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I lost something and I am going NUTS looking for it!

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I spent awhile looking for this apologia tutorial cd on here, used, it goes for $100+ new. I finally found it, bought it, put it in my computer once, and I have misplaced it! I am going nuts looking for it! I spent almost the whole day tearing the house apart, and no luck. Just venting.

This sort of thing really gets to me. I know *I* am the one who misplaced it. I have NO memory of where I put it.

I am worried it may have slipped its way into a package as I have just sent out a lot of stuff. Anyway, just frustrated. Venting. Grr.....

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take the drawers out of your desk. A while back I couldn't find the little ones birtch certificate and found it when one of the drawers had been opened and my son spilled a rootbeer cup in it. Of course it fizzed everywhere and we live in FL so I don't want ants. Took the drawers out to wash the desk wall behind them sure enough there was the birth certificate!

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Thank you for suggestions...I am praying! I tried the computer. The case is missing, too, so I believe I took it out and put it SOMEWHERE! I have moved so much stuff in this house in the last couple weeks, everything has moved. Last place I saw it was around the laptop in the living room, where I also packed my packages. I wouldn't really have sent it off to someone by mistake, would I have?

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If that's a possibility, I would contact everyone I sent a package to and let them know that you'd like it back if it ended up in their package, and that you'd happily send them shipping money and a few extra $ for their trouble.


I do hope you find it!

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If it makes you feel any better, I can't find my drivers license. The one year old snatched my wallet from the diaper bag while I was mixing bread dough. I found everything but my license, and I'm now pretty sure it made it through the slits in the air vent. :glare:


Good luck!

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I'm gonna assume you have already asked the kids???? I know in our house - if anything is missing, 90% of the time my daughter knows just where it is. It is really weird now that I think about it.....she just seems to know where stuff is?

Tell the kids "$5 for whoever finds it"......and watch how fast they will move to help you out :)

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Well, let's see. I got the cd on June 3 or 4, then left for vacation on June 7. While I was away, my friend came over to borrow the Apologia stuff and other curriculum to see if she wanted to use them. She couldn't find the dvd, it wasn't with the other stuff. I got back on the 11th and have been looking ever since.

The thing is, my house is organized pretty well and clean. WHERE COULD IT HAVE GONE? I had it near the table where we put mail and newspaper, so my fear is that as I was cleaning out those piles, it got stuck in the trash pile and the trash went out.

Edited by lovetobehome
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I lost my youngest son's music CD from HOD about 3 mos ago and had to download the songs from amazon and pay 99 cents per song for them until we finished the guide. I finally found the CD after school was over for the year. It was a yellow CD and it was laying in the bottom of a basket matched up with the sun cut out on a cardboard space mobile! LOL Who would have EVER thought to look there?? Apparently it had been laying on the table when I picked up the mobile and it looked like the sun so I picked them up together. Totally weird!


Hope you find it.

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