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So far today....

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I've changed the sheets on my bed, hung laundry on the clothesline, washed more dirty laundry, weeded out my kid's books by half (really there is no point to having so many books if we cannot find our favorites because there are too many that we don't really like all that much), sorted out dd2's clothing (she's away at camp this week. She took 9 outfits with her, so I emptied her drawers and took out almost everything else. No child needs more than 2 weeks worth of clothing crammed in her drawers, especially as often as I do laundry) I started the general declutter and clean up of the mess in dd and ds's room, but I started getting irritable. (that happens when I deep clean my kid's rooms. It is a combination of being overwhelmed and disgust. Why is it so hard to simply throw trash in the trash can? Why did I buy my dd new socks when I found a weeks worth crammed in various places all over the room) So instead of crabbing at my kids, I decided to take a break for a few minutes and destress here. So the mess will wait in there till I can :chillpill:


Anyone else get stressed when cleaning?

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Oh, my, yes. The kid leaves for summer camp tomorrow and has already been warned that I'll be cleaning his room while he's gone. He's reasonably tidy, but I know there will be something to set my blood aboil (most likely, I'll immediately find the lost padlock he "looked everywhere" for before having to purchase a new one).


Is there much harm in drinking and dusting?

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Wow, go you!!! I'm inspired!


Yes, I have a hard time cleaning. I get stressed and overwhelmed easily.


Today I will be doing a bit. I have to wash clothes and get them out on the line, now that we actually have some sun.

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Oh, my, yes. The kid leaves for summer camp tomorrow and has already been warned that I'll be cleaning his room while he's gone. He's reasonably tidy, but I know there will be something to set my blood aboil (most likely, I'll immediately find the lost padlock he "looked everywhere" for before having to purchase a new one).


Is there much harm in drinking and dusting?


Nope, I had some wine while cleaning the kitchen yesterday! lol :cheers2:

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Well, my washer overflowed again (needs a new control thingie and has to be watched) as I was cleaning up the flour the four year old had dumped out on the counter and practiced writing in...you have gotten a lot more done so far than I have. I asked DD7 to pick up the crayons that 'appeared' miraculously without human aid all around the rocking chair in the living room and she denied being able to see them (maybe I am having visions?) Already I need to lie down.

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weeded out my kid's books by half




Every time I declutter the bookshelves, I trade the old books in at McKays, and end up coming home with new ones... Usually less than I traded in but I still manage to fill those shelves back up....

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these books are NOT going to McKAys. They look so pathetic that I doubt they want them. Therefore, I am hoping to avoid the repeat scenario. Ironic that you posted that, cause I will likely be paying my favorite store a visit this afternoon, but I am not bringing anything....just looking for a few things for school next year.

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these books are NOT going to McKAys. They look so pathetic that I doubt they want them. Therefore, I am hoping to avoid the repeat scenario. Ironic that you posted that, cause I will likely be paying my favorite store a visit this afternoon, but I am not bringing anything....just looking for a few things for school next year.


Lol... I managed to get there twice last week. You never know what they'll take. I've had the strangest things rejected, but they take almost everything I've ever brought in.

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