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2nd grade curriculum recommendations, please??


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I have a friend who is going to be hs'ing her 2nd grader. It's been ages since my ds was in grade 2 and options have changed a lot. I've told her about Oak Meadow (of course), Learning Adventures, Critical Thinking guides, Story of the World, Calvert, and Time4Learning.


What else is out there for 2nd Grade that is secular? All subjects welcome as long as they are secular.


Thanks for your input! :001_smile:

Edited by Audrey
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How about REAL Science & History Odyssey?



Math, we loved Singapore and Miquon. I've also heard Mammoth Math is good, but never used it.


Lit/writing we love the Michael Clay Thompson guides.


We also did tons of art (no program) just free painting, drawing, sculpture with found objects, nature study (draw what you see, etc).


We also listened to lots of audio books, music, and watched movies (educational of course... ;) )

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How about REAL Science & History Odyssey?



Math, we loved Singapore and Miquon. I've also heard Mammoth Math is good, but never used it.


Lit/writing we love the Michael Clay Thompson guides.


We also did tons of art (no program) just free painting, drawing, sculpture with found objects, nature study (draw what you see, etc).


We also listened to lots of audio books, music, and watched movies (educational of course... ;) )



I'd forgotten about Pandia Press. I remember using something from them "earth science??" maybe??? It's been so long! LOL!

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Here's a list I made of popular secular curriculum choices. She can look at the right side of my blog to see what we're using for 2nd grade.


I'm a little embarrassed about how many of your blog posts I have bookmarked Angela. :001_smile:


All of the 2nd grade goodies in my signature are secular. I came across one lesson with a religious poem in FLL2(skipped it) and there's a song on SSL that I skip over as well, but other than that, no problems.


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Our second grade:




Spelling Workout

Singapore Math

SOTW 2 (I'm not sure if you'd consider this secular or not. I know it gets criticized from both sides.)

Lively Latin

Earth Science using mostly Delta Education Science in a Nutshell kits and library books.


The Science in a Nutshell kits are fabulous for hands on science.

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Singapore Math (http://www.singaporemath.com'>http://www.singaporemath.com'>http://www.singaporemath.com'>http://www.singaporemath.com)

Singapore Science (http://www.singaporemath.com)

Growing with Grammar (http://www.growingwithgrammar.com'>http://www.growingwithgrammar.com'>http://www.growingwithgrammar.com'>http://www.growingwithgrammar.com)

Growing with Spelling (http://www.growingwithgrammar.com)

The Reading Lesson (available on Amazon if phonics help is still needed)

Oak Meadow 2 (we're using this now and loving it!)

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McRuffy math and LA

Grammar with a Giggle

WriteShop Primary

Apples and Pears spelling

Moving Beyond the Page

A Little Garden Flower

Live Ed



Trail Guide to World Geography (and US Geography)

Noeo (Yes, xian company. Yes, the directions say to look up the definition of "theory" and you have to make sure your child gets the definition that pertains to science. If your friend doesn't mind a secular curriculum from a xian company, this should be fine.)

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Singapore Science, too. I think the grade levels are rather optimistic, so that 3/4 is probably more 2nd/3rd, especially if the child is a strong reader or if the parent does it as a readaloud.


Handwriting Without Tears


Teacherfilebox.com (not a curriculum, but a ton of supplements)


Discoveryeducation.com (same deal)


Elementary Spanish

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Jolly Grammar

Dancing Bears phonics

GEMS (science)

Zaner-Bloser handwriting

Moving Beyond the Page (can be used just for English, just science & social studies or English, science and social studies combined)

Galore Park (their Junior level 1) - history, science, English and math. They also have Spanish and French

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Miquon math


Apples & Pears Spelling


Dancing Bears Fast Track (if reading instruction is still required)


FLL & WWE (I use the textbook as a guide for my 8yo...trying the wb w/other dc)


Startwrite to make my own copywork/handwriting pages




A whole bunch of good books for reading aloud and independent reading (if the 2nd grader is reading independently). For this stage, I act as quality control for the books that come into the home (low level of tolerance for twaddle, and lets have some variety please), but then give the kids lots of freedom with what book they want to hear today. This is *the* best part of HSing a 2nd grader, ime.

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