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How to Avoid E. Coli

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if you have no choice but to eat out. We'll be traveling to France, Britain, and Israel. We won't have access to a fridge very often or for the most part. How can we reduce our chances?


* not order salads? I usually prefer to avoid salads in restaurants, but now I'll be really conscious, I guess

* order mainly cooked foods

* avoid things like smoothies, etc.?


Does anyone have any tips or know how to lessen the chances? I tried googling, but couldn't come up with anything substantial or particularly helpful.


Thank you.

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Yes, I think ordering mainly cooked foods can help the most. Salads that have blanched foods (like green beans) should be safe too but not raw things (not that all raw veggies would necessarily have e coli).

Jean, thanks so much for your helpful reply. :grouphug:

Hopefully, won't have to worry too much. I think there have been a very small amount of cases in France. None in the U.K. ... I think.

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The only recent cases of e coli in Britain were people who had travelled here after eating in Germany. I don't think you need to worry. I don't know of any particular issues with the other countries you mention - have there been scares? I eat no differently in Europe than I do in the US. I have no experience of Israel.



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Having traveled through Britain and France for extensive periods of time, we never had a problem with E.Coli. I will eat anything in Britain, but abstain from meat in other countries just to be super-safe. Having said that, though, DH is a meat and potato guy and has never gotten sick from eating lots of different types of meat.

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I wouldn't spend a moment's thought on it. Honestly. You're not going to Germany or Spain, new cases are way down, there's *zero* reason to think you'd be at risk. ... I've found it hard enough to find fresh fruits and veggies when traveling in Europe (weirdly, easier in England...), so I wouldn't want to limit my consumption even more when there's no reason to. (There *is* fresh produce, but in restaurants it seems to be a garnish more than the staple I'm used to at home.)

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Why are you worried about food in those countries? They wouldn't worry me in the least.

Come eat the street food here. It'll prepare your body for anything. It's also a wonderful culinary experience.

I'm no longer too concerned about food in France or Britain. Israel didn't worry me at all. I love Israeli food. I was worried about food in France mainly, simply because there has been some very recent cases of e coli there and more specifically, a few deaths. I'm sure we won't die on this trip, but, since we don't go to Europe very often, I just don't want us to get sick. That's all. :)

I love street food :D. Funny enough, I never get sick from street food in this part of the world. Everything I get is cooked well, however.

My mother has always told me to avoid salads in most places, and I do that for the most part.

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Congrats on your trip! What fun. If you're concerned with not getting adequate nutrition without some raw foods like salads, (which I would personally avoid), you might consider bringing a small bag or jar of a green drink that can be mixed with water or veggie juice. Not sure if it would hold you up in the airport security checkpoints, but it's a thought. :)

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Congrats on your trip! What fun. If you're concerned with not getting adequate nutrition without some raw foods like salads, (which I would personally avoid), you might consider bringing a small bag or jar of a green drink that can be mixed with water or veggie juice. Not sure if it would hold you up in the airport security checkpoints, but it's a thought. :)

Fabulous idea :). Thank you for the reminder. We have lots of Green Magma. Although I am hoping to travel lightly (always seems impossible for me), this may be essential. Dc won't touch it. But dh and I will.

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Why are you worried about food in those countries? They wouldn't worry me in the least.


There's been a rather disturbingly large and serious E. Coli outbreak in Germany over the last month, with several deaths and many others hospitalized. The cases seem to have abated in recent weeks - the bit that gives pause is that I still don't think they've definitively figured out where it came from.


That said, both my older girls are currently in Germany. I told them not to eat uncooked veggies, but I have a feeling they're taking that rather loosely - they said the people there are eating veggies just fine, and with the drop-off in cases, I'm trying to relax about it.


I haven't heard problems from France, Britain, or Israel, though.

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