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My Handwashing Fiasco

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I learned here that people actually notice whether or not you wash your hands after using the restroom, and even that they notice and care if you use soap. So, when I went to a retreat a couple weekends ago, I made sure to wash my hands with soap after every trip to the bathroom. I didn't want the other people there to judge me for not using soap, yk.


Well, I'm allergic to something in most soaps, which is why I don't use soap for the most part. One of the days, I ended up being more itchy than normal. Within a couple of hours, the itchiness had spread and gotten worse. I couldn't function because my upper arms and shoulders were so horribly uncomfortable. A couple of my friends even noticed how uncomfortable I was. I finally figured out what it was. I had washed my hands and transferred the residue of the soap from my hands when I scratched elsewhere.


I ended up having to shower, using baking soda to help me scrub/dissolve any residue off my skin. Then I had to apply hydrocortizone cream (I'm never without it) and take an antihistamine pill.


Everyone was very understanding when I explained what was up, but one person didn't get it. She asked me, "Didn't you rinse off the soap when you were done?" I had to explain, "When you wash your hands, can you still smell the scent of the soap on your hands after you've rinsed and dried them? That's because it leaves a residue on your skin." She got it.


So, please understand that some people can't use soap in public restrooms.

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I generally dont and I do not have a skin issue. It is actually the friction of rubbing that does the most good anyways, and I would rather know exactly what I am putting on my skin. *Gasp* there are even times when I skip it all together in favor of using some of my instant.

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My middle dd used to have problems with soap in most public restrooms, even if it was only once (never mind a whole weekend of it). I just carried a little bottle of soap with me.


Is there a reason they cared? Like, you were helping prepare food? Otherwise, I don't get why it would register with anyone? :confused:

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The group from the weekend said they didn't notice or care...after I brought it up and explained. Several of us were sitting around a table as I scratched and squirmed and finally figured out why I was miserable.


It's here that I learned people that people cared about things like that. Because of threads here, I've become much more aware of how people think about things like this, and have tried to alter how I behave to fit in better socially.

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Ugh! Sorry you felt like you had to make yourself miserable because of nosy busy-bodies out there.


I had someone actually time dd and I while we were washing our hands- at a funeral no less. We were rushing to get back to the chapel before the Rosary started, so we did a quick squirt and scrub. The other lady in the bathroom actually commented that we didn't wash for the complete 20 seconds and asked if we were concerned about germs. Since we were in a church and at a funeral, I just smiled and walked out. Some people have some serious nerve.

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Ugh! Sorry you felt like you had to make yourself miserable because of nosy busy-bodies out there.


I had someone actually time dd and I while we were washing our hands- at a funeral no less. We were rushing to get back to the chapel before the Rosary started, so we did a quick squirt and scrub. The other lady in the bathroom actually commented that we didn't wash for the complete 20 seconds and asked if we were concerned about germs. Since we were in a church and at a funeral, I just smiled and walked out. Some people have some serious nerve.


Wow...unreal! We mostly use hand sanitizer when in public for two reasons. One my older dd usually cannot reach the soap dispenser, and two, most soap dispensers and sinks are nastier than our hands!!

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Oh, my, JoAnn. I'm so sorry that happened to you! Point well taken.



I had someone actually time dd and I while we were washing our hands- at a funeral no less. We were rushing to get back to the chapel before the Rosary started, so we did a quick squirt and scrub. The other lady in the bathroom actually commented that we didn't wash for the complete 20 seconds and asked if we were concerned about germs. Since we were in a church and at a funeral, I just smiled and walked out. Some people have some serious nerve.


Wow. That reminds me of the time my son (around age 10) was at a convenience store getting a fountain drink. A lady verbally accosted him about the amount of ice he put in his cup! :glare:

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