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Oh, my word. I knew this day would come

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I'm told by someone who would know that she is just about the best there is.


The reason I took more photos is if I can't make it the 4 days she will have an idea of what it looks like.


I hope she can help!!!! Definitely bring the pictures. That's what I did with ds & his allergist. The pics shot him up on the urgency list, let me tell you :lol:.

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:party: Getting closer! So when do you have to stop all your meds? Hang in there. :grouphug:

I have to stop the Zyrtec and Zantac after tomorrow. and come off the prednisone after I taper down to one on Monday. I am allowed to take the Benedryl up to Wednesday. I can only take that at night since it tends to make me sleepy.

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I see that someone quoted another poster about chamomile. You can get them from Amazon with Prime and you'll have them delivered within a day or so.


Chamomile baths were nearly miraculous for my kids when they had a very virulent chicken pox. We tried everything, aveeno, actual oatmeal, the pink junk (calamine), and several other things. It was the chamomile that gave them 8 hours of relief from the itching, long enough to get several naps or amost a full night's sleep. Ds (the eldest who, at 10 yo, had it the worst in all kinds of awkward places) finally smiled for the first time in many days when he figured out that he could soak completely submerged and breathe through a straw. I kid you not; it's the engineering mind, even under duress. :glare: We made strong steeped tea, then poured it into a tepid bath. Don't know what would feel good to you.


I'd get the 16 oz bag, about the size of a gallon ziploc IIRC. I think we used about 1.5 cups dry flowers per bath.


Here's a link http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=chamomile+flowers If you don't have Amazon prime, PM me, and I'll get it done for you, OK? (If you want to try chamomile.) :)

Edited by Valerie(TX)
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Day 6. I'm alive. There are pix on post 82 if you want to see.


Another update:

At 4:30 I called my primary's office and spoke to the lady who does referrals. She said that my file was not flagged as urgent and it would take up to a week for her to get me an appointment with an allergist. Apparently there is a process. I suppose I'm making a mountain out of a molehill since there isn't a medical person that I've seen who thinks I'm having a serious problem.


I chose this person/group because of the laid back attitude. They don't order a lot of unnecessary tests and stuff. This is a bit too casual. Do I make a 4 hour round trip? What if I do and I'm still not taken seriously?

The saga continues...


Today's update:


So today I took Baxter to doggy day care. On the way home I stopped at the Rite Aid to pick up my 'script for the 50 mg Benedryl. While I was at the store my throat felt weird. Now I've got hives on my face, neck, back and ears. Yes it spread overnight.


I remembered that I overheard one of the receptionist ladies say that my primary would be manning the urgent care today.


So I went to the urgent care figuring I'd kill two birds with one stone. Yes, I saw her. Yes she is getting me an appointment with an allergist. No, she didn't do anything about the hives.


She palpitated my neck and said, yes, it is a bit swollen and irritated. I should take another 40 mg of Prednisone.


Well, ****! I had that yesterday. Nothing is happening. It isn't something that happens often, but people have died from this. Insert head banging smiley here.





Seems I've built up a tolerance for anti-histamines.


I've just come from the ER and my urticaria won't go away.


The good: My primary will probably now refer me to an allergist.


The bad: I can't get in to see my primary until almost mid-July.

There isn't any more meds I can take for this problem. I did ask about a shot of epi, but the doc indicated it would be overkill right now. :glare: Maybe I'll get that shot tomorrow when I come in bleeding because I've ripped away 85% of my skin.


The ugly: My extremities in just a little while when all of this anti-histamine flowing through my body stops working. None of the meds even touched the swelling in my hands. This cycle is nowhere near broken. You can see the hundreds of little places on my skin where the hive is just waiting to pop back p.


I won't be angry if someone wanted to pray or something for me.


Oh that sounds awful. Not ok, time to get your *itch on . 40 mg of steroids??? Lord have mercy I would kill the neighbors, barbeque them and then go into the urgent care and read them the riot act. Seriously this is no way to live and their response is not what they would want if the situation were reversed. And of course you have my best wishes for an attentive, caring MD and relief from this. It sounds horrible. I am concerned for your well being please take the best of care and keep us posted.

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That's what I looked like after DD3 was born from the ibuprofen. I was miserable from the hives and then I was miserable from the pain since I could only take tylenol which isn't exactly strong enough to dull the pain of a c/s. I can't believe they aren't getting you in right away.

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