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Anybody have a child graduating? Are you doing

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Our tutorial offered a graduation ceremony so we participated in it. There were 10 graduates. Full ceremony. Each graduate's parents came up to give them their diploma and say a few words. It was very nice. And then we had an Open House at home. My parents and sister came in from out of town. Plus lots of friends.

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I have a child graduating. I was hoping to see some more descriptions of people's celebrations cuz my idea stream is drying up. :tongue_smilie:


So far, we are having a party. Lots of food, games, maybe some English country dancing, maybe some swing. I think we'll say a prayer. Our family is pretty casual and doesn't need much in the way of rites of passage.

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We are also doing a graduation "at home". Our youth pastor will say something, we'll give him a diploma, I got him a cap and gown so he'll have "graduation" pictures. We are having a big blow-out party with supper (burgers?BBQ?) and a variety of desserts (our favorite part of supper). I made him a Graduation Photo Book (Shutterfly) with pictures from infancy through his school years. It is about 20 pages and has plenty of room for people to write in it.


We hope the evening will be nice so we can show a movie outside. We have 60 acres so it's not a problem with neighbors :-). We are still deciding on the movie - since most of the church youth will be here as well as many of the parents it has to meet a stringent set of criteria :-)


He is currently in England with tickets to come home in 2 weeks. We're praying for some nice winds to keep the ash cloud away from London so he can come back on time.

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My son's graduation ceremony will be through his independent study program. It is a great ceremony. Since there aren't a lot of grads, each teacher has time to talk about each of their students and a slide show with baby pictures and senior pics is shown.


And we are having a large Amazing Race themed grad party and bbq.

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I'd love to share our story. It was one of my favorite days of all time! For those who don't know me well, I became Aaron's mom when he was 8. I homeschooled him from fourth grade (the year after I married his dad) through high school.


Well, our eldest graduated in 2008. We rented the fellowship hall of a local church and had the caterer of the church (the one who catered dh's and my wedding) cater it.


It began with eating dinner and cake.


We then watched a slide show production created by my fabulous local WTM friend Cecilia (daisychics) who amazingly offered to do

this for me when I only knew her for a few weeks. It contained about 100 pictures from birth to 2008 and included the following songs my husband and I chose:


What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong

Ordinary Miracle by Sarah MacLachlan

These are the Days by Natalie Merchant

My Wish by Rascal Flatts


I just watched it and bawled my eyes out.


My husband, Aaron and I all had speeches prepared, and we gave time afterward for any family or friends to speak. We then had people pray over him.


Here is my speech. John's and Aaron's are not saved on my computer.


First, I’d like to thank my wonderful new friend, Cecilia, for sacrificing hours to create the video montage. I’d like to thank First Baptist Church of Norfolk and Ruth Olbris, the caterer, for providing the fellowship hall and food. I’d also like to thank all of you family and friends who came here today to celebrate this rite of passage and to show Aaron your love and support. Finally, I’d like to thank my husband for working so hard for our family – supporting us in such a way that has allowed me to stay home to fulfill what we both felt called to do. John and I were both convinced from the day we were married that we were to home educate our children.


Deuteronomy Chapter 6 says, speaking of the truths and ways of God, “You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.”


Aaron, there are so very many reasons we chose to homeschool you, but being able to fulfill Deuteronomy 6 is probably the most important. You know that academics are very important to me, and that we wanted you to be thoroughly equipped for whatever means you chose to support your family, but more than anything, I hope we have helped equip you for the good work that God calls you to – namely, to walk in a manner worthy of Christ’s calling –to be known as a man of integrity, honesty, diligence, and steadfastness. To love your wife and children, and even your neighbor as yourself.

Aaron, you know me – I am too often guilty of looking at you as a scientist would through a microscope lens – with a critical eye – with limited sight of the big picture. But, when I stand back and look at you, I am amazed at the man you have become.


You have worked long, hard days – like a man – never complaining. You worked your way through high school independently – and excelled. You scored high on your SAT and even CLEPed out of two college courses.


You have spent hours caring for your younger brothers. You have proven to be a kind and sensitive man, showing so much self control and respect for others. You are quick to help when help is needed. You have been frugal and wise with your money. You have been quick to forgive. You are generous – even, I believe, to the point of being willing to lay down your life for another.


I’ve seen you desire truth. I’ve seen you love justice. I’ve seen you hold up a high standard of manhood and then reach for it.


I know I have not said this enough – but I am so very proud of you. You are my beloved son in whom I am well-pleased.


Now, one night, your Dad and I searched the internet for songs to use for the slide show, and we came upon this song entitled “My Wish” by a band I had never heard of, Rascal Flatts. When I read the lyrics, I knew instantly that this was “the” song for your graduation. I cannot tell you how many times I listened to this song and wept while driving around town -- just thinking of your growing up and eventually moving on. If you don’t mind, I’d like to read the lyrics as benediction or blessing over you.



I hope the days come easy and the moments pass slow,

And each road leads you where you want to go,

And if you're faced with a choice, and you have to choose,

I hope you choose the one that means the most to you.

And if one door opens to another door closed,

I hope you keep on walkin' till you find the window,

If it's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile,


I hope you never look back, but you never forget,

All the ones who love you, in the place you left,

I hope you always forgive, and you never regret,

And you help somebody every chance you get,

Oh, you find God's grace, in every mistake,

And you always give more than you take.


But more than anything, yeah, and more than anything,

My wish, for you, is that this life becomes all that you want it to,

Your dreams stay big, and your worries stay small,

You never need to carry more than you can hold,

And while you're out there getting where you're getting to,

I hope you know somebody loves you, and wants the same things too,

Yeah, this, is my wish.



This song makes me think of choices. You are entering a season when you will have to make so many choices, and although you know that we are all here to help you, I know that your choices will ultimately be yours to make. So, I pray for you to seek wisdom.


This song reminds me of a way of life we’ve tried to instill in you. Remember that to really live each day, you must find a way to be beneficial to someone – to impact someone. Remember to give more to people than what you take from them. Remember to leave everything in a condition as good or better than how you found it.


This song also makes me think of forgiveness and pressing on. When I fail, I remind myself of what Paul wrote in Philippians. Forget what lies behind, reach for what lies ahead, and press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Remember, God’s grace is always there for you, and remember to extend it to others as well.


Finally, this song makes me think of dreams. You possess unique gifts for your unique dreams. While you’re following them, I hope you will remember how much our Heavenly Father loves you and how much we love you. And I trust that one day, you will find that someone special who will love you and want the same things too.


Yes, this is my wish.


Edited by nestof3
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Dawn, That was BEAUTIFUL! I'm sitting here with tears streaming thinking of the day we will send each one of ours to the next stage. I hope I can keep this idea in my head that long!


Thank you! He moved out on December 1st, and he leaves this week for Officer Candidate School for the Marines. He has one more year of college, and then he's off. :crying:

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