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School Room spin off- where did you find your school room furniture?

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We use our old kitchen table. When my guys were younger, I had booster seats on a couple of the chairs.


For our whiteboard, we bought the tile board from Lowes (about $10 for a huge piece) and my dh mounted it on the wall.


I bought our laminated Rand McNally maps at Walmart (they were about $10 for the set).


I just bought a 5 shelf bookshelf at Target for $30.



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There was nothing specifically "homeschool" about the furniture we used. We had an old kitchen table, bought a white board at Ikea (and another one at Walmart), and used regular bookshelves. My son had a giant desk that was being thrown out from someone's storage unit, so it was free.


I'd say get an table instead of desks; it allows you to sit beside your child while doing lessons. You can either cut down the legs, or put a cushion on the seat and let your child put his/her feet on a stool (you do want them to be straight up and down for writing, not too high or too low).


Check Craigslist for free stuff.

Oh, and also you can get great maps from a bookstore, or even online--I forget the site, but there's one where you can print out giant outline maps. We did one of Africa a couple years ago. I think there's pics on my blog--www.twilightandsunrise.blogspot.com (go to the first and second years and scroll down if you are dying to see our set up...LOL)


ETA I'd definitely recommend the tile/shower board option for white boards--dirt cheap and huge (you can get them to cut it down for you--it's a little sharp around the edges, so either put trim around it or use paper bulletin board border). We painted on our blackboard but never really used it.

Edited by Chris in VA
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I got our table at an auction. $18


I got cheap shelving at a local chain store. $27 x 6


I got the stacks shelving from a business moving to a new location. Free


I got an old countertop that we have at bar height from our old house. Free - actually the brackets cost something. Maybe $10


I got the chairs at a garage sale. $15


I got the loveseat from my mom. Free




What I've saved in furniture I've more than spent on books.

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IKEA! They have the best multi-use furniture. They have this small table with a drop leaf that my son used has his desk for a few years when we started out in gr 1. It was great because it was small but we could bring the leaf up when working on bigger projects. It's his lego table now ;)



Book shelves galore! You name it, they have it.


They also have a wire shower curtain "rod" that I use for art work with little clips hanging on it. Since it's wire I could clip it to the length I wanted.



They have tons of office stuff that I love from magazine holders to white boards to CD holders.


If you have one within driving distance, it's worth the trip!

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There are lots of great sources for "found" furniture. From thrift stores to friends to craigslist.


For brand new out of the box furniture I think that the price vs durability sweet spot is hit with choices from Ikea.


Of course the furniture needs to be of a style that you find pleasing and that fits in with your home.


And don't forget good lighting.

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We've evolved over the years:


-First year HSing, just one doing schoolwork. Got a table, desk-sized, free from Craigslist, had a bookcase already, and my computer desk. Not much to it.


-Second year, still just one child schooling, replaced the table/desk with an actual desk bought from some storage place that had a HUGE surplus of these desks. Paid $50, had three drawers, all very nice.


-Third year, the same, but another bookcase now.


-Fourth year, second DS was now getting to school age. Was given a dining room table from friend, sanded and repainted it a fun green. So both children and I could be at the table. More posters and decor are in the room now. More books. Both boys are using student chairs, the type with wheels.


-Next year, same set up....interaction between two boys is starting to become a distraction....bought those stand-up cardboard displays, often use for science fairs, to use as space seperators. Each boy picked his color.


-This year, oldest DS got a desk (free hand me down from grandparents) in his room and did most of his work in his room, now middle and youngest DS are at the green table.


BUT we just moved, and the green table did not move with us. I get to go to IKEA this week, and get all new school room furniture!!! So excited!!! Took some convincing of DH, but ya know, we have made-do for several years with school room furniture. Never had to put much $$ into. Schooling is a major part of our lives. Now we have three DS who are doing schoolwork. So woohoo, IKEA here I come!!

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Craigslist & a local thrift shop


Table $15

4 chairs $80

3x5 ft. whiteboard w/metal frame $15

2 tall book shelves $40


Total $150


I had to paint the legs on the table brown b/c they were originally red (blonde wood top) and I painted the shelves the same color but the chairs are a beautiful dark wood and the whiteboard was brand new, never used. I feel very fortunate to have put it all together for so little.

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