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WWYD? I know what I WANT to do, & it's not what I should do

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Next week, dd will be at overnight camp, and ds will be in day camp. I should spend the week cleaning rooms, organizing, and prepping for next year's school.




We have a pool in our backyard. I want to spend the week floating on a lounger, umbrella drink in hand. With no kids in the pool to capsize me.



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Next week, dd will be at overnight camp, and ds will be in day camp. I should spend the week cleaning rooms, organizing, and prepping for next year's school.




We have a pool in our backyard. I want to spend the week floating on a lounger, umbrella drink in hand. With no kids in the pool to capsize me.




Spend the first day or two doing just that. Then when you are more recharged you can clean and organize. How much time does school prep take? You have time still to do it. :grouphug:

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how lovely to have a choice! i would do some of both. but... i don't ever swim alone.... ever.... so i might invite a friend to come over mid afternoon to float with me for an hour. and in the mornings i could look forward to it while i worked.




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You had me at umbrella drink.:lol:


Last year all three dc went to grandma's house. Dh was working the night shift. One night I sat down, popped the cork on a lovely Pinot Noir, watched Pride and Prejudice, and sloooowly folded laundry. It was bliss.


I say give yourself about an hour a day to do planning/cleaning/other unpleasent chores. Then, relax! Seriously, how often do we have alone time?

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I vote for relaxing! BUT if you really feel like you NEED to get stuff done, make a list and as you check things off, reward yourself with the pool. I know I'd work fast if I knew the pool was waiting. Depending on how hot the climate is where you are, float in the am, work in the pm or vice versa.

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It doesn't have to be all or nothing!


ETA: I would definitely take time to plan the school year. I can clean with kids around, but planning has always taken major attention. In fact, I'm sitting here procrastinating that very thing! I've got to create a daily schedule for ds14 with his classes. I'm surrounded by suggested schedules, my planner, and the textbooks. It looks so overwhelming that I've pushed alot of it behind my laptop. :)

Edited by Night Elf
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