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The Amazing Pop-Up Geography Book, review please!


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If anyone has this book, could you please tell me what you think of it? It looks nice, but our library doesn't have it. Should I add it to my cart or not?






I got for my dd6 for Christmas, and she loves it! It is no ordinary pop-up book. I have had to ban my ds3 from it, because it is just too complex and delicate, and he keeps tearing it in spite of the fact that he is really trying to be very gentle with it. It is not just about geographical locations but has a lot about geology and astronomy, as well. I say add it to your cart.

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I bought it for Ariel at 4 and it was a little over her head then, but she really started to enjoy it around 5.5 or so. It probably helped that I wasn't breathing down her neck trying to make sure she wasn't going to tear the pages apart. :lol: She had done that with a couple of her other pop up books.

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I bought it for Ariel at 4 and it was a little over her head then, but she really started to enjoy it around 5.5 or so. It probably helped that I wasn't breathing down her neck trying to make sure she wasn't going to tear the pages apart. :lol: She had done that with a couple of her other pop up books.


Hehe, I totally learned to not get pop-up books at baby/toddler age, but was brave enough to try again at age 5.5. Success!


There is another cool geography pop-up book we have. Maybe I'll take pictures of sample pages of both.

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