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I'm surprised - BJU DVD program? Would I be crazy to consider...

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A friend on the board suggested I pop over to the high school part of the board and start reading when I can spare a minute to help me get an idea of what the rest of the road looks like (my oldest enters 4th/5th in the fall). Without trying or specifically looking for this point, I have been surprised at how many families have used or use BJU DVD/Online program at the higher grades. I was even more surprised at the comments referencing things really step up and become quite rigorous around 7th grade (not a bad thing for our house).


After reading this, I am starting to wonder if maybe I should move her over to the BJU DVD program around 6th grade for the bulk of her subjects. Would I be nuts to consider this?


The kids are thoroughly enjoying SOTW 1 right now and Elemental Science biology. She is doing fine with R&S 3 grammar.


Okay, oh, wise homeschooling moms.... let me have it. :D

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A lot of people use *some* BJU stuff, but I wouldn't make the leap to assume there are lots of people here doing that entirely. It's great mind you, but it doesn't always fit your dc. Or you figure out it takes just as long to supervise as to do the videos. Or you realize your particular dc lets things go in one eyeball and out the other. Or you realize you just don't want to do *all* your subjects that way. But to select certain things from them that really work for your particular dc, absolutely! To do a whole grade level because you decide it fits your family situation best at that stage, absolutely. Could you plan on jumping in at 7th? I suppose. It just hadn't occurred to me. My guess is you're going to get there and realize you want a mix of things, with help in some subjects and you still doing others with them. There's no need to assume you HAVE to do BJU6 materials to jump in with any of their 7. The BJU science and reading 6 would be fine, but there's no need to change a good math progression that is working for you. The BJU 6 history is wrapping up american, so that's sort of awkward. They won't (last I checked) let you mix 6 and 7 classes. You can flex up and down a grade within 1-6 or 7 and up. So if your 6th grader wants to do the 7 history (which is WONDERFUL), you're sunk. (unless they've changed it)


I would assess your needs for 6th gr when you get there. In the meantime, I would try to get to a convention or find someone local to you who uses BJU materials and look at their stuff. Really be honest about what you like about it, what you don't, which subjects will fit your kids and which won't. That will probably answer all this for you. Yes, it would be deliciously convenient to sign our kids up for BJU 7th on up and do the dvd stuff. Unless of course it doesn't happen to fit our kids. So just look at the materials and trust your gut. The things you think you'll like about it, you probably will. And the things you think might be a problem probably will be. ;)

Edited by OhElizabeth
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I have learned that if it's not broke, don't fix it. If what you are using currently is working, stick with it. If you do want to try a DVD course, I would start by picking one class and seeing how you like it.


I would also say that you might want to look at future science plans. One of my biggest regrets is not doing more rigorous science in earlier years. DS would have really benefitted from it.

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I have learned that if it's not broke, don't fix it. If what you are using currently is working, stick with it. If you do want to try a DVD course, I would start by picking one class and seeing how you like it.


I have no personal experience with BJU DVD courses, but people I know who've gone to such DVD or video programs for all subjects have generally tended to burn out on them within a couple years. Something to consider.

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I have no personal experience with BJU DVD courses, but people I know who've gone to such DVD or video programs for all subjects have generally tended to burn out on them within a couple years. Something to consider.

:iagree:We don't use a DVD program or BJUP. It really depends on the learning style of your child. I know of one family in my hs support group use only BJU homesat for their child years ago... but now that child is happily in public school.

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While they may be great for many, many students, we tried their BJU Spanish I for high school, and my kids hated it. They ended up not learning Spanish, and basically, I wasted a lot of money. It was costly to "lease" the DVD's as well. We only had 13 months in which to use it, before sending it back.

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We use BJU dvd's. BUT, I would not recommend using more than two of their dvd programs a year. It is just too time consuming. To make it more cost effective, I tend to purchase the whole grade package. We usually use the dvd's for science and Spanish. (Have used other subjects also.) Then, we use the texts for some of our other subjects, but not the dvd's. I teach them myself. We did start out trying to use more of the dvd's, but :tongue_smilie:it just was too much.

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You guys are great! My hubby and I are both science minded. The kids beg to do science first every day. By sheer nature of elementary years, there isn't as much science in our day as everyone would like (time spent on the basics: reading, writing, grammar, math, etc). SO... taking ALL of your feedback into consideration, this is what we decided to do with your wisdom:


BJU Online Science Camp.


What am I talking about? Basically, we are ordering a grade year of BJU Science today, in our case 3rd grade - topic choice. We finish Elemental Science at the end of May, just in time for the online classes to become available. The kids will continue science using the BJU program through the summer. The caveat is they must do at least 1 class a day. I watched the sample video. I know my kids. They will eat up a week in 1 day. They simply LOVE science, science videos, Magic School Bus, SL Discover and Do videos, all science shows on PBS... you get the picture. This will give everyone a very nice taste of how the online stuff works AND give them something fun and constructive during the summer. $300 for 2 kids to go to science camp is dirt cheap! Lol. And if they finish during our summer break - great. If they don't, no biggie... we have until Dec '12 to finish.


Thank you for the wisdom. I look forward to seeing how it works out.

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Just a slight correction.... BJU Heritage Studies 6 covers the Ancients up to the Middle Ages or so. It is BJU HS 5 that covers the 2nd 1/2 of American History. However, for us, history is something that I like to do with them, using a plethora of books and materials. It is just more fun for us this way. But we do use most of the BJU DVD's. It is a good thing, too, has my 9 dd has been able to happily work away at her classes while I am (unfortunately) dealing with trying to invoke a stronger work ethic in my 11 ds. He balks at doing his schoolwork, but I can see vast improvement in his math, scientific inquiry, and writing skills since starting the DVD's nearly 2 years ago.


My 2 dc are quite the opposites. One of them will do everything the teacher says to do (and more) and the other will try to do the absolute minimum in order to finish his school day (and that requires me to stay on top of what he is doing).


I know, though, that both of them are getting a lot more done in the school day now than when I was trying to teach everything to them. I can't tell you how many days I ran out of energy and only did 1/2 days with them prior to knowing that I had that DVD discs and making a schedule for the year that kept me more accountable and made sure that my dc got more accomplished in a given year. I am learning, though, thanks to this board, that I don't have to make them do every single lesson in every single class, so that is quite freeing as well.



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A friend on the board suggested I pop over to the high school part of the board and start reading when I can spare a minute to help me get an idea of what the rest of the road looks like (my oldest enters 4th/5th in the fall). Without trying or specifically looking for this point, I have been surprised at how many families have used or use BJU DVD/Online program at the higher grades. I was even more surprised at the comments referencing things really step up and become quite rigorous around 7th grade (not a bad thing for our house).


After reading this, I am starting to wonder if maybe I should move her over to the BJU DVD program around 6th grade for the bulk of her subjects. Would I be nuts to consider this?


The kids are thoroughly enjoying SOTW 1 right now and Elemental Science biology. She is doing fine with R&S 3 grammar.


Okay, oh, wise homeschooling moms.... let me have it. :D


We have used BJU DVD for science since 7th. The 7th was brilliant. We thought to ourselves, this is it!!! This is so fabulous we will use it the rest of the way through. And then, Physical Science was awful and the biology is just good. For 8th, and for many reasons I will not go in to here, we got the entire year set for our dd. The subjects were very hit or miss. The biggest issue was how much longer it made her days. Lecture on every subject then the work. Plus, many of the dvds are just old HomeSat courses still so there is the teacher having to deal with typical time wasters, explain the syllabus, and drone on and one about anecdotes rather than just teaching. It drove her batty. It is rigorous indeed but as of this year, we are done with BJU.

Additionally, my youngest would be crushed by this kind of school, she is a Charlotte Mason kind of kid entirely.

Stay your course, you know your kids best. :grouphug:

Edited by Lizzie in Ma
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While they may be great for many, many students, we tried their BJU Spanish I for high school, and my kids hated it. They ended up not learning Spanish, and basically, I wasted a lot of money. It was costly to "lease" the DVD's as well. We only had 13 months in which to use it, before sending it back.

editing to bite my tongue. It was less than a hit here too. poor dd.

Edited by Lizzie in Ma
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You know, I think I should have known that (about the BJU6) but I was having a brain blip. I was just remembering that my dd did quite a bit of the BJU 7 when a missionary child was here visiting and liked it so much, and remembered they did a ton of american before ancients. But you're right, I totally forgot about the survey of ancient cultures to middle ages in 6th. (I did it myself in a cs how many years ago, lol, you'd think I'd remember.)


Well I'm glad the op sorted out what she wants to do! Make sure you have them read the textbook assignments that go with the lessons. That way they build the skills to keep moving forward.

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BTW, if the op is a little freaked out about people not liking the BJU science when she wants to use it, remember there is DIVE with lectures you coordinate to the text of your choice.


I have a SIL who makes BJU straight, with all the video lessons, work for her family. But that's the way they do things and they're very committed to it. I think people who have been a lot more eclectic would have a hard time buckling under that. We're used to changing things when they aren't working, etc.

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You guys are great! My hubby and I are both science minded. The kids beg to do science first every day. By sheer nature of elementary years, there isn't as much science in our day as everyone would like (time spent on the basics: reading, writing, grammar, math, etc). SO... taking ALL of your feedback into consideration, this is what we decided to do with your wisdom:


BJU Online Science Camp.


What am I talking about? Basically, we are ordering a grade year of BJU Science today, in our case 3rd grade - topic choice. We finish Elemental Science at the end of May, just in time for the online classes to become available. The kids will continue science using the BJU program through the summer. The caveat is they must do at least 1 class a day. I watched the sample video. I know my kids. They will eat up a week in 1 day. They simply LOVE science, science videos, Magic School Bus, SL Discover and Do videos, all science shows on PBS... you get the picture. This will give everyone a very nice taste of how the online stuff works AND give them something fun and constructive during the summer. $300 for 2 kids to go to science camp is dirt cheap! Lol. And if they finish during our summer break - great. If they don't, no biggie... we have until Dec '12 to finish.


Thank you for the wisdom. I look forward to seeing how it works out.


This sounds like a really good plan. Enjoy your science camp! :)

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