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What is your highschooler memorising?

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I took my ideas from this thread on the K-8 board.


I have a page printed out with a few key selections that I work on at different times.



1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Song of Solomon 8:6-7


The Doctrine and Covenants

D&C 88:40-41



Surat al-Fatiha (Opening Chapter)



A quote from Siddharta



Hindu Prayer for Peace


The Islam and Hindu works are being memorized in English. They're beautiful in their original languages, but because I don't understand the languages, eventually they would just become mumblings and not given justice.

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I could do with some inspiration in this area. :) What have you memorised that you thought was really useful or really enjoyed? What do you consider the most important things to memorise in each subject?

I have a feeling I saw a thread about this not too long ago, but I can't find it now.


My first thought when I saw your question was "Her friends' phone numbers" :lol:


But seriously, we have a copy of the Westminster Shorter Catechism that we use during the school year. One question each week starting in 10th grade and they'll have it by the end of their senior year. No, Westminster isn't exactly what my denomination believes. But since I am a "as long as they preach the truth (Bible), small differences in philosophy don't matter" person, I'm fine with it. It also gives us a jumping off point when I really differ from what the book says.

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Ds will be studying American History beginning in August. His list:


Pre-amble to the Constitution

A portion of the Declaration of Independence

The Gettysburg Address

Part of "I Have Dream"


I Cor:13 plus 14:vs.1

Several Psalms and some proverbs


The Road Not Taken - Frost

If - Kipling



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I'm having my son memorize some inspirational poems and sections of the Bible. Poems that I memorized in school, still enjoy recalling, and plan to have my son memorize include "If" by Kipling, "Opportunity" by Sill, and "Eldorado" by Poe. I was on a Bible quiz team in high school (about a hundred years ago - or maybe it just feels that way :) ) and memorized entire books of the NT. Although I can no longer leap from my seat and recite passages complete with reference, I still find it very helpful to recall the verses.

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10th grader...last year it was The Raven by Poe and this year it is The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge..but it is soooo long I am splitting it up between groups in the writing class I teach for them to recite at the end of the year.


Oh, forgot to add I choose pieces with a feel and/or strong rhyming for ease of memorization...also pieces we can dig deeper into the meaning.

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A list of ways to elaborate on essay test questions. Advantages and disadvantages, applications, connections, development, ... I'm hoping to get it so he can reel it off like who, what, etc. We're gearing up for harder CC classes. (He's had a few skill-oriented ones.)

Not very inspiring, I know.

This summer, I am going to make him relearn the presidents and hopefully next fall we'll relearn that long rhyme about the kings of England.


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I took my ideas from this thread on the K-8 board.


I have a page printed out with a few key selections that I work on at different times.



1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Song of Solomon 8:6-7


The Doctrine and Covenants

D&C 88:40-41



Surat al-Fatiha (Opening Chapter)



A quote from Siddharta



Hindu Prayer for Peace


The Islam and Hindu works are being memorized in English. They're beautiful in their original languages, but because I don't understand the languages, eventually they would just become mumblings and not given justice.

Great ideas Stephanie! We're studying the middle ages next year, so I think parts of the Qu'ran would be great to memorise.

My first thought when I saw your question was "Her friends' phone numbers" :lol:




Last year we read Hamlet and my ds memorized part of Hamlet's "To be or not to be" soliloquy. :)

Do you mind sharing what part of it you memorised? I think this would be great to do.


This summer, I am going to make him relearn the presidents and hopefully next fall we'll relearn that long rhyme about the kings of England.


The kings and queens of England will be perfect for DD to memorise. And I supposed we ought to do the Canadian and British prime ministers as well as the American presidents. She end up wishing she didn't have tri-citizenship.


I love these ideas! Anyone else want to share?

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DD will be memorizing the rest of James (she has already learned chapters 1 & 2). I'd also love to have her memorize Robert Frost's "Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening" and "The Road Not Taken". I learned those in 8th grade and can still recite all of "Stopping..." and some of the other one. I love Robert Frost! So, if they include the time period in her history or Lit. class, I'll have her learn those.


I'd like her to memorize a poem or short essay in Spanish. Also, she'll probably be learning The Gettysburg Address, Preamble, etc., since she's taking American History and English/Lit. classes at a homeschool co-op.

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A list of ways to elaborate on essay test questions. Advantages and disadvantages, applications, connections, development, ... I'm hoping to get it so he can reel it off like who, what, etc. We're gearing up for harder CC classes. (He's had a few skill-oriented ones.)

Not very inspiring, I know.

This summer, I am going to make him relearn the presidents and hopefully next fall we'll relearn that long rhyme about the kings of England.




Do you have a list of ways to elaborate on essay questions that you could share?

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This may sound weird, but we have having our kids memorize hymns. I think that it works on rhythm and poetry nicely, pushes them on vocabulary, and will lead to lifetime enjoyment of worship services. I think that so many teens dislike traditional worship because they don't recognize the hymns.

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