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Controversial: Do other people find it the use of religion/race to be devisive?

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I just don't get it. There is just as much potential for a person of any belief system to be a lighter or darker shade of grey. Surely these comments labelling people as their religious beliefs only ask for division and lessen tolerance...


Sorry, just ranting. I just see it everywhere on here, and I was always taught that God and politics are conversations that are off limits. Every person should strive for goodness and tolerance, and to be the best they can be. Their religious beliefs surely shouldn't come in to this!

Edited by GypsieFamily
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I would never write a post and preface a comment with saying that someone is African/Asian/Islander/Caucasian/European/American etc etc. Why do so many people do this with religion? It doesn't seem any more descriptive to tell me a belief system than a race. And doesn't it go against the tolerance preached in the bible?


Yes and no. Yes it does go against God's call (?) for tolerance because we are all one body in Christ. He doesn't see all the different denominations. He just sees our hearts. No it isn't weird like prefacing a post with "I'm White" or "I'm Asian" because those things cannot be helped. People cannot choose their race, but they CAN chose their religious preferences. Sometimes someone may preface a post with "I'm Lutheran" or I'm Catholic" just so you know where they're coming from.


I just don't get it. There is just as much potential for a person of any belief system to be a lighter or darker shade of grey. Surely these comments labelling people as their religious beliefs only ask for division and lessen tolerance...


Again, I think most people are just trying to demonstrate where they're coming from. However, you are right when you say there can be a wide variety of opinions within a certain denomination/belief system. The Pagans here are not homogeneous. Neither are the Catholics. But, it does help to know someone's perspective when they give curriculum or life advice.


Sorry, just ranting. I just see it everywhere on here, and I was always taught that God and politics are conversations that are off limits. Every person should strive for goodness and tolerance, and to be the best they can be. Their religious beliefs surely shouldn't come in to this!


1. This is an internet forum. We do not have to look at others. It is much easier to engage in discussions on God and politics here than in real life.


2. Many of us are indeed striving for goodness, though some are confused about the definition of tolerance. Some view "tolerance" as acceptance of other views, while others take the "love the sinner, hate the sin" approach. Tolerance means different things to different people.


3. My religious beliefs play a large role in my life. IMO, they should color all actions of my life. Of course, again, that means different things to different people. And even within my specific denomination there is a variety of definitions. It's all relative.

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Surely these comments labelling people as their religious beliefs only ask for division and lessen tolerance...


I completely disagree. These forums have been an amazing place to understand people better, to connect with others from hugely different backgrounds, and to give me an opportunity to "meet" people whose culture or religious beliefs I would never otherwise meet.


I just see it everywhere on here, and I was always taught that God and politics are conversations that are off limits. Every person should strive for goodness and tolerance, and to be the best they can be. Their religious beliefs surely shouldn't come in to this!


That's IRL, and this is different. Sure, there are plenty of forums where this wouldn't be appreciated or permitted, and that's part of the wonderful-ness (!) here.


Religious beliefs have everything to do with one's world view; how could one not be interested in someone's religious belief? For many (here or otherwise), it's the single most important part of their life.


I don't have discussions like this with my neighbors, that's for sure. But I'd love to!

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I think many people really enjoy or are at least stimulated by the religious bent on discussions here.

For better or worse, people do seem to let their hair down here and be fairly real and often discuss things here that they might not get the opportunity to in real life- at least more frequently. I know I do. I don't have anything to do with Christians normally, although my years of homeschooling exposed me to many. But I found that I sort of felt at home here in a majority Christian environment - and I think that is because it is up for discussion. If it wasn't, probably a lot of presumptions would be made and it wouldn't be anywhere near as diverse and interesting- and actually tolerant- as it is. It's unique.

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It's weird having a piece of America in my lounge room, yes.





:lol: I'm glad we can provide some entertainment, Rosie!



On a serious note, I think we have a very, very segregated and eccentric country.


Also, keep in mind that this is an anonymous internet forum and I think people feel more free to express their opinion or ask questions. That might be why things seem rude sometimes. I don't think anyone is trying to be offensive.

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It's weird having a piece of America in my lounge room, yes.
I forgot to tell you that I like your avatar. :)




I really shouldn't have posted, I had just read something that I interpreted as my religion = good, this other person = different beliefs = bad. I'll just take my foot out to put the other one in...


I actually agree with a lot of the sentiments that have been described here. Being able to have conversations about belief systems and understanding each other does help tolerance, I'm just not sure about it's use as yet another label. But maybe that says more about my attitude towards labels; any labels.

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It's weird having a piece of America in my lounge room, yes.





It is, isn't it?


Like an edited media version; only disjointed bits and snippets. I suppose the same could be said for those of us that live elsewhere as well...




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