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If you really need a confession, I am very, very lazy about grading. Typically, if it is complete, I assign the lower-end percentage for an A. If you argue or fail to complete on time, I assign the lower-end percentage for a B.


I start somewhere around the second grade. I am required to submit some sort of evaluation. I choose percentage and grade letter assignment.


Truly, beginning with the third grade (I also test), I begin to submit calculated grades each semester. :)

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I don't keep grades either.


I even taught my sis for 5th-10th (then she moved back to Dad's) and we didn't grade her, although the plan was always for her to go to community college. So if you were doing some more competitive college you might need better grades.


As community college will probably be the first step for all of my kids, I don't have any plans to regularly keep grades.


There are a few things I grade assignments for, but I don't keep track of anything.


(Okay, the boys do keep track of the grades on thier math tests, because they want to see who has done better ;), somewhere around here is a chart with scores and averages....)

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I don't keep grades here, but I don't have to either. I will start grading some things in 7th grade, more in 8th and by 9th I will keep full grades. I think that's only fair as any college my kids go to they will use grades. I want my kiddos to experience that at home first. I'll start in 7th just in case they end up in private school for high school.


Sorry, can't comment on any software... as a first grade teacher I had to do grades... I would always count the amount of problems and figure out what percentage they got right... then grade on the typical grading scale. This helped because I wasn't grading subjectively... I had proof to the parent why I graded things a certain way... which is tricky in the younger years when your assessments aren't usually multiple choice tests! If I had to assign grades that's how I'd do it now though.

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Thanks. My oldest is starting kindergarten next year. I think I will probably wait until highschool to keep grades. I see no other reason why I would need to before then.


Me, too. I'm going to start with grades in high school. Maybe 8th grade to get them used to it. Really, if they don't understand something, we just don't move on. So, everybody would have an A in all subjects. :D

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I'm required by my covering to submit number and letter grades each semester :glare:. I don't like it for 2nd grade, but I do understand the need for frequent assessments. I was a high school English teacher so I know how to do it for high school. For elementary school, I try to take a quick weekly assessment in most areas and in the back of my planning book, I use the blank monthly calendar to record that week's assessment. Usually, it's not a formal test or anything; it's just a weekly reading out loud assessment (expression, accuracy), a writing assessment (copywork), Bible verse memory, math work, etc. It's stuff she'd already be doing, but I let my dd know that I will be grading her so she gets use to the pressure of being graded, and already, it's no big deal. I have the dreaded "red pen" and we make it into a game having to use it. (I don't use it all the time, and I wouldn't if it ever produced tears). But we laugh and have fun as I grade her math or spelling words. I get a weekly assessment I can average out to see how she's done in each subject and give that to my covering. I don't grade content subjects - science, history, music, art, etc - and if they want a grade for it, I give a participation grade.


In a home school setting, I think grades are silly for young ones, yet she's already acclimated to how the world works outside our house without ever going to school. Don't sweat giving grades, but just keep making progress in each subject gradually, and you'll be fine.

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Our state law requires an "evaluation" of their work. That can mean so many things! I just give grades on math, spelling, and science using a percentage and for our other subjects I just use exceeding expectation, meeting expectation, needs improvement. I type up a "report card" 3 times a year (every 12 weeks) and just file it away in case it is ever needed. I started it with 2nd grade since I don't have to keep any records until the age of 7. Be sure to check your state law to make sure you are following that. Otherwise I don't see need for grades until middle school or high school.

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If not required by the state, I think grades are pointless before Jr. High (or whenever child begins taking HS credit classes). At least in my house they would be. Until then, she will never receive any grades below an A, because if she did, that would mean she hadn't mastered it, and we would review, expand, whatever until she had achieved mastery.

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For kindergarten this year I was given a report card from the kindergarten teach at our local school- where he would have gone. I just went through midyear for myself and checked what he had completed and where he still needed work. I will do the same at the end of the year (although we will go through the summer). Otherwise I just make sure he is completing the assignment and doing his best. We do redo until it is correct no matter what.

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