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I need your help with spelling! - large families come here!!!


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I have 11 kids and I'm homeschooling 7 and doing preschool with 3. I'm using Spelling Power and I like it. The kids like it. But I feel like I'm wasting time teaching a subject that can be done independently. See I can get workbooks and practice the words on Monday with them. Then during the week they can practice their words and do the activities in the workbook and Friday I can quiz them. That will give me 3 days of not teaching spelling. Has anyone switched from Spelling Power to works and think the workbooks work better? And Spelling Power users why do you like it better then workbooks besides price?

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Well, I wasn't using SP, but I was using AAS and have just come to the conclusion spelling needs to be an independent subject. I'm not schooling as many, but even with my 4 I was overwhelmed with too much teacher intensity in a subject that I don't think needs it. I have relatively good spellers so I am not even starting my younger two in AAS. They are doing Spelling Workout and Spelling City for additional practice. My older two are still doing AAS, but I think in the fall I'm switching them to SWO as well. I just ordered all the levels to see where they place. My older two are VERY sad, but it's what I need to do to keep my sanity! It's a difficult decision when you really love a curriculum and the only reason you're switching is because it's too much teacher time. I had the hardest time selling my first 4 levels! :( At this point you need to do what you think will make things easier for you... have to run the marathon!:D

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I'm in the same boat. I'm doing terribly with actually doing AAS. It's my deal, not the program, which I love. I got HOP spelling for the computer for the younger 2, but need something different core the older girls.


Going to check out SWO. Any other suggestions for independent spelling for 3rd-6th grade?

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I don't have a large family, but I'll chime in anyway:D


The thing I like best about Spelling Power is that the kids don't have to waste their time learning words that they already know how to spell.


I would think with the number of kids that you have, that there is a big age range. Can the olders give the test to the youngers, maybe have two or three kids work on spelling at a time that way?

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I like AAS in the early years. But once they can be independent, I love Phonetic Zoo because even though it's pricey it's not consumable. This is great for a family. We have fewer kids, but it's cheaper in the long run than workbooks.


I did use The Grammar of Spelling with my oldest before we discovered AAS for spelling before she was ready for Phonetic Zoo. We have just started using their advanced set with our oldest. It is unfortunately at the moment not available. It seems like they are improving it.

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I just got Soaring With Spelling to try with my ds8. I, too, needed an independent spelling programme for him. It still requires a pretest and posttest that I will have to do. You could have siblings help, though.


I decided against SWO because I wasn't a fan of the stories they had to read (not necessary in my mind!).

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I don't have a large family, but I'll chime in anyway:D


The thing I like best about Spelling Power is that the kids don't have to waste their time learning words that they already know how to spell.


I would think with the number of kids that you have, that there is a big age range. Can the olders give the test to the youngers, maybe have two or three kids work on spelling at a time that way?


This was going to be my suggestion as well. When I can't get to spelling with my kids, I have my kids give the test to each other. It works beautifully. The ones giving the test have a nice review. Of course, I still make sure to be the one to give the test at least weekly to assess how things are going.

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I have my good spellers use the old Calvert Spelling & Vocabulary Cd-roms. It's set up similar to Spelling Power, but completely on the computer. They are tested on 10 words, and study the words they misspell. I prefer more hands on with my poor spellers. :001_smile:

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I am schooling 5 from K to 6th this year and I am spending too much time with teacher intensive materials as well.


For next year, I purchased Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary. I like that it has a pre-test and post-test, which I will administer. I like knowing what words they will need to work on each week. It is a test year for me. I will go back to a more intensive mom-lead spelling program next year, if it doesn't work, but my DS6 needs my full attention this coming year for 1st, so that he gets a good start in the 3Rs.


For the same reasons, we are also switching from Rod & Staff Grammar(which I like to do orally) to Growing with Grammar for next year.

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We like Building Spelling Skills by CLP . Excellent workbook , phonics based, affordable and independent . One of Cathy Duffy's top 100 choices . See review on her website.

This is the one that I chose. I am moving from Phonics Road.


I almost went with Soaring with Spelling and Vocabulary. I liked that it had a pretest and post test with 3 days of workbook inbetween, just like you described in your OP.

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