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Garden Report! Woweeeeee!

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We're almost finished planting. Dh and I went a little crazy this year.:lol: Here is what we've planted. If all this grows, we'll be sneaking around putting food in the neighbor's cars at night! ha. We've been praying for a good harvest.


Tomatos (44 plants)

Sweet Potatoes (59 plants)

Sweet Corn (app. 3/4 pound)

White potaotes (Yukon Gold)


Bell Peppers

Tobasco Peppers

Onions (2 pounds)







Egg Plant

Small Sugar Pumpkins

Bigger Howden Pumkins


Green Beans


Yellow Squash

Burgess Butternut Winter Squash


Spaghetti Squash (winter squash)








2 Grape Vines


Still to be planted: turnips, more green beans, sunflowers, field corn and mangle beets.


Did somebody mention weed control?:w00t:

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Good job!!


I'm exhausted reading your list.


I'm still trying to figure out what to plant in my container garden- it's hard to be motivated when you aren't living *where* you eventually *will be*. Do I really want to haul gihugeous [spelling doesn't count for made up words, right?] pots all over?


I hope to have a full garden one day- I really am designed to have a garden...it's the job that isn't. ;)


But I truly am impressed with your efforts. I pray your harvests will be abundant.



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Good job!!



I'm still trying to figure out what to plant in my container garden- it's hard to be motivated when you aren't living *where* you eventually *will be*. Do I really want to haul gihugeous [spelling doesn't count for made up words, right?] pots all over?




When we lived in an apartment one time, all we had was a patio. We put out big pots and grew an amazing garden in them. I think you will always have a use for those pots. I have pots sitting all over the deck with stuff growing in them. You may also eventually want them for flowers!


It is hard, though, when you aren't where you want to be. Maybe having a container garden will help you be more content, and increase your knowledge so that when you get there, you will not have such a big learning curve!

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Wow!!! I am seriously impressed! Do you can or freeze?


I just planted today: cilantro, basil, green beans, and lettuce.


I still have to plant tomatoes and onions.


I've done both, mostly freeze. But I'm whipping the canner out again this year. We are also going to try winter storage of the pumpkins, turnips, beets, winter squashes, potatos, and sweet potatoes.


And I'm going to try drying the herbs for use in cooking. I've also learned that you can freeze fresh herbs in ice trays of water. Then, when you want to use some in cooking, you just drop the ice cube in whatever you are cooking! I'm intrigued, so I plan on trying it.


You planted cilantro too! Don't you just love it?!

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Woohoo! Go you and dh!! You must be exhausted! But how rewarding it will all be. My Mom is planting an enormous veg. garden this year. She's been out there non-stop for weeks! I hope you have a great harvest!


specialize in flowers because we just don't have the room on our tiny lot for lots of food plants. I would have a huge veggie garden if I could... ((sigh)) But I still did plant a few cabbages, planted some swiss chard in a big pot, some beans (I mostly planted them for their pretty flowers though! Shhh!) and then we have strawberries, raspberries, a small cherry tree, and an apple tree... the trees are just on their second growing season in our yard though and last year we didn't let them produce their fruit so they could put all of their energy into building a root system so this year will be the first time we get to see how they produce. I'm sure the fruit will be tiny but it will be fun none the less.



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One of the main things I do about the weeds is panic. A couple nights ago I did that--I woke up in the wee hours and just about had a nervous breakdown thinking about all the weeds that are in my future. It is enough to make me want to run and hide under my bed. But the approach I am taking this year is cultivating and mulching.


I've been going after the little weeds with a hoe or hand tool, then I mulch around the plants heavily. Ds has been mowing, and then he and dd go around raking the mowed grass up and hauling it to me in a wagon. I've also used newspaper some this year, and it has worked very well. My dad is saving some for me, and I am going to lay them all over the place in the gardens.


So far, this approach is working well. Some of the onions are giving me fits, because I read you aren't supposed to really mulch them. I planted a lot of them in dirt from the woods, and the weeds are springing up in that dirt almost like a carpet. The good thing is that it is probably really rich, healthy dirt for the onions to grow in. The bad thing is that it is really rich, healthy dirt for the weeds to grow in! All I can do with them is just cultivate, cultivate, cultivate. It is so pretty though--the black dirt with the bright green weeds is very pretty.


I understand sore backs and exhaustion. And I was just thanking God this morning for giving us the physical strength to do the work, and for the inclination to do it. I take neither for granted.

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But I still did plant a few cabbages, planted some swiss chard in a big pot, some beans (I mostly planted them for their pretty flowers though! Shhh!) and then we have strawberries, raspberries, a small cherry tree, and an apple tree... the trees are just on their second growing season in our yard though and last year we didn't let them produce their fruit so they could put all of their energy into building a root system so this year will be the first time we get to see how they produce. I'm sure the fruit will be tiny but it will be fun none the less.




Oh--I would love to have strawberries and rasberries! I've been trying to find strawberries to buy, and they are ranging in price from $10-$12 a gallon!!! That is so high! I am hoping to get some strawberry plants in this spring, but I don't know if it will happen or not.


Let me know how your trees do. We've had cherry and apple trees in the ground for a couple years now, but of course we haven't had a harvest yet. I don't know how long it takes for them to start producing. We lost 2 or 3 fruit trees in the drought last year.


You could make sourkraut with that cabbage! :tongue_smilie: yum!

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Wow Tracey I am so impressed.

Your list of planted and to be palnted items is amazing.

Also you weed control plan sound outstanding.

I am curious as to how much land you have planted this all on.

The pumpkins alone are more than my garden could handle.

I have made a note on the fresh herbs in ice idea. It does sound interesting and thank you for sharing it. I dried so much rosemary in a dehydrator last fall that we were almost driven out of the house by the strong aroma.

I will look forward to hearing harvesting and progress updates.

Isn't gardening grand. I certaining hope ours save us some $$$$ at the grocery store.

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Wow, Tracy, that is awesome! You are inspiring.


We planted the following last week in our garden:




green, yellow, and red bell peppers





It's more than we planted last year; I'm looking forward to the tomatoes the most!:drool5:

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Here's a question for all you gardeners:


What is a foolproof, natural way to keep bugs off your squash?


Every year that we've grown squash, we've been inundated with "squash bugs." Our other plants never seem to attract bugs, just the squash. We're trying again this year, and I would like for the plants to produce for more than a few weeks.


Any tips?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

bell peppers









yellow squash


In the herb/flower bed I have:







I would also like to know how you control your weeds.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

One question: I always thought it wasn't "proper" to mulch with grass clippings. Don't they rob nutrients as they decompose. Or is this old out-dated info?

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I am curious as to how much land you have planted this all on.

The pumpkins alone are more than my garden could handle.

I have made a note on the fresh herbs in ice idea. It does sound interesting and thank you for sharing it. I dried so much rosemary in a dehydrator last fall that we were almost driven out of the house by the strong aroma.

I will look forward to hearing harvesting and progress updates.

Isn't gardening grand. I certaining hope ours save us some $$$$ at the grocery store.


That is a great idea--to dry rosemary in the dehydrator. I will try that. What did you store it in after you dried it?


Dh measured the big garden, it is 75ft by 60 ft. The smaller garden is about 65ft by maybe 20-25ft. Then we have several raised beds around the house--8 or so. And I've got food growing in lots of pots on my decks. It is amazing how much food you can grow right in your yard and on the deck. I'm growing lettuce in a kitchen rubbermaid container! ha


For the field corn and mangle beets and most of the turnips, we'll have to plow up more ground--those crops are for animal feed.


We did square foot gardening for years, and that works well too. You can grow more in a smaller space that way. This year, we just went for rows for some reason--I'm not sure why we switched.


Thanks for the rosemary tip!! We love rosemary.

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We planted the following last week in our garden:




green, yellow, and red bell peppers





It's more than we planted last year; I'm looking forward to the tomatoes the most!:drool5:


Okra!!! We forgot the okra!!!! :ohmy:

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Way to go Tracy....


My dc and I are doing 4 Square Foot Gardens with 16 crops in each one. It has been an experience but I too am worried about the weeds and prosperous crops!!!


Great Job!!!! Keep us posted.




Square foot gardening is an awesome way to garden. My experience is that the weeds aren't as bad, because the plants are so close together they shade the weeds. It should do very well for you.:)

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One question: I always thought it wasn't "proper" to mulch with grass clippings. Don't they rob nutrients as they decompose. Or is this old out-dated info?


That's a good question. Since you mentioned it, I did some researching on it, and based on what I found, the biggest reason not to use them is because if you mulch very deeply with fresh grass clippings, (maybe 3 inches or so), the heat generated in decomposition is not good for the plants.


That has me thinking. I haven't mulched anywhere near that deeply. Maybe 1/2 inch or so is as deep as mine is. Evidently, the grass needs to be dried out before using it as mulch, and some of what I used was fresh. I think I'll go out and scatter the fresh out a bit, so it dries more quickly. I've only mulched the tomatoes and sweet potatoes with the clipping so far. And I'll make sure what I use in the future is dried before putting in on.


Wow, Virginia Dawn, that you for posting that questions. I really needed to know this so I didn't ruin the garden! Goodness. I have so much to learn.


Thanks again :)

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