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If you knew you were moving in 10 months

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what would your plan look like?


Ahhhhh, the plan is to move. The rental we'll move into is a house I know the floor plan for.


The moving is put off for 10 months because the house we're moving into won't be ready until then and that's OK because it gives us time to get things in order here.


DH still hasn't heard about the contractor job. Even if he gets it it's just a 3 month contract and that's well within the proposed 10-month plan.


I can't concentrate. And I can't feel this way for 10 months.

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The first thing I'd do is go room by room and get rid of things you don't want to move. Have a yard sale, donate it, or throw it out.


You will be surprised how much better you feel after that.


Is the new home bigger or smaller? If you need to downsize, be ruthless about your belongings. I guarantee you won't miss a thing anyway. BTDT.


I wouldn't start packing just yet, but I've been known to procrastinate. :001_smile:

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I have moved a lot. Clean out and get rid of what you don't need or want anymore. Then look up. Start on the walls everything comes down and is packed. Then work on cleaning things you don't use all the time vaporizers and etc. Keep going before you know it you will be down to what you only need.

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Pop over to the flylady site or check out her book; both have good moving sections.


I'd declutter, donate, yard sale and dump as much stuff as possible.

Super pre-clean and box stuff you wont need before the move.

Do any repairs, painting, cleaning or fixing to your existing home now.

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The first thing I'd do is go room by room and get rid of things you don't want to move. Have a yard sale, donate it, or throw it out.


You will be surprised how much better you feel after that.


... be ruthless about your belongings. I guarantee you won't miss a thing anyway. BTDT.

:iagree: 100% this! You have all summer to have yard sales!


And, when you finally do pack, invest in duct tape of different colors and color code each box to go into the room you want it to go. The moment it comes off the truck, it goes straight to the correct spot. Your life will be far easier on the other end if you do.


Also, have a box of kitchen essentials packed separately and move it in your car, along with another or suitcase of living essentials. You'll be glad you did.


In the kitchen essentials box, I put paper products, dish washing/drying stuffs, a knife and small cutting board, a pot, a peeler, sugar, tea and mugs (definitely essential here!) and some spices I use regularly. In the living essentials box I put our Bibles :001_smile:, soap, shampoo, tooth brushes and paste, towels, sheets, pillows, pjs and a change of clothes for the next day. I get the kitchen barely operational and the beds set up and made on day one, and then finish the kitchen early on day two.


It really helps to have a plan, believe me. We moved 11 or 12 times in the first ten years of marriage....

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:iagree: 100% this! You have all summer to have yard sales!


And, when you finally do pack, invest in duct tape of different colors and color code each box to go into the room you want it to go. The moment it comes off the truck, it goes straight to the correct spot. Your life will be far easier on the other end if you do.


Also, have a box of kitchen essentials packed separately and move it in your car, along with another or suitcase of living essentials. You'll be glad you did.


In the kitchen essentials box, I put paper products, dish washing/drying stuffs, a knife and small cutting board, a pot, a peeler, sugar, tea and mugs (definitely essential here!) and some spices I use regularly. In the living essentials box I put our Bibles :001_smile:, soap, shampoo, tooth brushes and paste, towels, sheets, pillows, pjs and a change of clothes for the next day. I get the kitchen barely operational and the beds set up and made on day one, and then finish the kitchen early on day two.


It really helps to have a plan, believe me. We moved 11 or 12 times in the first ten years of marriage....

love the color coding suggestion!

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I moved a few months ago and we didn't have much time to get things prepared. If there was more time, I would have gotten rid of much more stuff. I would also have packed better. We had too many misc boxes. Put things into a box that is only for one room in your new house. If you can't decide which box to put something in, you probably don't need it! Get rid of everything you haven't used in a year and don't expect to use in another year. Be ruthless. You will appreciate it later! Best of luck!

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Color coding. Why didn't I think of that? I will definitely use this idea. We also will be moving next year, so I am beginning the process of decluttering and dejunking as we remodel the last rooms of our house. Fortunately, we have a large Home Depot barn to store boxes as I pack.

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what would your plan look like?


Ahhhhh, the plan is to move. The rental we'll move into is a house I know the floor plan for.


The moving is put off for 10 months because the house we're moving into won't be ready until then and that's OK because it gives us time to get things in order here.


DH still hasn't heard about the contractor job. Even if he gets it it's just a 3 month contract and that's well within the proposed 10-month plan.


I can't concentrate. And I can't feel this way for 10 months.


question, the kids have these desks and we also have two of these desks . We got them free from another family. The kids don't use them 100% of the time. But it's so much easier than them all sitting fighting over space for their books at a white plastic folding table. But the desks get moved around alot and it's frustrating because the space keeps changing.


So what would you do, sell the desks? Sell both?


The new house has a english basement room where we'll do school. It's not big enough for both desks and table.

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Here's my strategy - move in six weeks. :) :) :) That's what's on our plate. Dh just got a job. He starts working May 16 and the whole family will move in ~ six weeks. So, hile I think it would be wonderful to have that time to really prepare, and I'm a little bit crazy thinking about trying to do this so quickly, I also think it would be challenging to focus on what's right now in front of you when you have this transition down the road. So ... no advice, just sympathy.

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