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TOG R Lit.... HUH?

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I haven't read this entire thread, so maybe you have answered these questions. But if not - maybe I can help. :001_smile:


I believe you are talking about a bright, soon-to-be 9th grade boy, yes?


Where are you in planning high school?


First things first. I know this might be elementary, but I wanted to ask about this because you mentioned multiple courses - literature, history, government, church history, fine arts. These are all different credits that you can earn with TOG, but you need a big-picture plan before you start selecting courses for your student.


So first things first: Based on your overall high school plan, what courses will your son be taking in the fall? How many credits would you like your son to earn in 9th grade? Where is your focus?


TWTM has some transcript information in the back of the book.

If you would like more hands-on materials, start here:




Explore her checklist and the planning grids. The planning grid with moveable tiles is fun. :001_smile:


As far as her checklist goes, it is a baseline. A competitive college student might shoot for the following in 9th grade - see list below this paragraph. TOG is designed to give you a structure based on competitive. (The competitive prep schools offer a credit in English Composition and a credit in Great Books Literature. That's the shoot-for the sky option available to you with TOG.) You can always trim to match your student. It's MUCH harder to beef up something that's under the bar. That's the philosophy. So don't be afraid to RUTHLESSLY CUT to target the program to teach your student. You cover the student NOT the curriculum. But you want to make sure that you think this through all the way to the end. Your program in high school MUST accommodate the fact that your student needs to work toward earning credits. Yes. But you also need to grow him toward academic goals; you have to target the goals that you want him to hit by the end of 12th grade. You can't hit a target unless you know what it is. This is big-picture stuff, but it's important. If you feel like you are making progress toward DEFINED goals, you will avoid burnout. If you are just aimlessly floating around in a sea of curriculum every week, you are going to drown. You can't tread water forever! In order to be successful with TOG - or any other program in high school, you need to decide what you want. And then get serious about that vision. You CAN do this! :001_smile: But you need a MOTOR on your boat! Don't pick a raft and then allow it to be tossed around. Nothing zaps enthusiasm more than being directionless. You can do this, Momma! You just need to see yourself in the drivers seat. Be ruthless. :001_smile: Really: :001_smile:


OK. A competitive 9th grade year might start out like this:


English I: Grammar and Composition - 1 credit - TOG offers guidance for a weekly writing assignment. Add a grammar program and SAT prep vocab program and you have a strong English I credit. Possible choices: Vocabulary from Classical Roots; R&S Grammar, A Beka Grammar, Stewart English (Really Like Book 3. Very good! In 9th grade you might consider Books 1 or 2 depending on how much exposure your kid has had. TWTM recommends this series and I don't see it discussed much, but I really like Book 3. Each book would NOT take much time but would easily supplement TOG's composition assignments to make a full credit. Also note - many people use the English portions of SAT prep books to beef up their English credits. Kill two birds with one stone. Viola!) Stewart English: http://rainbowresource.com/prodlist.php?sid=1305552048-590018&subject=7&category=1807


Great Books I- Read, complete questions, discuss, write four literary analysis papers as outlined in the program.


History I - 1 credit - a more complete course description depends on which year you are using.


Geometry with Proofs - 1 credit


Biology with Lab - 1 credit


Foreign Language - 1 credit


You have 6 credits. A competitive transcript will usually have at least seven. Academic student? Shoot for eight. (Yikes) BUT this means that you only have "room" for one or MAYBE two more credits. Using Year I? Do you want to do 1 credit of Bible for seven credits? Great. Add in the bible - but IGNORE the Fine Arts, Government, and Philosophy blocks on each and every year plan. They are NOT for you. :001_smile:


Look here for more information about credits your student can earn with course descriptions. Psst: Print these and save them. You might need them. Really. Some colleges want more than the transcript with the words "World History" on it. Some school want to know what that MEANS!!!! ;)




Want to combine your great books and English I into one credit for year I? Look here:




JUST complete the English I credit by working through 3/4 of the assignments in literature and composition. You don't need a grammar program. LOOK at the overview for the level of writing that you are using (Level 9?) and print the overview. Then look at the cutting charts for the lit. Start drawing BIG X's through the assignments you are NOT going to do. Your transcript will look like this:


English I

History I



Foreign Language


Now you need at least one more credit. You might try for two. How about Bible History (1 credit) and Philosophy (1/2)?


Bummed because your kid needs to work on grammar?

- Earn an English I credit by using TOG composition, a grammar program, and a vocab program - consider an SAT vocab program.

- THEN earn 1/2 credit in Great Books by doing SOME of the literature from TOG.


....Back to TOG "Electives": You might decide to Skip TOG "elective" credits (Gov, phil, fine arts, bible and church history) all together. Really. Maybe your student wants to earn a credit in Small Engine Repair (We called it Engineering I). A GREAT hands-on course for my student.



psst: these electives show up every year. You don't need to do them in 9th grade. You can do them next year.... or the year after.... or NOT AT ALL! :001_smile:


Now think about how you want to EARN those credits. For history you are going to want some kind of paper trail. So maybe you require SOME accountability questions in writing every week. Or maybe you just require the student to be ready to discuss them orally. OR maybe you want to pick up the Evaluations CD and give the student three quizzes per quarter with a quarterly exam - all questions are done orally. OR maybe you print the quizzes and have the student complete the quiz as a worksheet after completing the reading each week rather than writing out the questions. Drop it into their permanent file, have them complete the map work and the charts and CALL IT DONE! Viola! A history credit. Think flexibility. AND with TOG you can change things up from quarter to quarter. Frustrated with your discussions? Have the child answer some questions in writing. USE the program to grow the child.




So first of all, you have to see TOG for what it is, a BIG plan with lots of options. You tame it by asking yourself some questions - they are layered questions - like an onion. You can't start at the lower levels; you have to ask the big questions first.


1. What does this kid's overall high school plan look like? Most kids earn two world history credits, a US history credit, and at least 1/2 credit in Government. In Jersey they like to see economics as well. You NEED a big-picture plan if you are going to target your child's work in TOG to earn CREDITS. Don't just start reading and answering tons of questions. You need a big-picture plan.


2. NOW for 9th grade how can we earn some credits using the TOG plan?


3. Honors credits or regular credits? Which TOG components are we using and which components are we ignoring. Really!


more below....

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Continued from above....


And finally - how will THIS plan grow my student intellectually? Hsing has strengths and weakness. You need to access it's greatest strength if you are going to see progress: WILL THIS program I have chosen earn the child credits? Good. Yes. BUT will this child grow this year? They have to obtain information, yes! But they need to grow as readers and writers. I would suggest that you make a list of goals. Where is your child at with his writing? Are you planning to teach argumentation or is this kid just learning how to write an expository essay? Stop. Wait. This kid can't even write an expository paragraph without help. Start where they are and TEACH skills! Teach them where they are AT! Using the levels of TOG's writing program to target skills. So make sure you check for that.


And then I would recommend that you make a LIST of goals for the first quarter. For some kids, it will be as simple as


1. Make a binder and store all of your papers neatly without being reminded.

2. Every paper needs a heading at the top. Learn to write your name on everything.

3. Work on writing an expository paragraph on your own without Mom's help. From planning to proof reading without Mom's input.



Have you seen the Scope and Sequence Documents for TOG. Great to print to drop into the students permanent file. Great to check things off as you work through the year. Good to have to get an "overview" of four years of TOG with all the choices.






1. Start with an overall high school plan

2. Choose TOG subjects that will earn credits.

3. Think about how to earn those credits in a way that GROWS the students reading and writing ability - think GOALS.

4. Choose TOG assignments that will help your child grow toward those academic goals. As they grow in skill level, you can use different TOG assignments to match their skill levels.


Make sense?





Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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Actually I am glad you posted this here. I only have two kiddos currently and hoping to add a third so I will not be in the same boat as you but I am interested in hearing others' experience with that. Bumping this up for you :).



:iagree:Sometimes I think that "splitting up the boards" so much is a bad idea, because it keeps us from learning from each other. We have young students here, but I always keep my eye on TOG threads. So thanks for posting. :D

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I appreciate all the informative posts and Janice :thumbup1: thank you for all the great info. Very useful! However, I think that some of us in this thread, the OP included, or if not at least I know I have :tongue_smilie: been hoping to see what R level TOG lit discussions look in the homes of those that are using TOG at the R level. I am sure I will need to put in my own time when we get there to figure out how it will look in our home but it would be great to hear from those of you that have btdt. Is anyone on this forum using TOG lit for R? Should we perhaps do some research on the TOG forums about this?

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Thank you Janice....that was extremely helpful. I really do need to get a big picture plan of his high school. Right now I'm just feeling like I'm drowning. It such a big task! I really would love to just send him to a good school. But, that's not an option right now; it's so expensive! I plan on re-reading your post tomorrow when I'm not so tired from the day. Thank you so much for caring :001_smile:

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Thank you Janice....that was extremely helpful. I really do need to get a big picture plan of his high school. Right now I'm just feeling like I'm drowning. It such a big task! I really would love to just send him to a good school. But, that's not an option right now; it's so expensive! I plan on re-reading your post tomorrow when I'm not so tired from the day. Thank you so much for caring :001_smile:


Glad you found the comforting and support you were looking for :). We are many years away and I know I stress just thinking about high school. I can't even imagine what it must feel like for you. Anyway, it looks like my question is just something that I am wondering about so I probably should have just started a new thread ;). Sorry for jumping into yours. I'll just do my own research on the TOG forums :). Thank you for raising such an interesting question though. It has sparked the need for research on my part. Better for me to do it while my boys are still young.

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Oh my, yes. I do care. I really do.


I only have three "little people." And they are not so little any more. My hat is TRULY off to you folks with full quivers - ESPECIALLY when so many of those arrows are so, so young.


My prayer tonight is that you will find the Lord's peaceful direction for your beautiful family.


With hope,


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we used year 1 tog in the lower and upper grammer level for 2 years. i was thinking if i dont do this rotation a couple times i will have a very hard time trying to teach the material in the upper levels. even when i look inot the d and r sections i am lost!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Lampstand Press really ought to hire you to write a book. You ought to be paid for what you do for us newbies!


I agree COMPLETELY! Janice should write a book about teaching highschool at home. The information she shared is helpful to everyone, those using TOG and those who aren't. She is amazing! :hurray:

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I must be an idiot b/c I have spent the last hour looking over the R level lit for Y3 and my head is spinning! I'm actually very frustrated to tell you the truth. I thought this was supposed to make things easier for those of us with a large family with a lot of different age levels. What I just saw will NOT make things easier for me. Why does TOG make it so confusing? I just don't get it. It seems like such overkill....... Like it would really kill the joy of reading anything. My son is going into ninth grade and he is a bright, self-motivated student, but this is too much. There are 2 hours of discussion! And that isn't even counting Geography, Government, Church History etc...... When is a mother of a large family supposed to find the time to do all of that? I don't have enough time as it is! I am sooooooooooooooo discouraged! I really like TOG, but I'm already experiencing home school burnout....how is this going to help? I really wanted to stay with TOG for all four rotations, but my son is going into ninth grade and I have to start using the R level material. How do you mom's do it with large families and a lot of little ones. You have time for all the lecturing etc.? Please shed some light on this for me. I'm wondering if I get some Progeny Press guides to go along with some of the books would that be enough for a credit? I just DO NOT HAVE TIME for what they are asking for. I DO NOT get how this is supposed to help us moms of many. Please don't shoot me for my rant.... I'm just so frustrated with all that is required of me with homeschooling all of our children. I want something to lesson my load....not add to it. Isn't that why she wrote TOG in the first place? I just don't see how their R level makes things easier for the mother. How do you all do it?:confused:


Have you considered MFW high school? Your son can do it mostly or completely independently with over-the-shoulder guidance from parent, you can easily add to it if you feel that what's scheduled isn't "enough" or just do it exactly as written, whichever works best, you can tweak any parts that you don't like (I do), and he'll still get a great education. :)

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