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What do you tell your kids about princess Leia in the gold bikini...

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I would probably not bring it up. I don't think my kids have noticed, at least not enough to make mention of it (it's been a while since they've seen it). If my kids did mention of it, I would explain that she was Jabba's slave and many times cruel slave owners do things to humiliate their slaves, including making them dress in inappropriate clothing and keeping them chained.



:iagree: Mine didn't notice either. It probably does blend in with all the weirdness that is Star Wars. I should say otherworldiness. :D But if they ask saying that it was a way Jabba wanted to humiliate her is absolutely excellent and actually, probably true. She didn't ever show that much skin when she got to choose her own clothes. (fictionally speaking, of course)


ETA: But I do understand where you are coming from. My kids are on a superhero kick. I really wanted to get the old Wonder Woman DVD's from the library but I can't get over her outfit. And now my kids *do* notice. They commented on the cover of the box. :glare:


But in my goofiness I tried Dukes of Hazzard because someone (not here) made the comment that the movie wasn't wholesome like the TV show was. O.K. I remember the TV show. I *know* Daisy wears short shorts but I didn't notice as a kid so I was just going to go with it. I got a good deal on half.com for the 1st 3 seasons for my son's b-day. :blink: It isn't so much the shorts but Oh My. They are now sitting on my swapadvd shelf. First thing I ever posted. :001_smile:


So they're making due with Walker Texas Ranger. Did you know when the boogyman goes to bed, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris? :lol: My 12yo wants a cowboy hat. We are so not western.

Oh, and the first episode we watched had bikini-clad girls very briefly in the very first scene. :glare: Ummmm....then it was gone and we haven't had a problem since. But we've not watched many yet. Holding out hope.

Edited by silliness7
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A more pressing question in my mind has always been, "Why would Leia be attractive, bikini-clad or not, to a giant sentient slug?"


Should Jabba not be rather repelled by Leia's lack of sliminess? I just wouldn't think she'd be his type at all. Too much vertebrate movement going on there.


I can't believe I'm about to say this. It shows the true level of my geekiness.


Some of the other hutts actually looked down on Jabba for his unusual tastes. It wasn't considered normal.


I did find the scenes a little squicky when I first saw them as a child. I was a fairly naive child, but it still made me a little uncomfortable.

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To be honest, I was more worried about the graphically severed limb in the bar scene. Was that the first film?




Yes I think it was, if by first you mean the first film made Starwars #4.

In starwars #1 you see Darth Maul cut in half and fall down a giant hole? In the Princess Leia scene you also see another slave who was dancing thrown into the pit with the Rancor. - and no one seemed to even notice. I remember being really disturbed by that one.


I think it is so funny that so many space shows have a building or spaceship designed with skinny walk ways with no railings over giant holes with no apparent bottoms.

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I agree with the fast forward it idea. And if you happen to have a tech savvy husband who isn't opposed to editing copywrited material, you might end up with a Star Wars Movie in your Windows Media Center which has a scene in which Luke cons his way into the Hutt mansion, then flies away with rescued Han and Leia, with all intermediate scenes removed.


But then we fast forward stuff all the time. "It's gross." "They're not wearing modest clothes". "It's too violent." We're kings and queens of fast forwarding at our house.

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I can't believe I'm about to say this. It shows the true level of my geekiness.


Some of the other hutts actually looked down on Jabba for his unusual tastes. It wasn't considered normal.


I did find the scenes a little squicky when I first saw them as a child. I was a fairly naive child, but it still made me a little uncomfortable.




To the OP, we love Star Wars. My kids play at being characters all the time. No one has yet tried to improvise a Princess Leia bikini. :) I'm not sure how much notice they've taken of it. I always thought it looked uncomfortable and maybe Jabba was torturing her by having her wear it. :tongue_smilie: I'm another vote for don't make a big deal over it. :)

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Not giving you a hard time but, really, with all the weird costuming that didn't stand out to me when I saw it as a kid.


I saw the movie with my husband way back then (we were in our 20s), and I don't even remember the gold bikini. Dh might have, but if he did, he didn't say so. Many years later, we watched the movie again with our dc. EK was about 13, and ER was about 17, and neither of them seemed fazed by the bikini.

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That her bOOk falls out, or that she is murdered?




Jabba opens up his pit. The girl? is changed to him via a chain around her neck. She is then pulled by Jabba towards the pit. She struggles and then falls into the pit and looks towards were the Rancor comes out. I think that is the last you see of her.


The booK falling out scene must be quick and small. And first I thought the OP about this meant a real book - so Jabba was punishing her for owning and reading a book.


My dh thinks it funny that someone on this board looked for a booK scene and watched the movie that closely to notice it. He deserves a :p

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