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I am looking for a spiral math curriculum that covers time and money on a regular basis besides the basics. It would be nice if it included mental math as am a fan of singapore math but sadly my dd needs something more spiral. I am very busy and if it is not included in the curriculum then it gets skipped...that is the bottom line. I am finding that I need to supplement ALOT to keep things in her head.:001_smile:

I understand that if we switch around in math curriculums she could end up with gaps or get behind but.... if I am doing 2 days a week with singapore and 3 days of something else..won't that put us behind also as it would take a year and a half or so to complete a level?





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I use Singapore as my main math but supplement with Horizons for the type of review you're talking about. Horizons' lessons cover several different topics. We actually do 1 lesson of each everyday. Once my ds masters a concept, I don't make him do more than 4-6 problems in that concept per day in Horizons. For instance, once he had his addition and subtraction facts down, I only make him do enough addition and subtraction problems to keep the skill current. Right now, he has to do every multiplication problem because he doesn't have those facts down cold yet. Doing that makes the workload manageable but still accomplishes the goal.


Hope that makes sense. I'm directing dinner traffic and nursing right now.

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Have you considered CLE?

I'm not sure I would want to do CLE and Singapore. That would be a lot!


:iagree: I used CLE for a friends daughter and was fairly impressed. It is a good solid math program - lots of review and mental math. She was way behind in math and it really clicked with her and helped her catch up. You could just do Singapore Challenging Word Problems instead of the whole curriculum - just a problem or page per day.


I think doing both full on would be hard and confusing.

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If you want to continue using Singapore I would use something like Horizons.

But if you want to use one math program I say either Saxon or CLE.

I have heard Rod and Staff is like mastery but with review in it. I am not to familiar with thier math program to know how much the review time and money though.

If you need spiral I wouldn't use two programs until you get your groove with the first.

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I do Singapore as my main math.


I use R&S a grade above to supplement. I typically do the TE activities with her. Then she will do about 1/2 of it just aloud with me. Then I pick problems to write on the white board for her to solve.


I agree that Singapore does not have enough review of what I call the 'special' topics. I was very disappointed with Singapore's fractions unit for grade 3. It just didn't have enough practice built in. I am confident to make up my own math to supplement, but it is nice to have the book (R&S) to help me stay focused and not forget about those 'special' projects.

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What if you used a spiral program like Horizons or CLE as your main program. And then, when you see a new topic introduced (something that you want to go a bit deeper), pull in that chapter in Singapore? For instance, say you're plugging along in Horizons and you hit Fractions. Find the fractions chapter in Singapore, and work through that. If you wanted to keep going in Horizons simultaneously, you could just cut down on the amt of problems in Horizons, so that it doesn't take you forever to get thru both. So you wouldn't be using Singapore everyday, you would just be using it topically to add in additional knowledge on a topic. Some topics you may skip entirely (calendar, measurement, clocks, etc) and just hit the biggy topics (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals).

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Horizons was the first thing that popped into my mind too. I havent used CLE math, YET! But I think Horizos if probably even more review than CLE. Horizons is very gentle with LOTS of regular review on all subjects. It sounds like exactly what you want to me.

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Hi again,

Are the horizons math teachers manual really as bad as I have read? I am not concerned with the younger grades but as my dd gets older I may need some help.


For CLE users...how is the upper level math? I hear about people using CLE in younger grades but rarely see anything written for upper elementary.




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Hi again,

Are the horizons math teachers manual really as bad as I have read? I am not concerned with the younger grades but as my dd gets older I may need some help.


For CLE users...how is the upper level math? I hear about people using CLE in younger grades but rarely see anything written for upper elementary.





I plan to use CLE all the way through for my 2 boys (currently in k and 2nd) because they are revising the upper levels over the next few years. I think that is the reason that you don't hear about being used in the junior high years.


I use Saxon for DD because she will be in upper level maths before CLE completes those revisions (at least that was my understand this fall when I place her in Saxon 76). She is doing PreAlgebra next year and then Algebra. I didn't think switching around would be good for her. So I picked Saxon and she is doing great with it!

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If you go to Math Mammoth, you can buy her Clocks Blue Series book, and it contains units for several "grades". You can just do a few pages, wait a bit, then do a few more, wait a bit, then repeat with the pages from the more advanced material, and so forth. There is a lot of material there of increasing difficulty each time for just $5, and you can download it as a pdf, so no shipping.


Instant your choice of mastery or spiral program.



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