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Quick question for Saxon math users....

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Do you have your child compete both sides of the worksheet? I did not require my 1st and 3rd grader to do the back side if the front was done correctly. If any questions were missed, then I would have them work the similar question on the back (but not the whole page). Just wondering if most people follow Saxon's recommendation to do the front side, and complete the back later in the day.

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We do both sides, I didn't feel like it was too much really, there aren't a LOT of problems on a side. I guess my son didn't NEED to do both sides since he always did well with math, maybe I'm just mean :)


We're about 10 lessons from finishing Saxon 2 and we're moving into Hake's Saxon 3 and the format changes, I'm curious to see if he likes it better.

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We only do both sides if either a) they missed a problem & I needed to see if they understood it or not or b) they felt like it. Even when we did do both sides we never did the second side later in the day, we just did it right then.


We're almost finished with Saxon 2; we did it the same way.

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Half the time we didn't even do the whole page; I just marked which problems for ds to work. Between the facts page, calendar, pattern, money, time... lesson and worksheet, math takes way too long as it is. I like Saxon, but I definitely make it work FOR us.

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