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Help me decide on a resource to prepare for High School

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:bigear:Which do you like better- The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens OR Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+La? Okay, I've seen both of these recommended and would love to know if anyone has read both of these books and has a preference.

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:bigear:Which do you like better- The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens OR Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+La? Okay, I've seen both of these recommended and would love to know if anyone has read both of these books and has a preference.


I asked this same question several weeks back and got some good responses (if the User CP were working, I could find that thread :tongue_smilie:). I ended up getting a few books from the library and buying a few more.


I didn't read The Ultimate Guide, but I did read the Form+U+La book and I hated it. Honestly, I can't figure out why it came so highly recommended. I have a slightly longer review on my blog (link below) but basically I found it to be very anti-college, and also very difficult to read (the layout is weird and it jumps all over the place).


I really liked College Prep Homeschooling and Setting the Records Straight. I bought both of those, and I know I will be referring to them often!

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Thanks so much for all of the responses. Do the books that have been mentioned help with how to design a class that is not traditional, maybe more hands on, and grade/document it?




This is exactly what Barb Shelton's book is designed to do (home school design form+u+la). The way I used it was to take the binding off, put it in a 3" 3 ring binder, tab it. Take the sheets/worksheets that I wanted to use and photocopy them.

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Do the books that have been mentioned help with how to design a class that is not traditional, maybe more hands on, and grade/document it?



Two other helpful resources specifically covering how to create your own course:


High School 101: Blueprint for Successy (Vicki Bentley)

$6.25 download from the Lulu self-publishing website; not really long, but with specific information on designing your own class and helpful checkbox forms for tracking hours and listing books and materials used for a homemade course


The High School Handbook: For Junior High Too (Mary Schofield)

about $20, only available used

Big, thick book, covers all aspects of homeschooling older students, with a nice section on how to design (and document) your own classes.



Also check out these free online resources:

Donna Young website: forms for tracking hours, staying organized in high school = http://donnayoung.org/forms/planners/time.htm

HSLDA website article on awarding a grade = http://www.hslda.org/highschool/docs/GradingGuidelines.asp

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...the Form+U+La book and I hated it. Honestly, I can't figure out why it came so highly recommended. ...


Yeah, same here. When I saw the "transcript" she made for her son, my jaw dropped in horror. So unprofessional, so inappropriate. Just the sort of thing to make home schoolers look like a bunch of fringe wackos. *cringe*

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Which Debra Bell book are you referring to?


Oh, sorry, The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens. It does have some conservative Christian content, for those of you who care either way about such things; either way, the academic-related content of the book was one of the best that I've read.

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