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Foot Dilemma

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DS stepped on a pencil last fall and the tip and some wood broke off in his foot. Since it was hot on the heels of him receiving 12 stitches in his heel, I didn't take him to the doctor because he totally freaked out about it.


The skin had healed over and it was fine. Since then, it appears the body has encapsulated the fragments and a bump has formed on the bottom of his foot. There has never been any redness or irritation at all. It was just a hard bump. I assume his body was slowly pushing the objects to the surface.


Five minutes ago he scraped his foot, and the bump began to bleed. Now I regret not taking him to the doctor, because he won't let me near it. We should have just bitten the bullet at the time. Anyway, I had been putting wart remover pads on it at night to get rid of the skin on top of the bump. That skin is now white and dead, but still thick.


What should I do with this? He WILL NOT go to the doctor. Anything to calm his nerves? I am nowhere near nurse material. I just wanted to make a hole in the dead skin to get some colloidal silver in there.

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I'm sorry for your ds, this sounds pretty nasty.


What should I do with this? He WILL NOT go to the doctor.


But he's only 9? :confused: If you decide he needs medical attention, then take him. I appreciate it won't be easy, but he's really too young to make that kind of decision for himself.



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I'm sorry for your ds, this sounds pretty nasty.




But he's only 9? :confused: If you decide he needs medical attention, then take him. I appreciate it won't be easy, but he's really too young to make that kind of decision for himself.





And because I'm one of those annoying moms that must turn everything into a lesson, I would also emphasize this is how we overcome our fears (sounds like he's scared of the doc) by directly confronting them and finding we are stronger than we realize.

:grouphug: to you. It's awful to see our dc in pain.

Edited by Sophia
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I'm no doctor, but when the same thing happened to DD7 (piece of glass) the doctor said we had two options - to go in and dig it out (topical anesthetic and possibly a stitch or two; it was pretty deep), or to let it come out on its own. He voted for just letting it come out. Yes, when she took a step she could feel it poke her slightly. That sensation came and went and it was very mild. About 10 months later it finally came out. I think it was much better than digging it out.

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I'm no doctor, but when the same thing happened to DD7 (piece of glass) the doctor said we had two options - to go in and dig it out (topical anesthetic and possibly a stitch or two; it was pretty deep), or to let it come out on its own. He voted for just letting it come out. Yes, when she took a step she could feel it poke her slightly. That sensation came and went and it was very mild. About 10 months later it finally came out. I think it was much better than digging it out.


I would have voted for the "just let it work it's way out" as well. But since you've killed off the skin with wart remover and it's bleeding from the scrape, I now vote for the doctor route (freaked out or otherwise). Infections are no joke and now you have a compromised skin barrier.


In the mean time, soak in water and bandage to keep the nasties out.

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Have to agree-- time for the doctor if the skin is damaged and now he has bleeding.


I'm sure he'll fight like mad, but he will also find out he can do things he didn't believe he could.


I hope the docs are gentle, and he heals up quickly.

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Since today is Memorial Day, I figured I'd give the foot one more try before I made an appointment with the doctor to have it removed. I had previously put wart remover pads on the bump, so the skin was white and dead. I just started couponing again and had bought a Sally Hanson dead skin remover thingy for $.24 at Walmart. I just started gently brushing it across the bump, taking off a small bit of skin at a time while DS watched TV.


About 20 minutes later, the skin had worn away enough so you could see the lead! I just brushed and brushed it until the lead started to stick out, then my son grabbed it with tweezers and pulled it out gently. I measured it with a ruler and it was almost 1/2 an inch long! It was still sharpened, so I think we got it all.


I squirted some colloidal silver ointment in it and covered it with a BandAid. If there is any sign of infection, off we go to the doctor, but right now it looks good.


Anyone know how long it takes the body to fill in holes? :D

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Since today is Memorial Day, I figured I'd give the foot one more try before I made an appointment with the doctor to have it removed. I had previously put wart remover pads on the bump, so the skin was white and dead. I just started couponing again and had bought a Sally Hanson dead skin remover thingy for $.24 at Walmart. I just started gently brushing it across the bump, taking off a small bit of skin at a time while DS watched TV.


About 20 minutes later, the skin had worn away enough so you could see the lead! I just brushed and brushed it until the lead started to stick out, then my son grabbed it with tweezers and pulled it out gently. I measured it with a ruler and it was almost 1/2 an inch long! It was still sharpened, so I think we got it all.


I squirted some colloidal silver ointment in it and covered it with a BandAid. If there is any sign of infection, off we go to the doctor, but right now it looks good.


Anyone know how long it takes the body to fill in holes? :D


That is wonderful! I hope you didn't think I was being harsh when I said you should go to the doctor. I think you can wait and see now. ::001_smile:

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