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Teens/pre-teens in the church nursery

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I wouldn't bring a tiny baby to the nursery in the first place, I do my own diaper changes, and I expect to be called if my baby cries more than a couple of minutes so... yes I am fine with a supervised teen/pre-teen playing peekaboo with my older infant while I attend service.

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I can also think of a lot of teenagers or preteens that I would be more likely to trust than some of the adult volunteers in the nursery. I'd take a teen over the frail elderly woman who was probably entering the early stages of dementia, for example. And in that same case, when there were teens in the nursery with her, they were distracted by making sure that she didn't hurt herself because she was so unsteady. They also needed to be the ones making sure that children only left with their parents. If a toddler tried to run out the door with another family, she couldn't remember whether or not it was their child.


If I'm not comfortable with someone, I'm not going to trust my child with them.


Yeah, I definitely agree with this.


I also think it is funny that people seem to think there is some magic age when teens all of a sudden know what to do with babies and can be trusted with them! I know for me, I had 1 younger brother (3 years younger), and I really had no experience with babies at all. When I was 12 or so I was interested in them, but by the time I was 16 or 18, I was busy with other stuff, and I never gave any more thoughts to babies! I hardly babysat or helped in a nursery or anything. If I had volunteered in a nursery when I was in college, I sure would hope no one would have expected me to know what I was doing, just because I was 20 or whatever! My 9 year old son has WAY more experience now about handling babies than I did when I had my first one, and I frequently leave my almost 14 year old at home with all my other kids!


I would much rather have interested 12 or 14 years olds in a nursery, supervised by adults, learning how to play with babies and toddlers, then some college-age girl who has no clue what she is doing (not that I am in any way implying that is how all college-age girls are)!

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I also think it is funny that people seem to think there is some magic age when teens all of a sudden know what to do with babies and can be trusted with them


Well, someone already pointed out that the ages aren't arbitrary ones picked by the nursery coordinator. They are determined by insurance and lawyers.

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I don't think there is a magic age.


I do think that common sense is the older the person, the more common sense they SHOULD have in regards to how to care for the very young.


Does this apply to every situation? No.


But overall? Yes.

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I would much rather have interested 12 or 14 years olds in a nursery, supervised by adults, learning how to play with babies and toddlers, then some college-age girl who has no clue what she is doing (not that I am in any way implying that is how all college-age girls are)!


But I would hope that an older teen, college student, or adult who isn't interested in kids wouldn't volunteer to work in the nursery. So in my mind, the question becomes, "If a teenager wants to work in the nursery, would you be comfortable with that? Do you think there should be a minimum age requirement?"

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But I would hope that an older teen, college student, or adult who isn't interested in kids wouldn't volunteer to work in the nursery.


In the case of teens, that isn't necessarily true. Sometimes they do it under pressure for mandatory volunteer hours. Especially if they think all they will have to do is sit and color next to a 2 year old.:)

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I'm definitely fine for pre-teens and teens to work in the nursery as long as there is an adult as well. I think it is a very good way to serve. I know growing up I loved babies.


I do not like it if 2 teen friends work at the same time as there is too much temptation to visit and not focus on keeping the kids safe and occupied.

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