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I hate this!

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I have the whole morning to myself. All the kids are at VBS. And I cannot get motivated to do anything. I've just wasted my first hour. I'm surfing the Net, hanging out here with the Hive (not that you people are a waste of time in any way, shape or form but... you know). I never have time for myself. I have all these projects to do and 3 hours of uninterrupted time to do it and I'm just putzing around. Help!

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Go easy on yourself . . . I dropped my eldest off at "Counseler-in-Training" camp this am. She tends to be the family instigator and sucks time and energy from me. I had great plans for today but just woke up from a nap. There is always tomorrow! Consider it a "vacation/mental health day"!:D

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Think of it as a "deschooling" day - like everyone says homeschooled kids need if they're transitioning from public school. Is VBS all week? If so, you can be more productive tomorrow after you've had a day of just basking in your aloneness. :D



A world class procrastinator.

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Don't be alarmed.


People who have a job outside the house call this, "time off". They do little during this time except watch reality shows and eat ice cream. It is considered healthy.



:lol: Thank you! Hmm, do I want Neopolitan or Cookies and Cream?

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When I get some rare time to myself, I don't even try to get any projects or work done anymore. I use it to recharge. Because we're home all the time I think we don't feel like we need time off. But once I started taking time off, I realized how not doing it had been affecting me (and therefore of course my son). I just get tense without any fun alone time & didn't even realize it.


So, if I choose to stay home, I usually eat something fun by myself and watch Without A Trace reruns or a movie, or read a book in total silence or surf the web - but only fun, recreational or enlightening stuff.


If I go out, I go to a movie w/ or without a friend, go window shopping (which I rarely get to do), or spend hours browsing at Barnes & Noble, or go to a park & enjoy walking surrounded by nature. Getting outdoors somewhere pretty does wonders for my spirits!


Ds is home today, but we're taking a day off. Rough weekend. Recuperating.

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Thank you for reminding me to just take time off....& recharge!:001_smile:


I think I need to work this into my life all year long!

It would be more fun to pace myself with fun stops to recharge --instead of waiting until I have this large block of time.

By the time I get to this "large block of time".....I feel drained.



SO, thank you for your encouraging words!!

....I am off to ....."window shop, read magazines at Barnes & Nobles & sip some Starbucks ...all by myself"!!!!;)

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My kids are going to camp next week. I have a mental list of everything I'd like to do with that time, but I think I'll need to have my DH hide my ipad in order to help me get moving!:lol:


I think it's perfectly fine to unwind and do NOTHING for one day, but my advice for tomorrow is unplug the computer...;)



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