappointed in this last episode, Amber's assessment on the bus of House was great though. I did notice how they made her very beautiful though, not so ordinary as she had been before. I think Wilson is in for some change and so is House. I couldn't believe they made him so vulnerable on the bus with Amber. The Wilson/Amber goodbye was wonderfully done, esp. her line about her last emotion.


The new diagnostic team is still very shadowed by the vets, the Huntington's disease will be a new storyline but they are still not in forefront as Chase, Foreman and Cameron are. The new people are just not very interesting yet, they blend in the background.


I'm with Dy -- I love the spoilers.


And might I say that this is the perfect spoiler post? Lots of hints! Ooooh, I feel like I'm eavesdropping on a really juicy conversation when I read this!


I need to get around to watching this episode in the next day or 2. But once I watch it I'll know what y'all are talking about. In a way, it's more fun to guess.

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I said to dh, "I guess no one is allowed to be happy on that show." He said, "It's not a sitcom."


Sigh. I didn't cry. I was sort of disappointed in this last episode, Amber's assessment on the bus of House was great though. I did notice how they made her very beautiful though, not so ordinary as she had been before. I think Wilson is in for some change and so is House. I couldn't believe they made him so vulnerable on the bus with Amber. The Wilson/Amber goodbye was wonderfully done, esp. her line about her last emotion.


I cried for two reasons: First, because I was so sad for Wilson. Second, because it was just so darned random, and that's always hard for me to face. I know, it's life, but still.


The new diagnostic team is still very shadowed by the vets, the Huntington's disease will be a new storyline but they are still not in forefront as Chase, Foreman and Cameron are. The new people are just not very interesting yet, they blend in the background.


Yeah, I don't get that. Why have the old team around, in the background? And although I like 13, I don't care anything for Taub or Kutner. I always wanted them to keep CTB, because at least she was *interesting.*


But I really want to see more of Chase, Cameron and Foreman again. It's irritating that we as viewers got so involved in their characters, and now they're there, but we don't get to know anything more about them. The writers on this show make some odd decisions.

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Dy, we just started watching in the fall, and caught up via DVD over the year. Now I'm addicted!


If you really want to know what happened, highlight the next few lines:


They found Amber in the other hospital. House underwent more risky procedures to try to remember exactly what happened. It turned out that Amber was on the bus because House had called Wilson to pick him up from the bar - Wilson was working, so Amber came to drive House home. House got on the bus instead, and Amber followed him. Meanwhile Amber's heart had stopped, her kidneys failed and her liver failed. House finally figured out what was wrong with her (besides the fact that she'd been in a terrible crash), and that there was nothing they could do about it. They revived Amber long enough for her and Wilson to say goodbye.


There you go.

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Is it available online anywhere?


Thanks everyone,



This may be it:http://TVCORN.Com/episode/3537/Wilson's_Heart_2.html. I haven't tried it yet. The links I have for this stuff tend to come and go -- one minute it's there, the next it's gone. Good thing my life doesn't revolve around this stuff.


Dy, we just started watching in the fall, and caught up via DVD over the year. Now I'm addicted!


If you really want to know what happened, highlight the next few lines:



There you go.


WOW! That is so cool how you sent a secret message! Now that I've quoted it I can see how you did that.


Okay, this is more exciting than what you actually wrote in white. Hee. I'm so easily distracted. I want to go find an excuse to use this.

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Dy, we just started watching in the fall, and caught up via DVD over the year. Now I'm addicted!


If you really want to know what happened, highlight the next few lines:

...There you go.


I got my very own secret decoder ring! :w00t:

Thanks. :)

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And might I say that this is the perfect spoiler post? Lots of hints! Ooooh, I feel like I'm eavesdropping on a really juicy conversation when I read this!


This is a fantastic, fun thread. Thanks for indulging us, guys! :D

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