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I'm about to take the plunge and download the trial for HST+...


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And I'm scared!!! All of the posts about the learning curve have me all freaked out, but I really need something better than my Excel spreadsheet, and I want to have all the kinks worked out and all the functionality down pat before middle school (when I'd like to start keeping detailed records).


Any advice for me? Should I have DH go out and pick me up some Mike's before I start?



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This should go without saying for any computer based records, but MAKE BACKUPS of the data!!


I was playing with the free version over the last few months-- tracked attendance, grades, all the books we have checked out of the library, assignments, number of hours spent per subject, etc.


My hard drive on my laptop crashed. Irretrievably. All gone.


Is this where I admit that NittanyIdiot as worked not one, but two tech support jobs in her past lives? <blush>. I wish it had a way to direct just the data files to dropbox like my other HS files, so I could use the program itself on my ipod, desktop, laptop, etc, and get them anywhere, and not be vulnerable to data crashes.




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My friends - many of them unschoolers - just gave me permission to use SkedTracker. They know me so well - that must be why we're friends in spite of the differences in our educational philosophies! I decided to use SkedTracker because I liked being able to use it anywhere on my multitude of devices. And, FWIW, OF COURSE your husband should go get you a Mike's! :)

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This should go without saying for any computer based records, but MAKE BACKUPS of the data!!


I was playing with the free version over the last few months-- tracked attendance, grades, all the books we have checked out of the library, assignments, number of hours spent per subject, etc.


My hard drive on my laptop crashed. Irretrievably. All gone.


Is this where I admit that NittanyIdiot as worked not one, but two tech support jobs in her past lives? <blush>. I wish it had a way to direct just the data files to dropbox like my other HS files, so I could use the program itself on my ipod, desktop, laptop, etc, and get them anywhere, and not be vulnerable to data crashes.





Ooooh, this would not have occurred to me, thank you! (And I work in tech-related field too, if it makes you feel any better!)


My friends - many of them unschoolers - just gave me permission to use SkedTracker. They know me so well - that must be why we're friends in spite of the differences in our educational philosophies! I decided to use SkedTracker because I liked being able to use it anywhere on my multitude of devices.


I would really prefer that, but I cannot seem to get it to do what I want! I've spent the last few days with SkedTrack, MyHomeSchoolPlan, Home-School_inc, the SCM planner, etc., and nothing seems to fit what I need, or else I can't figure it out. HST+ is my last option because everyone who has actually figured it out raves about it. I have a bad feeling I'm going to end up back at square one with Excel, but then at least I can say I gave it a shot, right? :001_huh:


And, FWIW, OF COURSE your husband should go get you a Mike's! :)


Dude, you don't have the Costco pack:lol:



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After you download the trial go back look at it briefly then go back to the website and click on the training videos. It also helps if you take an easy subject and go through it slowly. Once you have that subject done it will be a lot easier.

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After you download the trial go back look at it briefly then go back to the website and click on the training videos. It also helps if you take an easy subject and go through it slowly. Once you have that subject done it will be a lot easier.




Training videos, manual, and searching the HST+ forums... Those are the things I did when I got it. I spent Thanksgiving weekend playing with it. Now I find it easy to use. Just relax and take your time learning it. Your oldest is 8? You should easily figure it out before middle school. :lol:

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I decided to use SkedTracker because I liked being able to use it anywhere on my multitude of devices.
I don't know if this is what you mean or not, but I use my flashdrive as the database for HST. I have HST on both my laptop and our desktop. I do most of my planning on the laptop, but I have to print from the desktop. It is set to automatically save to the flashdrive every time I close it, but I also back it up to the laptop or the desktop every time I use it, too. It takes just a few clicks, and I have peace of mind that the data is saved in several places.


By the way, I love HST. My middle dd is thinking about applying to some magnet schools for high school, and I've been playing around with some features I never messed with before. It produces really nice course descriptions and transcripts.

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I don't know about the plus version, as I only have the free one. But it has NEVER been stressful to me to use it. I don't use it to it's full potential, as I only have one student, and I tend to only plan one day ahead, maybe a week a head, but it ROCKS!!

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I don't know if this is what you mean or not, but I use my flashdrive as the database for HST. I have HST on both my laptop and our desktop. I do most of my planning on the laptop, but I have to print from the desktop. It is set to automatically save to the flashdrive every time I close it, but I also back it up to the laptop or the desktop every time I use it, too. It takes just a few clicks, and I have peace of mind that the data is saved in several places.


Thanks for posting this! I just bought HST+ this weekend and was trying to figure out a way to use it on both my laptop and desktop.

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I think part of the learning curve is that there are so many different ways to do everything. There are some parts of it that I never use because that is not how I schedule. That is a feature, not a flaw. They want you to be able to use it the way it works best for you so there are a million different options. I would suggest just clicking on things and entering information and seeing what happens. Then go look up the subject in the forums. You can always delete or archive whatever trials you put in. Once the light bulb goes on it really is super easy to use and will create schedules and lists ten ways from Tuesday, you just need to figure out which method works best for you. Even colors and layout and column headings are options - never mind the 5 different ways to enter a days or semesters school work or resources :001_smile:

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It takes a bit to make it work best for your kids and school style, but it is a great tool. You have to make it a habit to keep it up to date but once the habit is formed it is easy.


With three, I am now reaping the benefits of reusing plans for one child for another. With a couple of clicks I can take all the daily lesson plans for a math program I used with one child last year and schedule them for another child this year.


I can't imagine homeschooling without HST+, the only thing I don't like about it is I can't run it well on a MAC.


If you get stuck, post your questions, there are lots of HST users here.

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