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Organized "school" for 4yo?

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My ds will be 4yo when we start school back. Up til now, school mostly happened when he napped, so he has never really been included. This year I want to do some preschool stuff with him (he is eager to "do school"). My main goals for him are to recognize lower case letters (he knows upper case) and letter sounds. He also loves numbers, so we will do some mathy stuff. I was looking at the Letter of the Week curr. and I really like the idea of having something organized to do with him, but it looks like a lot of prep work. What are some ways to give him a little structure that would not mean I have to spend lots of time preparing? Is there a pre-K curr that would work or is it better just to organize some educational toys/books/etc?

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Rod & Staff ABC series workbooks are cheap and easy to use.


I recommend Leapfrog Letter Factory for letters and sounds. :)


My 4 year old does school when he asks. If he doesn't ask for a week, that's fine! He just plays on his own while we do school.

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I just got the Letter of the Week program from Confessions of a Homeschooler. It was $10, but I liked it because it has all the printables. So, I can just print everything off and my youngest can work on those projects while I'm working with the other two. It will take some effort with printing, but I plan to do all that before the year starts and have it organized in an accordian file, so it won't take any time during the school year.

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I just got the Letter of the Week program from Confessions of a Homeschooler. It was $10, but I liked it because it has all the printables. So, I can just print everything off and my youngest can work on those projects while I'm working with the other two. It will take some effort with printing, but I plan to do all that before the year starts and have it organized in an accordian file, so it won't take any time during the school year.


How much printing for an average week's work? I hate to go through tons of ink and paper just for preschool. Doesn't a lot of the stuff require cutting out stuff?

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You could have a container of money and let him count the coins. Just answer his questions: This is a penny. This is a nickel; it's the same as five pennies. This is a dime. It's the same as two nickels and...yes, that's right, 10 pennies. :-) My younger dd learned to count money (and addition and subtraction, ya know) without a single worksheet...not unlike people have been doing for a thousand years, lol.


He might like a clock to play with, one with big hands. Or maybe one that looks like an old-timey alarm clock.


Puzzles. Many kids love puzzles. If some of them happen to be shaped like, oh, states, he might learn states and capitals and everything.


Maybe a big rug that's actually a map.

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We do a Letter of the Week thing but I just make it up. For each week I get books out of the library (A: ants, astronauts, alphabet). We keep a list of words all week on the bulletin board and we aim for one or two activities that go with the letter (sing The Ants Go Marching In, go watch ants in the backyard, sing the alphabet song, watch a movie about alligators).


I also love Five in a Row for preschool/K. I've gotten very far away from "rowing" but I still use it to structure our weeks and so we have "H school" every day as something special.


I have found that the above with one or two workbooks is plenty of structure. The workbooks are more for the times when he wants to sit down at the table with us than that he has to do them. Kumon workbooks are great. Recently we've started Get Ready for the Code and Singapore Earlybird K Math.

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