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Have you ever had a toddler so out of sorts...

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that you honestly didn't know what to do with them?


My 16mo is so ornery, needy, unpleasable I honestly have considered plopping her in her playpen and letting her cry. I have pretty much held her or sat with her all day. Now she is pulling on my legs while I'm trying to get dinner on.


It's only 5:30 here and she *did* take a pretty sizable nap this afternoon. She isn't hungry, thirsty, poopy, or any of the regular issues.


Normally I would plop a child like this in the bath and sit down with a book while she prunes her fingers and toes. Unfortunately I don't have a bath in this house (only a shower).


I think she might be teething. She doesn't have a fever or any other signs of illness.


I'm done. She's normally my easy one. I can't lose her to the dark side....:tongue_smilie:


Help me with some ideas. I'm just too mentally exhausted to think of anything.

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that you honestly didn't know what to do with them?


My 16mo is so ornery, needy, unpleasable I honestly have considered plopping her in her playpen and letting her cry. I have pretty much held her or sat with her all day. Now she is pulling on my legs while I'm trying to get dinner on.


It's only 5:30 here and she *did* take a pretty sizable nap this afternoon. She isn't hungry, thirsty, poopy, or any of the regular issues.


Normally I would plop a child like this in the bath and sit down with a book while she prunes her fingers and toes. Unfortunately I don't have a bath in this house (only a shower).


I think she might be teething. She doesn't have a fever or any other signs of illness.


I'm done. She's normally my easy one. I can't lose her to the dark side....:tongue_smilie:


Help me with some ideas. I'm just too mentally exhausted to think of anything.


Can you put her in the kitchen sink?

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That is how my 18 month old has been this week. I had to drive across town, and she screamed for 40 minutes in the car seat. She bit and scratched herself if her sister wasn't holding her arms down.


Fortunately, she calmed down when we got there. Everyday, I hold her the ENTIRE time she is napping, or she will wake up and be fussy.


Fortunately, I have a teenager who takes her on a walk while I'm cooking dinner. She also puts her to sleep at night by swinging in the hammock and singing.


You would think that 2 adults and a teenager could take care of one baby, but she is wearing us out!


I just keep telling myself that I'll wake up one morning, and she will have grown out of the neediness.

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I put Rew in a backpack today to cook and wash dishes and I watered the lawn with him in a hip pack.This seemed to satisfy his need to be close and my need to accomplish something.


This morning I put a really big bowl on a towel on the floor, filled it 1/4 the way full with water, put 2 drops of dish soap in the water and then gave Rew a couple of measuring cups and a big spoon. This bought me 30 + minutes, the floor was sopping, but it was worth it.


One of my best tricks is putting the basket of mismatched socks within Rew's reach.


The "is it a hat game?" usually cheers him up. I just put whatever I am working with on my head and ask him if it is a hat and he starts giggling. It doesn't gain me much time, but it allows me to finish a chore without listening to a howling baby.


Sometimes when I am really desparate I empty the pantry and start rolling soup cans, and sliding rice boxes across the floor. Rew usually finds this quite entertaining and will pick up where I leave off, but again there is the whole mess factor. It is great if I need some extra time to work on Math with Tigger, but obviously not a great idea if I am trying to ready the house for company.


Rew is the slowest teether and seems to experience much more pain while doing so than my other dc. I look at everything in terms of "would Rew enjoy chewing on this?" One of his favorite things to teethe on is the wrong end of a toothbrush.


I hope your baby feels better soon!

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I put Rew in a backpack today to cook and wash dishes and I watered the lawn with him in a hip pack.This seemed to satisfy his need to be close and my need to accomplish something.


This morning I put a really big bowl on a towel on the floor, filled it 1/4 the way full with water, put 2 drops of dish soap in the water and then gave Rew a couple of measuring cups and a big spoon. This bought me 30 + minutes, the floor was sopping, but it was worth it.


One of my best tricks is putting the basket of mismatched socks within Rew's reach.


The "is it a hat game?" usually cheers him up. I just put whatever I am working with on my head and ask him if it is a hat and he starts giggling. It doesn't gain me much time, but it allows me to finish a chore without listening to a howling baby.


Sometimes when I am really desparate I empty the pantry and start rolling soup cans, and sliding rice boxes across the floor. Rew usually finds this quite entertaining and will pick up where I leave off, but again there is the whole mess factor. It is great if I need some extra time to work on Math with Tigger, but obviously not a great idea if I am trying to ready the house for company.


Rew is the slowest teether and seems to experience much more pain while doing so than my other dc. I look at everything in terms of "would Rew enjoy chewing on this?" One of his favorite things to teethe on is the wrong end of a toothbrush.


I hope your baby feels better soon!


Where were you three hours ago? ;)


I think you may be on to something with the teething. This is what I have suspected. She has been working on those molars for a while. I really should be more understanding- it hurts me just to look in her mouth.


Still....she has been soooooo needy. I've been out and about the past couple of days, but today we were home all day and she was a real challenge.


I hadn't thought of the backpack, I bet that would work. She has been out of sorts for a few days, so if she goes through this again tomorrow I'll be prepared. :001_smile:


Thanks again.



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your comment about her wanting to teethe on the wrong end of the toothbrush got me to thinking about when Molly was that age and teething. Her FAVORITE teething toy, hands down, and really the only one that provided relief was a dog toy-- a plain Nylabone, stored in the freezer when not in use.


People looked at me like I was crazy, but hey, it was new, dedicated for her use only, and run through the dishwasher. It was also easy for her to hold since it was bone-shaped with knobs on each end, and the smooth, rounded surfaces provided soothing relief from teething pain. Here's a link to what I'm talking about: http://www.nylabone.com/products/non-edible/durable-chews/durable-value-pack.htm I confessed to my pediatrician and he laughed and thought it was a great idea. I used the non-flavored ones, obviously (poor kid--- can you imagine if your mom made you teeth on a liver-flavored teether?!:001_huh:) but they really worked for dd. Kept two in the freezer so I could rotate them out.


Hope your you two find relief soon!

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it's her teeth. Give her some tylenol and sit down to read Goodnight Moon a thousand times over. :001_smile: That's what I do for my little gal.


You'd think with 5 kiddos that I'd remember this. But each time I forget and my mom reminds me again to think of the teeth. Molars are so painful

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Help me with some ideas. I'm just too mentally exhausted to think of anything.


Have you tried letting her sleep with you at night? I was surprised to find out that my very independent 2yo gave up her blankie (which was becoming a problem) during the day when she slept with me (house guests were in her room).


Sometimes our little babes just have a deep, down *need* to just bond with us, KWIM?

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