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WARNING: NEVER tell an Abeka rep that...

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your child is "far, far ahead" of their math curriculum. They won't believe you AND will tell you that s/he STILL should be taking the 6th grade math book, even if they have done 2 years of Pre-Algebra and have tested into AOPS Introduction to Algebra Course. :lol:


He was a former school principal, and in his experience, 11yos were just not capable of Algebra. I was just SO GLAD my 9yo wasn't with me, as she would have had her nose in the Pre-Algebra book to see if she could "do the material" (she is actually ready for Pre-Algebra, but we're doing Math Mammoth 6 and LoF decimals/percents first). I wonder what he would say about her LOVING Shakespeare right now?


FTR, we don't use Abeka for math (I have used K-3rd before, but now we're just using the K book and switching to Math Mammoth). I was looking at the Biology text, as ds will be using it next year in 7th)

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Oh, I thought it was very funny (and a bit sad). I'm just grateful he didn't ask me why I was looking at his Bio text (10th)...he would have been agast to learn I was looking at it for my oldest to use in 7th grade.:lol: I would have said, "just looking at things for the future..."


We know several boys ds's age ready for Algebra I in 6th grade. Now, I've also got a LOT of Algebra here, and have planned a lot. I'm kinda thinking we'll take 18 months for Algebra 1 and do it thoroughly. This is my Geometry kid...

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The first time I showed up at an Abeka display, I made that mistake. I was shopping for K-1st materials for my (then) 3 year old. It didn't go over well. I was honestly asking questions any new homeschooler would ask, but I wasn't getting answers because "the nursery collection" is what I really needed. UGH! I was also told I absolutely couldn't, under any circumstances, do the accredited version more than 1 year off from age/grade. (At the time, I thought you had to use accredited programs. I didn't know any better.)


I did the same thing the following year. I showed up to the same rep asking for 3rd grade materials for my (then) 4 year old. You think he'd be nicer since I bought $400 in stuff the previous year, but nope, same story - although this time, at least he tried directing me to the 1st grade materials. I didn't buy.


Since that time, I decided to show up, browse, say "I'm curious about ___ for a ___ grader" and leave it at that. The same rep is still there time after time, but he doesn't question who the materials are for. (Oh, and I haven't ordered from him again, either. If I want something, I browse at the display and then buy used or buy during an online sale.)


:lol: Some people will never learn!

Edited by 2smartones
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In his defense, most of the moms I know who are pushing their dc (the ones who make the rest of us look bad) DO use A Beka for some reason. So he has probably seen all sorts. :blink:


Our Rep in MI is lovely. He chats with my dc about Civil War reenactments and doesn't blink when I look at various levels for the same child in different subjects.

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I had a rep (not Abeka) get mad at me because I was looking at some of the 2nd grade stuff for my 4 year old. She wanted to know why I didn't just let her play and be a child. Then when I told her she took the online placement and tested at or above the 2nd grade she just made a rude sound and said she must have took it wrong. :glare:

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Last summer I had a similar experience while shopping the AOP booth at an expo in Chicago - DS was frustrated with Saxon, so I was looking at Horizons and Singapore, both level 2....the AOP lady said his frustration wasn't due to the methodology of Saxon, but that the content was above his level....ummm, no, the problem was the death spiral....and was quickly resolved once we switched to Singapore - I did pick up Horizons also and we use it for supplement now and then....but I was kind of flustered by her comments though since I was new at HSing and at that point did wonder if she was right. I now know for sure she wasn't, but still....

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DD12 is doing geometry, she could have started Algebra at 8 years old, but I held off and let her do other things as she was in a public school then and they simply did not have the resources available... My best advice as a parent is do not listen to anyone else about YOUR child, except what your child tells you. If you kid wants to do it, and is capable, then let them. Find a program that fits, or old college textbooks are super cheap...


DD12 actually really liked Brainquest workbooks for math review when she was younger... dont know exactly why, but from the 5th grade brainquest she used a pre-algebra book for 2 months and tested out of middle school math and into Alg 1. This year we are homeschooling because the public school can't support her other needs... there is no right way to expose your kid to things, just listen and they will tell you what is working or not working for them! Good luck!

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