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Where online do you sell your books?

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I have used eBay as a last resort - the costs and restrictions on teacher guides are prohibitive and problematic.


I have used the boards at VegSource successfully



You can post on HSLDA's curriculum market without being a member of HSLDA, but only members can purchase and they don't seem to get as much traffic as other sites.


You can google used curriculum and find several sites. Most usually have a board to check for feedback on buyers/sellers.:001_smile:

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before the new rules (at least 50 posts), I sold all of my curricula on these boards (old and new). I've sold a ton of stuff at a fair price, provided good service and never had a bad experience. Now, I'm just slowly making my way up to 50 posts so I can continue to sell my stuff here. Personally, I think there could be another way to gage a persons' trustworthiness, etc. than to just say you need at least 50 posts. A consumer rating system of some sort would be better. Maybe that would be a good use of the otherwise ridiculous rep points - and be used in a way so that potential customers could see how a person was rep'd based on past transactions and not this meaningless other stuff. Sorry - rant over!

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I sold lots of things on the old board, with no negative experiences. I also made a number of purchases with no negative experiences. I would also recommend vegsource, I've done some selling there, too. I'm also a member of a christian mother's board and done some selling there.


I, too, have used ebay and amazon as last resorts. Mainly because it is just easier to sell on these boards, less restrictions, and they don't take a chunk of the money!!

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Here, http://www.vegsource.com/homeschool, yahoo groups(there are a lot of them), http://www.homeschoolclassifieds.com







Make sure you describe the book in detail..bent pages, stain, pencil/pen marks, highlights, etc..

IMO..this shows honesty, when I read details in postings or have been told the details (with out asking) when they e-mail me about the item I have inquired about. Sometimes people think if you don't ask, they don't have to tell!


It makes me feel good knowing that I have described the books flaws and letting the buyer know what they are getting.

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I have had good luck here in the past. But now I am trying to build up to 50 posts too in order to sell a ton of curriculum so I can afford to buy stuff for next year. When it says 50 posts does replying to threads count or surely it doesn't mean starting 50 new threads does it?

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I usually sell all our outgrown materials at the annual hs conference every other year. I pay the space fee, box everything up, collect folding tables from everyone I know, borrow a relative's SUV, and set up. The kids & I work the tables on Friday, and my mom and sister on Saturday. We sell 75% of the stuff over those 2 days.


Whatever is left over, I list on Amazon.com or Half.com, or donate if not in the greatest condition. Ebay used to be my favorite spot to sell, but the fees have gotten out of hand.

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I use paperback swap, and half.com. I used to sell some things on the old wtm board, but now I see that I have to have 50 posts!!!! I think this is pretty ridiculous and won't it just lead to less people using the board or lots of uneccesary posts?

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