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Primary Sources for Medival History

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I am looking for a top 10 list of specific primary documents for the medieval logic year. We have limited time, so I only want the "must do." This is what I have so far...



1. Beowulf

2. Canterbury Tales

3. Shakespeare

4. Arthur

Dante we will do in High School



Magna Carta


I've been looking at this site http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/mefrm.htm but nothing really pops out at me as critical, more of it is just interesting (that is good too, I just don't want to miss something important).




Ruth in NZ

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What grade? If you follow WTM, this would be for 6th, right?


Hmmm, I have some possible suggestions, but I'm not sure whether they would work for you or not? We've been doing Renaissance & Reformation history this year for 8th grade. I could find some ideas from this part of your time period, if you're interested?

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I am looking for a top 10 list of specific primary documents for the medieval logic year. We have limited time, so I only want the "must do." This is what I have so far...



1. Beowulf

2. Canterbury Tales

3. Shakespeare

4. Arthur

Dante we will do in High School



Magna Carta


I've been looking at this site http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/mefrm.htm but nothing really pops out at me as critical, more of it is just interesting (that is good too, I just don't want to miss something important).




Ruth in NZ


I personally would not use these for 6th grade b/c I don't use original documents until high school, but here are a few ideas:







One other source that I find invaluable (but, hey, I'm Catholic ;) ) are the writings of the early Church Fathers:


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My dd was in 8th grade this year so I felt comfortable choosing some primary documents for her. I'm not sure how well a 6th grader would do with these but I'll put an asterik by the ones we found easier. We took all our selections from The Portable Renaissance Reader. I would preread these as we went along (actually we are not finished with school this year and will be working all summer...we've recently moved again...). If I came across a selection I thought was too much, or our time was constrained (it often was :lol:) I would remove it or sometimes I exchanged it. I hope this helps...


P.S. Many of our selections corresponded very well with our text: Renaissance and Reformation Times by Dorothy Mills

This is an excellent book which introduces many important names and often includes primary source excerpts. (We are still using it as well.)


Here are a few possible suggestions:

The Man of Letters by Francesco Petrarca

The Return of the Muses by Giovanni Boccaccio

Petrarca and the Art of Poetry by Leonardo Bruni

Antwerp, The Great Market by Ludovico Guicciardini

*The Plight of the French Poor by Cahier of the Estates General

*A Portrait of Lorenzo de Medici by Francesco Guicciardini

The Strength and Weakness of France by Michele Suriano

*Gargantua's Advice to Pantagruel by Francois Rabelais

In Praise of Poetry by Giovanni Boccaccio

The Election of a Pope by Pope Pius II

*Savonarola, A Portrait by Francesco Guicciciardini

A Preacher of Reform by Girolamo Savonarola

poetry by Bellay

poetry by Ronsard

poetry by Petrarca


There are many others we still must read this summer. Here are some important names we still must read this summer:


Martin Luther

Leonardo da Vinci



Tycho Brahe

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I am looking for a top 10 list of specific primary documents for the medieval logic year. We have limited time, so I only want the "must do." This is what I have so far...



1. Beowulf

2. Canterbury Tales

3. Shakespeare

4. Arthur

Dante we will do in High School



Magna Carta


I've been looking at this site http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/mefrm.htm but nothing really pops out at me as critical, more of it is just interesting (that is good too, I just don't want to miss something important).




Ruth in NZ


I might use math riddles by Alcuin (I have some on my blog.)


A list of the rule of St. Benedict.


Magna Carta


A section of the Doomsday Book


I might also expand primary document to include art like the Bayeaux Tapestry, stained glass or illuminations. The Book of Hours, for example.


Fordham has an internet sourcebook that might give you ideas.

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P.S. Many of our selections corresponded very well with our text: Renaissance and Reformation Times by Dorothy Mills

This is an excellent book which introduces many important names and often includes primary source excerpts. (We are still using it as well.)



I am not the OP, but I am wondering if this book would be suitable for 4th-7th Graders. I am considering it for next year.

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I LOVE this book and all of her other books too. I think it is perfect for middle school and I plan on using them in early high school too.

Highlands Latin School uses Book of the Ancient Greeks and Book of the Ancient World in 7th and Book of the Ancient Romans in 8th so far. Since they use Memoria Press products, I wouldn't be surprised if they add more of her books. Memoria Press has already Beta published Book of the Ancient World (which comes before the Book of the Ancient Greeks) and Book of the Ancient Greeks. I was told that Book of the Ancient Romans, The Middle Ages and Renaissance and Reformation Times would be published sometime in the future too. Who knows for sure how that will turn out?:lol:

I also have Norms and Nobility by David Hicks (Ambleside Online credits his book with some of their book choices. You'll see it at the bottom of their years in HEO (Years 7-12). In David Hicks' proposed curriculum you will find The Middle Ages by Dorothy Mills as one of the main texts in 10th grade. I shared all of this just to demonstrate where I came up with the idea of using this for middle school and even early high school. Sorry, if I rambled on too much....!:001_smile:

I also included it to show how I would be very comfortable with 6th grade and up using them, but I would have a different approach with younger students. I do think they might still work, you just may need to read them aloud or have your students of this age read together. It really depends on your dc. They may be strong readers and students and could handle them just fine. I don't think the material itself is overly difficult, but the information is so important (in my humble opinion) that I would want to be sure they really absorbed it well. I've loved being able to take the passages of primary sources and find the entire primary source and use all of it or look for more or related primary sources. I've had no trouble at all bringing more to the text since there is so many references in each chapter. She mentions artists, authors of the time, etc. that I've also been able to integrate.

I hope this helps...I may have made this more confusing...

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I LOVE this book and all of her other books too. I think it is perfect for middle school and I plan on using them in early high school too.

Highlands Latin School uses Book of the Ancient Greeks and Book of the Ancient World in 7th and Book of the Ancient Romans in 8th so far. Since they use Memoria Press products, I wouldn't be surprised if they add more of her books. Memoria Press has already Beta published Book of the Ancient World (which comes before the Book of the Ancient Greeks) and Book of the Ancient Greeks. I was told that Book of the Ancient Romans, The Middle Ages and Renaissance and Reformation Times would be published sometime in the future too. Who knows for sure how that will turn out?:lol:

I also have Norms and Nobility by David Hicks (Ambleside Online credits his book with some of their book choices. You'll see it at the bottom of their years in HEO (Years 7-12). In David Hicks' proposed curriculum you will find The Middle Ages by Dorothy Mills as one of the main texts in 10th grade. I shared all of this just to demonstrate where I came up with the idea of using this for middle school and even early high school. Sorry, if I rambled on too much....!:001_smile:

I also included it to show how I would be very comfortable with 6th grade and up using them, but I would have a different approach with younger students. I do think they might still work, you just may need to read them aloud or have your students of this age read together. It really depends on your dc. They may be strong readers and students and could handle them just fine. I don't think the material itself is overly difficult, but the information is so important (in my humble opinion) that I would want to be sure they really absorbed it well. I've loved being able to take the passages of primary sources and find the entire primary source and use all of it or look for more or related primary sources. I've had no trouble at all bringing more to the text since there is so many references in each chapter. She mentions artists, authors of the time, etc. that I've also been able to integrate.

I hope this helps...I may have made this more confusing...


Thank you! I think I would probably read it to my children and have my oldest do extra reading on the side, maybe the Famous Men books. I was wondering mainly about content, so you answered my question.:001_smile:


You wouldn't happen to have a schedule you wouldn't mind sharing would you?;)

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Actually, I made a schedule and study guides for what we've covered so far....unfortunately we've moved twice this year and have really fallen behind in school. We are just now getting settled again (we've been here over two weeks now) and are starting lessons again for the entire summer. (Good thing we school year round and my girls have been prepared for this...:001_smile:). I can share my schedule in the very near future (I just need time to transfer from the Term schedules where I have it written.) and your welcome to the study guides I have so far. I have two sample ones on my blog if you'd like to just look at them first. These were created with a CM approach in mind so if something is confusing, please feel free to ask.

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Actually, I made a schedule and study guides for what we've covered so far....unfortunately we've moved twice this year and have really fallen behind in school. We are just now getting settled again (we've been here over two weeks now) and are starting lessons again for the entire summer. (Good thing we school year round and my girls have been prepared for this...:001_smile:). I can share my schedule in the very near future (I just need time to transfer from the Term schedules where I have it written.) and your welcome to the study guides I have so far. I have two sample ones on my blog if you'd like to just look at them first. These were created with a CM approach in mind so if something is confusing, please feel free to ask.


Wow, your blog is fantastic!

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