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I bought milk directly from a dairy farmer yesterday for the first time. We've

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been buying the gro. organic 1%. This milk is good, but it's definitely whole milk, which I haven't drinken in years. Can I add water to it as we drink it to make it less fatty tasting? And is it normal to for your lips to be greasy when you drink it?

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You just have to skim the fat off the top of the milk. If it's in a glass bottle, you should be able to get a spoon in there. If it's in a plastic gallon container, you can pour the milk into a pitcher and wait for the cream to rise then skim it off (for skim milk!) and save the cream for something else. If you want it to taste like 1% then leave a little of the fat in and stir or shake before you pour.


I'm totally jealous, btw :)

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