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New to the forum...thought I had it all figured out


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We are just wrapping up our first year with pre-k and 2nd where we focused on reading books, math and writing. I thought I had next year all settled. Then I started using WWE2 and reading TWTM. I was orginally all set on SL core 1/B but looking over the history portion I felt the need to add in more living books and not just rely on the Usborne ones. Now I just want to totally switch and use SOTW w/Biblioplan for next year's ancient history. Crazy right??


I know it takes time to learn what works for your family and kids. The more I learn, the more I feel drawn to a classical style with a little CM thrown in for good measure. Meanwhile, I am driving my dh crazy with all the curriculum choices we have considered for next year. Tell me it gets better. :D



1st year homeschooling ds8 and dd5

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We are just wrapping up our first year with pre-k and 2nd where we focused on reading books, math and writing. I thought I had next year all settled. Then I started using WWE2 and reading TWTM. I was orginally all set on SL core 1/B but looking over the history portion I felt the need to add in more living books and not just rely on the Usborne ones. Now I just want to totally switch and use SOTW w/Biblioplan for next year's ancient history. Crazy right??


I know it takes time to learn what works for your family and kids. The more I learn, the more I feel drawn to a classical style with a little CM thrown in for good measure. Meanwhile, I am driving my dh crazy with all the curriculum choices we have considered for next year. Tell me it gets better. :D



1st year homeschooling ds8 and dd5


As someone who just finished Sonlight 1/B, is headed for 2/C, and plans on switching to Biblioplan in a few years, I can't find fault with your taste. :p Biblioplan looks like it works a lot better for multiple kids (which is one of the reasons I'll be switching, in fact). I will say that I found Sonlight and its micromanaging very helpful for "getting my feet wet" and building my confidence in homeschooling and my knowledge of how homeschooling "works," as I am also wrapping up my first year. Since you've already taught a year, and you'd be adapting the core to teach two kids at two different ages, that aspect probably wouldn't be such a strength for you.


I don't know if curriculum choosing gets any better, but at the moment I'm having fun "window-shopping" all the curricula I'm not getting for next year. So maybe life'll get a little easier once you do choose?

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Welcome! I've been homeschooling for twelve years, and it does get easier! I have most of my curriculum down pat (though different kids do well with different things) and am able to look at about anything and quickly determine if it will work for us. It took quite a bit of time and curriculums to get to this point though! And I think--if only I could do it all over again from the beginning I'd know what the heck I was doing!

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Tell me it gets better. :D




9th year homeschooling here. Some years I know just what we'll do...some years I'm still in turmoil, LOL! My plan for next year for my oldest took quite an unexpected turn this winter, just when I thought I was decided! But...the journey is fun!


Merry :-)

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I just made all my choices for 1st grade. This forum is good and evil all at the same time, when deciding on curriculum. I love both the classical and CM style as well. I use classical for the 3R's (FLL, WWE, OPGTR) and CM for history and science. First decide where you want to add the two styles in your curriculum and then start searching. Good luck.

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I'm not sure it gets easier. This was our 19th year of homeschooling and I had major curriculum turmoil this year. Maybe the difference is that I do know what I want, but narrowing down that decision then to which curriculum will fit that best is still difficult.

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Welcome! I've been homeschooling for twelve years, and it does get easier! I have most of my curriculum down pat (though different kids do well with different things) and am able to look at about anything and quickly determine if it will work for us. It took quite a bit of time and curriculums to get to this point though! And I think--if only I could do it all over again from the beginning I'd know what the heck I was doing!


:iagree: It gets easier. :) We just finished our sixth year and I finally have found a LA program (Phonics Road) and math programs (Math Mammoth and Christian Light Education) that have cured me from even wanting to look at other programs. :) I also know what approach(es) work for my different kids.


TWTM's overall plan resonates with me more than any other homeschooling philosophy. It helps to have a plan to keep me on track. :)

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I am glad to hear it gets easier. But I love, love, love books! I find myself tweaking and adding in more books. Next year we plan to start with ancient history and the list of great books I want to read with the kids is getting longer each day. But I guess it will be fun trying to get to them all.

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