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I have a new school room-What color should I paint it?

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I am just getting ready to paint my new school room and library. I am at a loss what to paint them. The floor will be wood and the hall outside is tan and tiled. All the bedrooms in that hall are greens and blues. I think I want something different, but maybe not.

Please help me decide. What color would you paint a school room?

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I was thinking of repainting our over the summer. I was googling about school room colors and it seems the consensus is that warm colors like yellow, orange and red are stimulating and cool colors (blue, green, purple) are relaxing. But the warm colors can lead to stress or hostility and the cool ones can lower motivation. A few recommendation said to make 3 walls a light green or light blue and make the wall where the board is or where the students would be looking while learning a bright yellow or orange. Another recommendation was peach because it has the warmth but is still mellow. I'm thinking about making three walls light green and the the fourth one (where our dry erase board is) peach.

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I was thinking of repainting our over the summer. I was googling about school room colors and it seems the consensus is that warm colors like yellow, orange and red are stimulating and cool colors (blue, green, purple) are relaxing. But the warm colors can lead to stress or hostility and the cool ones can lower motivation. A few recommendation said to make 3 walls a light green or light blue and make the wall where the board is or where the students would be looking while learning a bright yellow or orange. Another recommendation was peach because it has the warmth but is still mellow. I'm thinking about making three walls light green and the the fourth one (where our dry erase board is) peach.


I was thinking along similar lines, thank you for looking it up. I think I read somewhere that orange increases hunger, but I can't site a source.


I really like the 3 walls cool/learning wall warm idea!


Hmmm...purple and brown?

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I was thinking along similar lines, thank you for looking it up. I think I read somewhere that orange increases hunger, but I can't site a source.


I really like the 3 walls cool/learning wall warm idea!


Hmmm...purple and brown?


You jogged my memory. One of the two articles that mentioned peach also mentioned taupe. So, yeah, three light purple and one taupe might work. :001_smile:

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Hmm....I hadn't thought about three walls/one wall. I, too, have heard that red and orange stimulate appetite and blues and greens are relaxing. I also read somewhere that pink is the most agitating color of all (Don't know if that's true).

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You jogged my memory. One of the two articles that mentioned peach also mentioned taupe. So, yeah, three light purple and one taupe might work. :001_smile:


Yeah, an excuse for more purple in my house! :D It's me and 3 guys (including dh) and I just don't get to use my favorate color like I want too.


Hmm....I hadn't thought about three walls/one wall. I, too, have heard that red and orange stimulate appetite and blues and greens are relaxing. I also read somewhere that pink is the most agitating color of all (Don't know if that's true).


I read that people who have a lot of pink in their life tend to be happier. But it was included with pictures of movie/tv/music stars wearing different shades of pink, so take it with a grain of salt :001_smile:

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This thread is fortuitous! We're (finally) closing on our house tomorrow and painting is the first order of business. :) Our school room is directly off the kitchen, which will be painted peach. I'm glad to see that yellow would be a good color choice.

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I painted mine last year. When we moved in it was a washed out purple/lavender above the chair rail and dark eggplant below. It was no fun to learn in such a dark gloomy room, so we painted it peacock blue on the bottom and Jamaican Sea on the top. My kids love it and I think it's my favorite of all the rooms I've painted in my life.


Here's a picture of it right after we finished. We've added some things to the walls and will be getting new tables soon (my dd and youngest son broke the table in the picture)



Here's what it looked like when we moved in.


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I was thinking along similar lines, thank you for looking it up. I think I read somewhere that orange increases hunger, but I can't site a source.


I really like the 3 walls cool/learning wall warm idea!


Hmmm...purple and brown?

I live in a place with long, cold winters. We have three walls warm and one wall cool. Take your location into consideration. Look out the window and make sure the color looks good with what's within your view. Also take yourself and your family into consideration. Find colors that looks good with and that please you and your children.
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I painted mine last year. When we moved in it was a washed out purple/lavender above the chair rail and dark eggplant below. It was no fun to learn in such a dark gloomy room, so we painted it peacock blue on the bottom and Jamaican Sea on the top. My kids love it and I think it's my favorite of all the rooms I've painted in my life. ...

You're the one! :) I was just thinking of your homeschool classroom. I almost mentioned it in the post I just wrote. You posted that picture last summer and it inspired me to add the aqua accent wall to our classroom here! We did yellow and aqua, because I needed something warm for long winters, but I love, love, love the aqua accent wall! Thanks for sharing your pictures last year. :)

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I like both these colors, too! Our big school room that we used to have was a sunny yellow, and also got a lot of sun during the day. It really helped to keep it bright on rainy or cold winter days! I just changed rooms last year, and I'm using my younger sons old room as our school room now. It had just been repainted a nice shade of blue that he chose, so I've let it that color. It has a triple window in it, so gets a ton or morning sun and doesn't need more "sunniness"....

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I painted mine last year. When we moved in it was a washed out purple/lavender above the chair rail and dark eggplant below. It was no fun to learn in such a dark gloomy room, so we painted it peacock blue on the bottom and Jamaican Sea on the top. My kids love it and I think it's my favorite of all the rooms I've painted in my life.




I love it!

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You're the one! :) I was just thinking of your homeschool classroom. I almost mentioned it in the post I just wrote. You posted that picture last summer and it inspired me to add the aqua accent wall to our classroom here! We did yellow and aqua, because I needed something warm for long winters, but I love, love, love the aqua accent wall! Thanks for sharing your pictures last year. :)


Oo, Kel, that's a lovely blue! (Both of them)


I love it!


Thanks to all, We absolutely love our school room. I've been making some additions, like our giant magnet board made of duct panning, and can't wait for our new tables to arrive so I can set them up. I'll make sure to post more pictures once it's all finished (probably not until July since the tables won't come until then)

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Love that aqua blue! Oh, and yellow is supposedly a very bad color to have in a room... it makes you go crazy. :) My room was yellow growing up, and you can see, I'm just a bad nut. ;)


I can't wait to have a schoolroom!! But we live in a 2 bedroom apartment with only 4 rooms (and a bathroom). Lol!

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Ok so now I am thinking spring green walls with a wall sized orange chalk board. I just learned how to make chalkboard paint and I think a full sized wall chalkboard would go very well with some light bright spring walls. Now to put up a bit and see what I think!

Thanks Ladies!!!

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Ok so now I am thinking spring green walls with a wall sized orange chalk board. I just learned how to make chalkboard paint and I think a full sized wall chalkboard would go very well with some light bright spring walls. Now to put up a bit and see what I think!

Thanks Ladies!!!


That sounds awesome!

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