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Teachers Bistro 6-1-2011

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Well, here we are - it's June already!


What's for lunch today? Kids: no idea. One had lunch on her own and the other had lunch at a friend's house. Me: FREE Lunchable (it was on sale and, evidently, I had an eCoupon that covered the cost!)


What's grating on your nerves today? Me: I want to go on a vacation :auto:with my hubby and not come back for two weeks. Let someone else listen to my kids for those two weeks! :lol:


What's fun for you today? Me: here Sam's Club was offering a 10 weeks for 10 bucks trial membership. Signed us up for that today! Can't wait to go back and SHOP. :D



Talk to me! :bigear:

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Lunch was a bag of cashews and a root beer.


Which leads to my frustrating thing for today. I have been sitting in a Dr.s office for four hours and counting now...they were running two hours behind for my dh's three hour procedure.


What's fun today? Playing on our new iPad. :D

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Lunch was some leftover meatloaf with some yummy hummus. Strange, I know. I'm not really sure if the kids ate lunch; ds was in charge then.


Fun today? I'm still enjoying my ds. I love having him home.


Frustrating? My grass is brown and unhappy. I don't want to put a fortune in water on it to make it green, but I love soft, green grass.

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Wow, so glad I am here today. I was gone so long that I thought the bistro had closed! Happily I am back and have a new computer that is working light years ahead of my old one. Now if dh would just get my new printer hooked up...


Lunch: Don Juan Mexican with my kids and my dad. I picked dd up from a play date and we passed my dad on the road. He invited us to eat with him and his friend. It was wonderful. We laughed and had such a good time!


What's grating on your nerves today? 1.That stupid pool we have in the backyard. I don't think I will ever get it clean. I am spending tons of money. I am spending tons of time on the boards at troublefreepol.com. It seems that the last owner damaged everything before she left. Not bad damaged but enough that it may not last all summer. The sand filter gasket is leaking. The vacuum hoses are all chipped at the joints, the ladder/steps are cracking...

2. That ds is still not finished with the year's school work. I have about decided though that we will just call it quits anyway. He is burned out. I am burned out. I really want to work on the outside of the house...



What's fun for you today? lunch with my dad was a big one. Maybe some other fun things will come my way. We are also having a great adult class at church so I am looking forward to that tonight as well.

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Lunch - Chicken ranch Sammie from Quiznos, 1 square of chocolate, water


Grating - That lunch was 434 calories. :banghead: (And I'm not full.)


Also - I have a UTI that's been hanging around for 3 weeks. I'm now on more powerful antibiotics.


Fun - Can't think of anything. Isn't that sad? I'll probably do something fun with the kids later, though. I just have to think of it first!

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How can it possibly be JUNE??? Seriously... I think I blinked sometime during the snowstorms in February and now it's June. It's freaky.


What's for lunch today? The boy and I were cleaning out the fridge and made salads out of some arugula, grape tomatoes, and random other bits and pieces.


What's grating on your nerves today? The whining that my children have decided to start already even though we're not on summer vacation yet.


What's fun for you today? My son just made some weird version of homemade sherbet and he and his sister are "enjoying" it on the back porch. They're out there because I got tired of hearing them snipe at each other over who was getting more. It might be 90-some-odd degrees, but I don't want to hear it!

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Lunch today was ramen for the girls. They both LOVE that stuff and I think it is so disgusting. I had a leftover hamburger.


Grating? Cramps. I look forward to menopause so I can be free of giving up and entire week every month to debilitating cramps.


Fun? The girls have been out back on their slip and slide and I have been in my chair with heating pad and laptop reading cheesy fan fiction. It has been pretty quiet.

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Grating? Cramps. I look forward to menopause so I can be free of giving up and entire week every month to debilitating cramps.



AMEN to that! I keep praying, "Lord, I'm not having any more kids so we can move on (with the physical process)?" :tongue_smilie:


Read all the cheesy fan fiction you want. Just make sure you have something cheesy (like cheese puffs) to eat with it and a drink to wash it all down! :D

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Lunch: Toddler bites. ;) I was babysitting a 2yo today and I was nibbling all the same stuff I was handing to her. So I had tiny bits of apple, oranges, cheese, ham, and celery, followed by a couple of graham crackers in the shape of bugs. She had milk, and I had lots of tea.


Grating: The wind! It's insane! It's been screaming at us for 2 days straight. I expected it when we lived in the southwest, but we're not set up for it in Michigan. My plants and chicken run are taking a beating.


Fun: MrTea's out of town, and I am in the middle of painting the bedroom as a surprise.


PS: Did I tell you I love the bistro? Gosh, who else bothers to ask about my day? Thanks, ScrapBB!

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AMEN to that! I keep praying, "Lord, I'm not having any more kids so we can move on (with the physical process)?" :tongue_smilie:


Read all the cheesy fan fiction you want. Just make sure you have something cheesy (like cheese puffs) to eat with it and a drink to wash it all down! :D

I had a hysterectomy in 2005. I have not ever missed the monthly nightmare. Not once.

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