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Did anyone else just realize tomorrow is Mother's Day?

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I figure it will be the annual breakfast in bed - scrambled eggs, toast, cereal, and juice - made by my dh and accompanied by handmade cards from the dc. Hugs and kisses, as they spill the juice, and then... the rest of the day will be just like any other Sunday. Oh, except that at some point we have to call the female relatives to wish them a happy day, too.


What do you expect at your house?

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I have preparations to make for tomorrow still.


First, I'll rush to make breakfast and dress the kids. Next we'll head out for church. When we get back I gather everything together for the cake and head to my parents' house and decorate it. I think the men will cook something there. I may get to relax a bit after it's decorated.


We're doubling up Mother's Day with a little party for my daughter's 3rd birthday with grandma, papa and the cousins so after a Mother's Day meal, I'll toss her a little party and we'll have cake and presents.

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I'll tell you what I *didn't* expect. I got home from our early morning baseball game to find all of my new gardens filled with vinca major, petunias, boxwoods, azaleas and a gorgeous tall narrow tree that I've not yet identified. Everything was planted exactly where I wanted it, the colors are perfect, and the mess was all cleaned up. It's so beautiful, I cried and cried.


My husband isn't usually very subtle or secretive, so I don't know how he did it. But I'm sure glad he did. What a gift.

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I am teaching preschool Sunday School tomorrow, so I will help them make a craft for their Moms. Mine will give me presents, praise, and kisses - nothing fancy. I asked for a ficus tree. I meant a BIG weeping fig, but I probably should have been really clear about that. I'm probably getting a little one, but I'll live, and it will grow.


The boys have a violin recital and then I will have both MIL and my mother for dinner tomorrow night, so that's a bit of work for me. But really, I don't really feel like MD is about me. I tend to feel it's an opportunity for DH to show the kids how to express "special occasion" love and affection and for me to love on my Mom and DH's Mom.

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I forgot to send my mom a card. She forgives me, after I orchestrated a surprise birthday party for her last month, including getting my brother down from Missouri.


But I put a blog post up for her! She'll like that.


You can come take a peek if you want! This is the most precious picture in the world to me, it was taken during the time period when she did not have custody of me. I don't remember it. I have only fleeting memories of her until I met her just before my 8th birthday. So there are few pictures, this one means the world to me.


She'll probably cry. And then she'll call me. She knows it is my favorite picture in the world.

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((sniff sniff)) Hubby and two big boys are away for the weekend... but they will be back in the afternoon at least. Kids have been sick though so I don't know that we'll do anything/go anywhere. The ones that are home won't know it's Mother's Day. I guess I'll just commemorate it by being motherly. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, I knew it was Mother's Day tomorrow but I've been in denial. My dd11 made me a beautiful card last week and has been dying to give it to me (I haven't seen it...just know it is beautiful!). My ds10 apologized tonight that he hadn't made me a card yet. I told him it was okay that he'd been busy fighting the "Dark Side" all week. :D Dh brought me some pretty flowers on Thursday...a nice surprise. AND, tomorrow. Well, dd has asked me to come to church. :glare: So, if I don't, I'll feel guilty. But, I really, really don't want to go...remember my post a month ago about not wanting to go to church? We're almost obligated to visit my mother as we do every Sunday, even though we really cannot afford the gas. It's not that I don't want to see my mom or my grandmother...I do. But, I'll be up all night as usual and tired tomorrow and really not good company. I guess I wish they could come to us, instead of us driving down to them. I'm hoping against all hope that the contractions I'm having now (after downing some nasty castor oil) will result in another Mother's Day baby so I don't have to deal with any of the "issues" tomorrow.

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I figure it will be the annual breakfast in bed - scrambled eggs, toast, cereal, and juice - made by my dh and accompanied by handmade cards from the dc. Hugs and kisses, as they spill the juice, and then... the rest of the day will be just like any other Sunday. Oh, except that at some point we have to call the female relatives to wish them a happy day, too.


What do you expect at your house?


Just another normal day.... the 3yo woke me up. I'm up, DH and the other 2 are asleep.....


I'm sure that breakfast won't happen for me - not even OUT of bed..... i'm not cooking though. They can dream THAT up on their own.


BUT, DH has work to do - his lofty list still isn't going to get done. I almost laughed at him when he told me his plans. The side-job work has to come before what needs to get done here..... again.....


Anyway, have a great day every one!

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I do love Mother's Day...


I'm up early polishing up my sermon (like every Sunday), but I'm going to head back to bed.... I think I'll get breakfast in bed. Since I always have to work on Mother's Day, my dh tries to take the kids out the day before as a special "quiet time" treat. I read 450 pages of a book yesterday!


I know there was some shopping too, because my 4 year old announced, "Mommy, we bought you three presents, one each, but I'm not going to talk about them at all!"


And dinner tonight will be takeout from one of my favorite places--though I just discovered my first pick is closed today. http://www.chilimysoul.com/ Hmmmm... maybe Indian? We never get that. Followed by my pick of family movie on DVD. We've got Astronaut Farmer from Netflix, I think I'll go with that. Or maybe make them watch P&P again, for the gazillionth time. Yeah! I'm looking forward to today!

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Well, I've known it was Mother's Day, and I've been working on something for Mother's Day -- but it's for the ladies in our church and not for my own mother and MIL. I'll be calling them tomorrow to apologize!


(The ladies at church, however, get this.)


I have never heard that song..it is so beauitful!

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