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Anyone else experiencing increased anxiety due to all the tornadoes?

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I used to love storms. I looked forward to hearing that there was the possibility of an overnight thunderstorm. Over the past few years, I've become more and more anxious about severe weather threats. My anxiety took a giant leap forward when lightening struck a tree in our yard and dropped half of it within 2 feet of our house. I have never heard a noise that loud in my life.


This year, with all of the horrible tornadoes, I am finding myself feeling even worse. I heard the iPhone recording of the people sheltering in the walk-in cooler in Joplin and my heart started racing. A few days later we had a severe weather threat and I very nearly couldn't leave the house. I did, eventually, but it was only with careful watching of the radar on wunderground.com.


I don't want to feel like this! Does anyone have ideas for reducing the anxiety related to storms? I'd like to stop checking the weather constantly, but then I feel like I'm being careless :tongue_smilie:.

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No. And I've grown up in Tornado Alley.


We have always had the threat. There have been massive tornadoes before, and close to home. We can't stop the fact that they exist and we also don't need to live in fear about them. Have a plan, be prepared, and don't be stupid. ;)

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I used to love storms. I looked forward to hearing that there was the possibility of an overnight thunderstorm. Over the past few years, I've become more and more anxious about severe weather threats. My anxiety took a giant leap forward when lightening struck a tree in our yard and dropped half of it within 2 feet of our house. I have never heard a noise that loud in my life.


This year, with all of the horrible tornadoes, I am finding myself feeling even worse. I heard the iPhone recording of the people sheltering in the walk-in cooler in Joplin and my heart started racing. A few days later we had a severe weather threat and I very nearly couldn't leave the house. I did, eventually, but it was only with careful watching of the radar on wunderground.com.


I don't want to feel like this! Does anyone have ideas for reducing the anxiety related to storms? I'd like to stop checking the weather constantly, but then I feel like I'm being careless :tongue_smilie:.


Experiencing increased anxiety? Yes!!!


Having a weather radio with an alert setting helps me feel better and keeps me from checking the radar constantly. Okay, I still do it anyway. Not reading every one of the terrible stories in the newspaper and online would be better. Doing what I can to be prepared is a positive step.


But really, for me, dealing with the reality of death has been the most helpful. That I am just not in control of everything. That bad things happen to people and I can't change that. That we're all going to die sometime. That we have a God who cares for us. And that we have heaven to look forward to. (Didn't ask if you were a Christian, but that's where I'm coming from). This all sounds very simple and pat, but it has been a struggle for me to realize some simple truths. I have to remind myself a lot.


Lightning strike near your house - how scary! :grouphug: Praying for less anxiety for you.


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Anyone else experiencing increased anxiety due to all the tornadoes?


Most definitely! :eek: :scared: It's been making me sick when I think about it. I have a lot of anxiety about it because we live in a mobile home. There's no where to go. We are on the edge of town and we can't hear the siren. We can't run to the neighbors, because almost everyone on our street lives in a mobile home (plus I don't really know our neighbors). There is no public shelter in town. I still have no clue where we'd go. I want to get a weather radio so I know if the sirens are going, but I don't know where to get one (can't really afford one). I told my dh the other day that we really need for him to build some kind of below ground room, just big enough for the 5 of us to seek shelter (that sounds selfish....of course, I'd love for it to be big enough for all the neighbors, but that's not gonna happen). He said he's been thinking about it. But, he worries that something would fall over the door and we wouldn't be able to get out and no one would know we are down there. He wants to make a second way out. Who knows if this plan will ever come about. I sure hope it does though. Last year we had a tornado about 5 miles from us. I was at work; kids home alone. I rush home...power is out, wind is whipping, sky looks green. My youngest was absolutely hysterical.

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Anxiety, yep got that...the other night we had a tornado watch and I was so scared I stayed up until it was over and even let my dd stay up (she fell asleep in my arms downstairs) because I didn't want to have to go upstairs and get her if something did happen...Oh and I live on the east coast where tornados are not as common although we seem to have 1 a year at least. Normally I wouldn't worry so much but I knew the storm we were getting is the one that caused Joplin and Piedmont twisters so I figured I should take it seriously. My dh think I am crazy but he grew up in tornado alley and is relaxed about severe weather.

I do think this is a good time to make a plan and teach it to our children so that if something did happen they know what to do.

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IDK, but I'm there too. I grew up here, I'm used to tornadoes. This latest round, especially Joplin has me very edgy. My boys were just through Joplin a few weeks ago and I've been in tears most of the week following the stories.


I've been following several stories and groups on facebook, we plan to go help at some point, and the social media stuff has made it more in your face.


I've had to disconnect a little today. I also live in a small town that has a tradition of running the sirens (short go round) at four intervals through the day. I found myself jumping a little yesterday not realizing what time it was.


We had our own storms this week and it felt different to me. During the worst a baby robin had flown onto our covered porch. He sat bravely on a chair and rode out the storm. He made it.


I've never been scared of storms. I usually the one with one ear to the weather radio or TV and standing on the front porch.


I've not been dealing with all the deaths well. I'm a christian, but I'm still not dealing with death well overall as I've lost too many I know in the last year.


IDK, does talking about it help? You could PM me if you want. I'm not very encouraging right now, but I could commiserate. :grouphug:


A few things I'm going to do is write about this. Just journal type stuff. I found this Shakespeare quote from MacBeth today. "Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak whispers the o'er fraught heart, and bids it break."


Music has also been helping. I've varied my selections based upon mood, trying to avoid anything too dark or about storms, lest I create a pool of tears.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
IDK, but I'm there too. I grew up here, I'm used to tornadoes. This latest round, especially Joplin has me very edgy. My boys were just through Joplin a few weeks ago and I've been in tears most of the week following the stories.


I've been following several stories and groups on facebook, we plan to go help at some point, and the social media stuff has made it more in your face.


I've had to disconnect a little today. I also live in a small town that has a tradition of running the sirens (short go round) at four intervals through the day. I found myself jumping a little yesterday not realizing what time it was.


We had our own storms this week and it felt different to me. During the worst a baby robin had flown onto our covered porch. He sat bravely on a chair and rode out the storm. He made it.


I've never been scared of storms. I usually the one with one ear to the weather radio or TV and standing on the front porch.


I've not been dealing with all the deaths well. I'm a christian, but I'm still not dealing with death well overall as I've lost too many I know in the last year.


IDK, does talking about it help? You could PM me if you want. I'm not very encouraging right now, but I could commiserate. :grouphug:


A few things I'm going to do is write about this. Just journal type stuff. I found this Shakespeare quote from MacBeth today. "Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak whispers the o'er fraught heart, and bids it break."


Music has also been helping. I've varied my selections based upon mood, trying to avoid anything too dark or about storms, lest I create a pool of tears.


WSS. I'm in the midwest, used to tornadoes, but greatly affected by this horrible season. :(

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I feel better knowing I'm not the only one, but I'm feeling bad for all of you, as well :(.


Elegantlion, I think we're on the same page. I may just need to try writing, as you suggested. It helped last year, when I was having a hard time with my relationship with my father. I may also take you up on a PM later. I've attached a screenshot of what's coming my way this afternoon :tongue_smilie:.


I have no control of the weather. I have no control of the weather. I no control of the weather.



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I feel exactly the same way. We live in North Carolina and we have had some serious weather here. A big tree fell on a house just down the street from us last month. We have lots of big trees in my yard. It really makes me nervous. I used to love thunderstorms as well, now I can't sleep if we are having a storm.


No advice just commiserating!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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I have had some increased anxiety, but I am trying to turn all that over to God. I keep my weather radio on, as always, and when severe weather is threatening, I try to peek at the news periodically. I just try to be smart about going out and have a plan in mind in case of a weather related problem while we're out. Once this year, when our area was under an especially high alert for the entire day, we transferred some clothing and food to the basement and took our books down there to do school for the day.

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I feel better knowing I'm not the only one, but I'm feeling bad for all of you, as well :(.


Elegantlion, I think we're on the same page. I may just need to try writing, as you suggested. It helped last year, when I was having a hard time with my relationship with my father. I may also take you up on a PM later. I've attached a screenshot of what's coming my way this afternoon :tongue_smilie:.


I have no control of the weather. I have no control of the weather. I no control of the weather.


:grouphug: I like the weather channel, but I wish I didn't feel the need to check it daily. :glare:

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I wouldn't say I'm actually anxious about tornadoes now, but I am definitely taking tornado warnings more seriously now. I moved to western PA over 10 years ago (from MA). At first the tornado warning sirens really freaked me out - but everyone around me completely ignored them. Over time, I learned to ignore them too. This season though, I am definitely paying closer attention.

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No. And I've grown up in Tornado Alley.


We have always had the threat. There have been massive tornadoes before, and close to home. We can't stop the fact that they exist and we also don't need to live in fear about them. Have a plan, be prepared, and don't be stupid. ;)



Yeah, but question: do you have a cellar? We're new to a state the very rarely gets the stray tornado. We don't have a cellar. So now what should our plan be?



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