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Sonlight, SOTW, or MOH?

Mrs. Lilac

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I was all set to do Sonlight Core B for my 3rd grader, with my K'er tagging along, and then a friend suggested SOTW would be a cheaper but similar way to do history. Then I found MOH, which is similar to SOTW but incorporates more of a Christian worldview, which I like the idea of.....anyone have thoughts on these 3 programs?

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I have heard MOH is best with older children, but can be used with an older child with a younger too. I would save MOH for later. I like both SL Core B and SOTW, as you can see by my signature. I decided to do both, as I just love the literature SL chooses. I won't do all of SOTW, but I do have the AG, which adds activities. SL has no activities scheduled in.:001_smile:

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I was all set to do Sonlight Core B for my 3rd grader, with my K'er tagging along, and then a friend suggested SOTW would be a cheaper but similar way to do history. Then I found MOH, which is similar to SOTW but incorporates more of a Christian worldview, which I like the idea of.....anyone have thoughts on these 3 programs?

I like all three. :D

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I've used MOH with younger children (k-2) and we have enjoyed it. I have also used Story of the World. If you go that way I would definitely get the activity guide--and it's even more fun if you find some friends who are doing the same year in history and hold combined activities every now and then!

I've love Sonlight's book lists, I've never yet brought myself to buy a complete program--but most of the people I know who use it love it. If you can afford it, and if you like having daily lesson plans, it seems like a great way to learn. Do consider the audio recordings though for either MOH or SOTW--both are very nicely done, and my children enjoy listening to them over and over again. MOH has a very strong Christian emphasis, SOTW tries to be more neutral (although the author is Christian). Both give a great overview of the stories behind world history.

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We used Sonlight for Kindergarten and then this past year we used SOTW with Biblioplan . We used Biblioplan in along with SOTW for a more biblical worldview. It used the Bible for your history along with the corresponding history of the world during that time in SOTW. I got the activity guide for SOTW that does also include more literature to use. The activities were great, and it also included coloring pages that the younger ones could do while I was reading to them. The Biblioplan guide also includes more literature to read for each level - K-2, 3+, 5+, and 8+.


I haven't looked at MOH, but have a friend who has enjoyed it. Hope this helps.

Edited by mom23arrows
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I don't know about MOH.


I have used sonlight in the past, but it didn't work for us at the time. I was homeschooling on the go and it seemed there were a lot of books that I needed to bring along. (and would just be reading 1 or 2 pages per book). I sometimes forgot one too. I liked the books andmay someday switch back to sonlight.

We have been using SOTW instead and we all love it. We read the chapters, sometimes do lapbook activity for a chapter, and listen to the cd in the car. SOTW has been working for us.:)

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I've used Sonlight and I've used MOH. When I did Core B (1), I used MOH in place of Child's History of the World, just because I really wanted to use that. My kids were similar in ages to yours and it worked well for us. However, it's more work to do that than to just do straight Sonlight, so you have to decide what you are wanting--if you want the added lit etc... that SL offers or what. I do really like the Christian base in MOH, and love the literature approach of SL, so mixing the two worked well here. That said, the years I've done straight Sonlight were easier planning-wise (loved cores 3 & 4 here). I'm back to core 6 & doing MOH now, LOL!


Merry :-)

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MOH isn't quite as narrative as SOTW in my opinion, and neither of the programs instrinsically use living books. SL uses both a spine and living books - you would need to add these on yourself with MOH (unless you use the Illuminations plan) or SOTW. I think the strongest of the three for a Christian perspective is MOH though. I'm thinking of using it along with our Core B+C this upcoming year :)!

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Well, I was planning to use Core B next year but was also torn about SOTW because I love it...so we're doing both. I am going to do SOTW with the activity guide (just not all of it...we're pick our favorites). Then I'll read the coordinating SL books with it. I'm basically going to pick the best of both and try to make them fairly cohesive. Someone on the SL boards has a schedule of how they can match up. I plan to use that to help make it work.

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We've always used SL, but I also own all the SOTW audiobooks and my kids have listened to them many times over the years just for their own enjoyment. I think the only way I'd use SOTW as our main curriculum is if I was interested in adding in a lot of hands-on activities. The SOTW activity guide gives you that. Of course, you could always use SL and then just add in SOTW AG activities, but that would take a little more planning on your part.



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We are attempting a combination for next year. SOTW as a spine and adding Sonlight books from that time frame (I also added VP and TOG supplemental books) attempting to get the best of all worlds. We shall see how it goes. If it goes well, we will continue this plan for the first cycle and possible do the same thing for the next cycle only using MOH (which I have heard is a better fit for older kids)

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We are attempting a combination for next year. SOTW as a spine and adding Sonlight books from that time frame (I also added VP and TOG supplemental books) attempting to get the best of all worlds. We shall see how it goes. If it goes well, we will continue this plan for the first cycle and possible do the same thing for the next cycle only using MOH (which I have heard is a better fit for older kids)


We are looking at doing this same plan. Ds has just completed core 5, and would normally be moving into core 6, but I think SOTW would not be challenging enough for him. Hopefully, I can make it work by creating my own plan. I am going to miss the IG schedule already done for me.

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